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53 Cards in this Set

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Fasting glucose target DM and pregnant


1h post meal glucose target DM and pregnant


2h post meal glucose target DM and pregnant


First line for hyperemesis gravidarum

Antihistamines (promethazine)

Medical management of missed miscarriage

Vaginal misoprostol + antiemetics + pain relief

If mum gets singles, does it affect the baby


Do you treat varicella in pregnancy

Yes. Give Aciclovir

If mum has HIV, what do you give her in labour and when?

Zidovudine infusion started 4h before delivery

Quadruple test for downs (14-20 weeks)

(high) Inhibin A

(High) BHCG

(Low) AFP

(Low) Unconjugated oestriol

(And woman's age)

Over what age can you keep in the IUD til you no longer need contraception


For the IUS, it's >45 and no periods on the IUS, then you can keep it in til you no longer need contraception

What must you strongly advise if you give the contraceptive patch

Don't smoke

The risk of stroke is high because 60% more oestrogen in the patch than the COCP!

What combined hormonal contraception can be used if you have IBD

Vaginal ring

Bypasses first pass metabolism

How long must female barrier methods be left in after sex

6h at least

Difference between preimplantation genetic diagnosis and screening

Difference between ABx for mastitis in lactating and non-lactating women

Non-lactating - co-amox

Lactating - flucloxicillin

What injections could you give to a mother who has APH and is awaiting surgery

corticosteroids if the baby if less than 34 weeks gestation

Anti-D should be given to Rhesus- negative mothers

Define APH

Bleeding PV after 24 weeks (but before the onset of labour).

Describe the USS timeframe for placenta praevia

When should you admit and when should you do a C section (assuming no APH)

Low lying placenta seen at routine 20 week scan

Rescan at 32 weeks to see if it's still low

If still low, scan fortnightly until 36 weeks

At 37 weeks, if the placenta remains low, she should be admitted and elective C-section performed at 39 weeks.

What does placenta praevia with previous Caesarean put you at risk of

Placental abruption (as the scar is low-lying)

When do you go the postpartum DM test if they had GDM


It's a GTT that you do to test

When are the extra USS for GDM

28w and every 4w from then

What is a normal weight increase when pregnant if healthy BMI

What's most of that weight from?


Blood volume!

What does oestrogen do in pregnancy

Simulates prolactin release

Breast growth

Protein synthesis

When does the placenta start to produce progesterone

After 35 days of gestation

What does progesterone do in pregnancy

Reduces smooth muscle excitability (vasculature, uterus, gut, ureters)

Raises body temperature

Counters prolactin

Why does the follicle with the most FSH receptors become dominant

Because more FSH-Rs mean more aromatase and therefore more oestrogen made.

What does the rise in oestrogen do in the menstrual cycle

Causes surge of LH and FSH which cause ovulation

Optimises chances of FERTILISATION by making mucus more hospitable to sperm, spiral arteries emerge, thicken functional layer of endometrium

After the LH surge and ovulation, what does the corpus luteum do

Theca cells produce progesterone due to low LH

Granulosa cells produce inhibin due to low FSH (which decreases FSH which decreases oestrogen)

What does progesterone do in the menstrual cycle

Makes uterus receptive to IMPLANTATION

Negative feedback to decrease LH and FSH

Do you screen everyone for GDM with a GTT

No, just people who had GDM before, had previous big baby, BMI >30 or 1st degree FH of DM

(I think you pick up the others from the urine dip, and send them for GTT)

When do you give routine anti-D if Rh -ve pregnancies

28 and 34w

Postnatally, what should you do for a Rh -ve mother

Check blood Rh group of baby

Do Kleihauer test on mum (especially important in stillbirth as cause may have been transplacental haemorrhage)

Then give anti-D within 72h

Check maternal blood every 48h to determine clearance of cells and need for continuing anti-D

When should anti-D be given in unsuccessful pregnancies and after procedures of Rh -ve women (within ? hours)

Within 72 hours


Evacuation of hydatiform mole

Miscarriage after 12w

Threatened miscarriage after 12w

Ectopic pregnancy if managed surgically


Amniocentesis etc.

External cephalic version

Why do we not do amniocentesis earlier

Increased risk of talipes, resp problems and death

What does a nuchal thickness of 2.5mm Vs 3.5mm make you think of

>2.5 downs

>3.5 cardiac issues eg heart failure for whatever reason, or congenital malformations

Nuchal thickness often looks thick in monochorionic twins but it's false positives

The greater the extent of FNT, the greater the risk of abnormality.

What decreases PAP-A

Smoking (also increases inhibin)


What is high (hi) in down syndrome




If someone had GBS in previous pregnancy


Offer IV ABx prophylaxis

Or testing in pregnancy (35-37w) then ABx if positive

Regardless of GBS status, maternal IV ABx prophylaxis (BenPen) should be offered to...

Women in preterm labor

Pyrexial during labor

GBS+ve in previous pregnancy

Previous baby with GBS

If swab isolated GBS in PPROM, what ABx would you give

Penicillin and clindamycin

How short is a short cervix


<25mm at <24 weeks


Cerclage (can also put in if history-indicated by 3 or more preterm births/late miscarriages)

What's the usefulness of foetal fibronectin

Check for in PPROM.

If negative, rules out labour

(But if positive, doesn't rule in labour)

When is the time limit for putting in a cerclage


Or you risk ROM

When would you NOT give PROPHYLACTIC ABx in preterm LABOUR

When the membranes haven't ruptured

There's an increased risk of cerebral palsy!

But if something needs TREATING then give ABx, despite intact membranes

What are the indications for tocolytics? Name some

To delay delivery in preterm labour so that you can give steroids or transfer woman to neonatal unit

If there's cord prolapse




If, after 24-48h observations, a woman with PPROM isn't in labour and doesn't have a temperature, what should you do

Send them home and they much take their temperature every 4h

They have bi-weekly FBC & CRP measurements

Aim to deliver at 34 weeks

(They must finish their 10 day course of erythromycin)

The OCP is protective for which cancers?



What is normal endometrial thickness


When would you send for a scan rather than a 2ww for suspected endometrial ca

If >55

With unusual discharge


Or +thrombocytosis!

Or with haematuria

+Low Hb

Or +thrombocytosis

Or +high bgl

Difference between treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with atypoa, and stage I endometrial cancer

Hysterectomy for EHWA

With bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for stage I cancer (and radio if Ib or worse)

Postnatally, what should you do for the baby of an Rh -ve mother

Take cord blood for:



Direct coombs test (will tell you if there are Abs on baby's rbc's)

High risk of pre-eclampsia (CHAD)


HTN during previous pregnancies

AI diseases (SLE, antiphospholipid)


What are absolute CIs for tocolytics


Foetal death or lethal abnormality

Condition needing immediate delivery, of course