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24 Cards in this Set

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To whom it may concern لمن يهمه الامر

I’m all set أنا جاهز

Haste makes waste في العجلة الندامة

Troublemaker 👿 يحب المشاكل

The fox guardian the hen house

حاميها حراميها


Pick up the phone رد على الهاتف

Hold on , I have another call انتظر على الخط لدي مكالمة

You are breaking up صوتك يقطع

Don’t hang up لا تقفل الخط

Can you speak up please ? ارفع صوتك


Bit Someone ass

Half -assed تنفيذ العمل بشكل ناقص او اقل جهد


I’m full انا شبعان

I’m stuffed معدتي ممتلئة

I will burst سوف انفجر من الشبع

I’ve had all I can eat لقد تناولت كل ما يمكنني اكله

I can’t eat anymore لا يمكنني اكل المزيد


Abduct خطف او اختطف

He had attempted to abduct the two children.

Blackout تعميم

Media blackout

Heartless عديم الرحمة

The decision does seem a little heartless.

Nostalgia الحنين الى الماضي

Her childhood photo caused nostalgia .


Stoppable يمكن ايقافه

Unstoppable لا يمكن ايقافه


Stoppable يمكن ايقافه

Unstoppable لا يمكن ايقافه


Apple a day keeps a doctor away

تفاحة في اليوم تُبقي الدكتور بعيد

A bad apple شخص سيء

The best way to deal with bad apples is to take them out of the group as quickly as possible .

The big apple معناها نيويورك

To go pear-shaped اذا كل شيء صار خطأ 😑

We'd planned to go away for the weekend, but it all went pear-shaped.

To go bananas معناها اذا كنت متحمس جداً او حزين استخدامان

The kids are going to go bananas when we tell them about the trip.

My sister will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car .


Pear 🍐

Pit نواة الفواكه

Ripe ينضج للفواكه


It’s plain as day واضح جداً

Some people are just into appearances

بعض الناس يحكمون على الاخرين بالمظهر

Keep in touch تبقى على تواصل مع شخص

You gays still keep in touch ?

Drop out انسحب

But at the last minute, I dropped out .

Serves you right تستحق ذلك

So she left him, did she? Serves him right!


Taskmaster متسلط

Don’t interfere لا تتدخل

My head is in the clouds a lot بالي مشوش ماني مركز

Shortcoming عيب او نقص

Barrier حاجز


Feel what you feel اشعر بما تشعر به

Atrocities اعمال وحشية

Pukey غثيان

I feel kind of pukey 🤢

We met by accident التقينا بالصدفة

Luscious لذيذ 😋

luscious peaches.


Self-absorbed انانية

Overact بالغ

By and large في الغالب او في اغلب الاحيان

The die is cast قرار اتخذته ولا يمكن التراجع عنه

Without a shadow of a doubt

بدون ادنى شك


Salty حاد

The manger was so salty

Expunge يحذف او يزيل

and expunging those beliefs is the first step to having a limitless mindset.

transcend تجاوز او فاق

His works by far transcend anything that has gone before.

Am I clear ? هل كلامي واضح ؟

The best is yet to come

خيرها بغيرها


Cruel ≠ kindhearted قاسيحنون

Vengeful ≠ forgiving منتقممتسامح

Informative شخص ملئ بالمعلومات

He took advantage of his kindness استغل طيبته

Nothing is good enough for you .مايعجبك العجب


I saw that coming توقعت الامر

It’s better safe than sorry الوقاية خير من العلاج

I’m not petty انا لست تافه

Stop showing off توقف عن التباهي

Nothing is up مافي شيء جديد


To get on لتتعرفوا

Stripy مقلم

exotic غريب

We running out off time


Irritable 😡ينزعج بسرعة او يغضب بسرعة

A sight for sore eyes اذا كنت سعيد برؤية شخص ما

You're a sight for sore eyes!

Longing for شوق الى

‘My mother felt a wistful longing for the old days .

She had such a longing for school.

Chaos فوضى

It was total chaos .

A smart cookie 🍪 ذكي او فطن


What would have happened, if she has lift ?

yet there was still a slight light in there .


I have tried to express the hidden feeling that has been untold by words

I am always questioning about happiness, life, and freedom. Because, I always feel in a cage.

I never had a friend named Isabelle Durand. Besides, you were living in Deauville while I was living in Strasbourg. Maybe I am just quite like someone you used to know.

you fulfill the emptiness in my soul and I feel the warmth when I am around you

Isabelle was out of words


Unconsciously بشكل غير مدرك

My mother smiled unconsciously when she heard my brother’s voice .

Fragile هش او ضعيف

Some of the more fragile items are kept in a locked case.

Yes , I would love to نعم ، اود ذلك

Tremble ارتجف او اهتز

Vivid , Vividly على نحو مشرق او واضح

I know how hard your life was back then, I can capture it vividly in my mind, and you are so amazing.

Against all odds رغم كل العقبات

Against all the odds, he recovered.

Reincarnation تناسخ الارواح

Crouch جلسة القرفصة


Drop the subject قفل الموضوع

Bloodshed سفك الدماء

Before your very eyes هنا ،امام عينيك مباشرة

Strike إضراب

Teachers in Congo start to strike .

Fat chance فرصة ضئيلة


Fend for yourself اعتمد على نفسك

Mission مهمة

Their mission was to help victims of the disaster .

Grant مَنْح

I was granted permission to visit the palace.

Overcooked الاكل المطبوخ بزيادة

Undercooked غير مطبوخ جيداً


Turn on

Get up

Weak up

Jumb in

Put on لبس

Sara puts her dress on .

End up انتهى به المطاف

She ends up as a teacher 👩‍🏫.

Meet upالتقى بشخص على موعد

She meets up with her mother in the garden .

Run into التقى شخص بالصدفة

She runs into her best friend in the shop .

Cut back التقليل من شيء معين

If exercise is causing you pain, you should cut back .

To cut back on sugar.

Sober up افاق من سكره

Splash out تنفق مال كثير (بسخاء) في شيء مو ضروري

to splash out on a new outfit.

Idiom >>to make a splash. اثار الانتباه

Get off انتهاء وقت العمل

When did you get off today ?

Get on with someone اذا اعجبك شخص او التعامل معه

Sam doesn’t get on with his boss .

Flick through تتصفح شيء بسرعة او تمر على بعض القنوات في التلفاز للمشاهدة

She flicks through her album .