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18 Cards in this Set

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What is a method failure rate? What is a typical failure rate?
- Method: failure rate with 100% correct usage
- typical: failure rate with how it is actually used
Options for post-coital/ emergency contraception are:
- combined OCPs
- Plan B
- Copper IUD
Options for permanent sterilization include:
Men: vasectomy
Women: tubal ligation, tubal occlusion
The "mini-pill" contains primarily _____ and acts by ____
- progesterone
- thickening cervical mucus
Estrogenic OCP have hwat mechanism?
- suppress secretion of FSH to prevent follicle maturation
Progestational OCP have what mechanism?
- suppressing LH secretion and thereby ovulation
- thickening cervical mucus
- alter tube peristalsis
- inhibiting sperm movement and fertilization
What are absolute contraindications to Rx for OCP?
- abnormla vaginal bleeding
- Smoker >35yrs
- breast CA
- liver dz
True or False: mirena can be used as emergency contraception.
NO! Only paragard (copper)
Emergency contraception may be used for ____ hours after unprotected sex.
How to emergency contraceptives work?
- PREVENT OR DELAY ovulation, altering the endometrium, possibly interfering with sperm migration.
How is Ella different from major Plan B pills?
- RX only
- binds to progesterone receptors on corpus luteum so progesterone can't bind... blocks pregnancy from occurring (need progesterone for pregnancy)
Medical abortion is an alternative to surgical in appropriate women less than _____ gestation
49 days from first day of LMP
What three medications can be used for medical abortions?
- mifepristone (RU-486): antiprogestin
- methotrexate: used in ectopics, blocks folate which is required for fetal growth
- misoprostol: given with RU-486 to stimulate smooth muscle (uterine) contractions.
Methods of natural family planning include:
- calendar method (based on period)
- basal body temperature
- cervical mucus method
- syptothermal method: combines basal & mucus)
Options for vasectomy include:
- excision and ligation
- electrocautery
- mechanical or chemical occlusion
Options for tubal ligation include:
- laparoscopic
- minilaparotomy
- transvaginal (never done)
True or false: failure rates of tubal ligation are less than intrauterine contraception.
FALSE: they are comparible. Vasectomy is lower failure rate.
Options for permanent sterilization of women include:
- tubal ligation
- tubal occlusion (spring device inserted - Essure)