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100 Cards in this Set

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Persistent postpartum fever despite Abx, without other signs/symptoms
Septic thrombophlebitis
Rx for septic thrombophlebitis
Abx + anticoagulation
Maternal fever after vaginal repair with gray edges
Necrotizing fasciitis
Swollen, tender, and painful area of vaginal laceration repair that is expanding
Rx for necrotizing fasciitis
Extensive debridement
What category drug is sertraline?
Category C
2 most common side effects of fluoxetine
Sleep and sexual disturbances
Are SSRIs safe while breastfeeding?
Depression during luteal phase but not follicular phase
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Vacuums have a decreased rate of ___ compared to forceps
Maternal lacerations
When is external cephalic version contraindicated?
Active labor
Management of IUGR with polyhydramnios?
Amniocentesis to obtain fetal karyotype b/c of potential for Trisomy 18
Risk factors for cervical insufficiency
Prior gyne surgery (esp LEEP), prior obstetrical trauma, multiple gestation, Hx of preterm birth, 2nd trimester pregnancy loss
How long should the cervix be at 24 wks?
Rx for trichomonas
Oral metronidazole for pt and her partner
Amenorrhea, normally developed breasts, absent pubic/axillary hair
Androgen insensitivity syndrome; will have internal testicles and be 46XY w/ high male-level testosterone
Nml internal genitalia, ambiguous external genitalia, clitoral hypertrophy, high FSH/LH, low estrogen
Aromatase deficiency
How to differentiate aromatase deficiency from CAH
In CAH estrogen is still synthesized (nml level) and internal genitalia are nml
Rx for asymptomatic bacteriuria of pregnancy
7 days of nitrofurantoin, amox, or cephalosporin (TMP contraindicated in pregnancy)
When should gonadectomy be performed in androgen insensitivity syndrome?
After puberty (completion of breast dev't and attainment of adult height)
Rx for androgen insensitivity syndrome after gonadectomy/ puberty?
Estrogen therapy (no need for progesterone as there is no uterus)
Rx for mild pre-eclampsia in a preterm pt with immature fetal lunds
Bed rest and frequent f/u
Low grade fever and leukocytosis 12 hrs postpartum
Rx for endometritis
IV clinda (anaerobic coverage) and gent (G- coverage)
Karyotype and FSH and LH in Kallman's
Low and low
Low-normal platelets and fibrinogen in pt with IUFD
Worry about early consumptive coagulopathy, esp b/c fibrinogen is normally elevated in pregnancy
Rx for consumptive coagulopathy, or concern for it, post-IUFD
Bleeding patterns typical on Depo
Irregularity for first 2-3 months; amenorrhea in 50% after 1 yr
How to avoid the nausea associated with OCPs used as emergency contraception
Inserting second dose vaginally or taking anti-emetic 1hr beforehand
Which type of emergency contraception requires two doses?
OCPs; levonorgestrel can be taken in 1 or 2
Reduced risk of what with tubal ligation?
Ovarian cancer
Pts with poorly controlled HTN are not a candidate for which type of contraception
+ hcg, open cervix, fever
Septic abortion
Rx for septic abortion
Evacuation of uterus and broad spectrum Abx
Rx for pt wishing to get pregnant with antiphospholipid syndrome
Aspirin + heparin
Which has a higher blood loss, medical or surgical termination?
Concern with repeat D&C
Increased risk of Asherman's
After what gestational age is manual vacuum aspiration contraindicated?
D&E is performed in lieu of D&C in pts after how many weeks?
Drug used for induction for abortion if mom wants fetal autopsy
Intravaginal prostaglandins
Management of heavy bleeding post medical termination of pregnancy
Maternal fever two days after elective abortion
Postop endometritis
Management of postop endometritis
Abx + ultrasound to look for products of conception (if found, will need repeat D&C)
What reduces the risk of limb reduction defects with CVS?
Gestational age (lower risk if before 9-10wks)
Profuse, clear, thin cervical mucous indicates what stage of the menstrual cycle?
Thick, less-stretchy mucous indicates what stage of the menstrual cycle?
Inability to lactate after severe PPH?
Sheehan's Syndrome (anterior pituitary necrosis) has developed due to pituitary hypoperfusion --> decreased PRL (and TSH and FSH)
OCPs cause a decreased rate of these two kinds of cancer
Endometrial and ovarian
What is the general cause of asymmetric IUGR?
Non-ideal maternal factors (e.g. HTN) --> fetal redistribution of blood flow to vital organs (brain, heart) at the expense of other organs, e.g. abdominal viscera
Management of unknown MMR status?
Check to see if rubella immune; vaccinate post-partum (live vaccine, not safe in pregnancy)
Diagnostic management of Rh-negative woman
Test for Rh status and antibodies at 10 wks and again at 28 wks
When is GTT screening done and which test is it?
1 hr 50 gram glucose tolerance test
What is an abnl 1hr GTT and how is it managed?
>140 after 1hr; do a 3hr 100gram GTT
Thin/dry/white vulva with anogenital discomfort/pruritus, dyspareuna, dysuria
Lichen sclerosis
Why biopsy potential lichen sclerosis?
To rule out vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Rx for lichen sclerosis
High potency topical corticosteroids
What causes RUQ pain in pre-eclampsia?
Distention of liver capsule
6 aspects of severe pre-eclampsia
HTN >160/110, proteinuria >5g on 24hr, oliguria, pulmonary edema, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes
Cause of irregular menstrual cycles in teens (e.g. shortly after menarche?
Inadequate LH/FSH secretion, often leading to anovulation and then breakthrough bleeding (HPG axis immaturity)
What effect does TSH have on prolactin?
Increases it
Goal of colposcopy during pregnancy
Exclusion of invasive cancer
Management of HSIL during pegnancy
Colpo and biopsy; if normal, second biopsy 6-8wks after delivery
Who is raloxifene (a SERM) contraindicated in?
Pts with a history of thromboembolism
Risk for endometrial cancer: tamoxifen vs. raloxifene
Increased with tamoxifen, not with raloxifene
Raloxifene is a first-line agent for prevention of
Osteoporosis (possibly also breast cancer)
Rx for lactation suppression
No meds! Tight bras, no nipple manipulation, ice packs, analgesics
Urinary urgency, urinary frequency, chronic pelvic pain
Interstitial cystitis
Causes and relief of pain in interstitial cystitis
Sex, full bladder, exercise, spicy foods

Relieved by voiding
Rx for young woman with a breast mass
Re-examine just after menstrual period; if no smaller, FNA or excisional biopsy (no role for mammography b/c of high density of breast tissue in young women)
3 potential causes of variable decels
Cord compression, low amniotic fluid, fetal hypoxia
Multi-step management of non-reassuring fetal heart tones
Maternal oxygenation and repositioning --> fetal scalp pH to assess for hypoxia --> amnioinfusion --> C-section
Affect of pregnancy on thyroid hormones
Increased TBG and stimulation of TSH receptor by hCG -->
Increased total T3/T4, normal free T3/T4, low-normal TSH
Rx for yeast infection
Oral fluconazole
Chronic pelvic pain, worse premenstrually; dysmenorrhea; pain with defection' rectovaginal tenderness; tenderness with movement of the uterus
Management of suspected endometriosis
Pts with endometriosis are at risk for developing
Management of repetitive late decels
Emergent C-section
Most common risk factor for placental abruption
Maternal HTN
Respiratory failure and cardiac shock during amniocentesis or labor
Amniotic fluid embolism
What is Stein-Levanthal syndrome?
Fertility option for patients with premature ovarian failure
Premature ovarian failure is associated with what class of diseases?
Autoimmune diseases
What is a luteal phase defect?
Failure of corpus luteum to produce sufficient progesterone to maintain endometrium and allow implantation
Rx for luteal phase defect
Progesterone supplement
How to distinguish btwn leiomyomas and adenomyosis?
Fibroid uterus is usually irregularly shaped, rather than symmetrically enlarged
Endometrial glands in the uterine muscle is called
Hyperventilation, agitation, and tachy in pt with prior C-section
Imminent uterine rupture
Maternal symptoms in vasa previa
None! Only fetal exsanguination
How to distinguish btwn uterine rupture and abruptio placenta?
Uterine rupture has abdominal exam with irregular contours (fetal limbs), more likely to cause hypovolemia/shock
Most common cause of increased MSAFP
Dating error
3 other causes of increased MSAFP
NTDs, abdominal wall defects, multiple gestation
Management of increased MSAFP
Ultrasound to look for multiple gestation/ fetal size for dating/ identifiable anomalies
Quad screen with low MSAFP, low estriol, high beta-hCG, high inhibin A
Down syndrome
Quad screen with low MSAFP, low estriol, low beta-hCG, normal inhibin A
Protein excretion in preeclampsia is >?
Rx for mild pre-eclampsia with pre-term fetus
Methyldopa and bed rest
Amsel criteria are used to diagnose
Waht are the 4 Amsel criteria?
Thin, gray-white vaginal discharge
Vaginal pH > 4.5
Positive whiff test w/ KOH
Clue cells
When is IOL used for a missed abortion?
After the 16th week of gestation
Management of inevitable abortion
Hospitalization, analgesics, observation (same as for incomplete abortion to monitor for sepsis, DIC, hemorrhage) + suction curettage