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100 Cards in this Set

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Which uterotonic med is contraindicated in pts with HTN or preeclampsia?
Methylergonovine (is a vasoconstrictor)
Which uterotonic is contraindicated in pts with asthma?
Prostaglandin F2 (Hemabate) (is a smooth muscle constrictor and therefore a bronchoconstrictor)
Most common risk factor for uterine inversion?
Excessive traction on umbilical cord during 3rd stage
How might uterine inversion present?
Globular pale mass presenting at introitus while attempting to deliver placenta + signs of hypovolemia
How are prostaglandin F2 and methylergonovine delivered?
IM (never IV, b/c can cause bronchoconstriction and stroke, respectively)
Which vessel should be ligated in the case of an XL for refractory PPH?
Internal iliac (hypogastric) to decrease vascular pressure in the pelvis
4 signs of dizygotic twins
Dividing membrane thickness >2mm
Twin peak (lambda) sign
Different genders
2 separate placentas (anterior and posterior)
Time period of various types of monozygotic twins
Di-di: 3-4 days
Dichorionic-monoamniotic: 4-8 days
Mono-mono: 8-12 days
Conjoined: >13 days
Rx for mastitis
Breastfeeding with pink shiny nipples and peeling at the periphery + burning while feeding
Candidiasis (examine baby's mouth)
Signs that baby is getting sufficient milk
3-4 stools in 24 hours, 6 wet diapers in 24 hours, weight gain and sounds of swallowing
Rx for engorgement
Frequent feedings, warm compresses, analgesic 20min before feeding, expressing some milk, good support bra
Most Rh incompatible pregnancies have what amount of feto-maternal blood transfer
<0.1 cc of fetal blood in the maternal circulation; however, that is all that is required for sensitization
Noninvasive test for fetal anemia
Doppler ultrasound of middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity
US findings of Rh disease
Excess fluid (from decreased hepatic protein production) --> ascites, pericardial and/or pleural fluid, scalp edema, hepatosplenomegaly, placentomegaly, polyhydramnios
What is the standard dose of RhoGAM and how much fetal blood does it neutralize?
Diagnostic tests for a fetus with poor growth
Amniotic fluid volume, NST, doppler umbilical artery systolic/diastolic
Most likely cause of asymmetric growth restriction
Uteroplacental insufficiency (whereas symmetric restriction indicates an earlier insult, e.g. aneuploidy)
Fetal growth restriction can have adult disease complications of (4)
Cardiovascular disease, chronic HTN, COPD, and diabetes
Pts with what type of diabetes are most likely to have macrosomic infants?
Pts with what type of diabetes are more likely to have growth restricted infants?
Long-standing diabetes with end-organ damage
Most common abnormal karyotype found in spontaneously aborted fetuses
Autosomal trisomy
When is the risk of developing microcephaly and severe mental retardation the greatest?
Weeks 8-15
Thrombophilic abnormality associated with stillbirth, preeclampsia, placental abruption and IUGR
Factor V Leiden
Fat tissue during a D&C?
Worry is omental tissue/bowel, proceed with laparoscopy to better visualize
Lab test to measure after a fetal demise
Fibrinogen: worry about coagulopathy developing (if was one fetus of a twin gestation, continue to monitor throughout the rest of the pregnancy)
Most significant reason for increase in C-section rate?
Declining rate of vaginal births after C/S
What is cytotec?
Meds used for IOL
Cytotec to increase favorability of cerix
Risk factors associated with breech presentation?
Prematurity, multiple pregnancy, genetic disorders, polyhydramnios, hydrocephaly, anencephaly, placenta previa, uterine anomalies and uterine fibroids
When should you not AROM?
Latent phase of labor
Likelihood of success of vaginal trial after C-section
70-80% (lower if have had multiple C-sections)
2nd trimester vaginal bleeding with reassuring maternal and fetal status: first step in management
US to r/o placenta previa (before vaginal exam b/c of risk of bleeding
2nd trimester vaginal bleeding with reassuring maternal and fetal status: first step in management
US to r/o placenta previa (before vaginal exam b/c of risk of bleeding
Hypertensive smoker with tense/tender smoker, FHR with poor variability and late decels
Placental abruption --> C section
Hypertensive smoker with tense/tender smoker, FHR with poor variability and late decels
Placental abruption --> C section
2nd trimester vaginal bleeding with reassuring maternal and fetal status: first step in management
US to r/o placenta previa (before vaginal exam b/c of risk of bleeding
Smoking increases the risk of these five things during pregnancy
Placental abruption, placental previa, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia and infection
Smoking increases the risk of these five things during pregnancy
Placental abruption, placental previa, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia and infection
Bloody show as the cause for bleeding must be associated with
Cervical dilation
Bloody show as the cause for bleeding must be associated with
Cervical dilation
Hypertensive smoker with tense/tender smoker, FHR with poor variability and late decels
Placental abruption --> C section
Causes of friable cervix/ bleeding in 2nd trimester
Trauma, cervicitis, cancer
Causes of friable cervix/ bleeding in 2nd trimester
Trauma, cervicitis, cancer
Smoking increases the risk of these five things during pregnancy
Placental abruption, placental previa, fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia and infection
Bloody show as the cause for bleeding must be associated with
Cervical dilation
Causes of friable cervix/ bleeding in 2nd trimester
Trauma, cervicitis, cancer
Most common cause of preterm labor?
Management of preterm contractions in a hydrated pt with a closed cervix
Continue to monitor
Management of preterm febrile pt with elevated WBC count presenting with ctx/cervical dilation
Amniocentesis to rule out intra-amniotic infection
Contraindications for tocolytics: terbutaline and ritodrine
Contraindications for tocolytics: magnesium sulfate
Myasthenia gravis
Contraindications for tocolytics: indomethacin
33wks or later due to risk of premature ductus arteriosus closure
How does mag sulfate work?
Competes with calcium for entry into cells
Side effects of terbutaline
Beta-adrenergic: tachycardia, hypotension, anxiety and chest tightening or pain.
Side effect of mag sulfate
Respiratory depression (12-15mg), cardiac depression (.15mg), flushing, headache
Betamethasone has shown decreased incidence of this non-pulm complication of prematurity
Intracerebral hemorrhage
When is fibronectin useful?
For its negative predictive value to demonstrate women unlikely to deliver in next 2 weeks
Sudden onset lower abdominal pain that radiates to the back + N/V
Ovarian torsion (mass usually palpable)
3 causes of late decels
Uteroplacental insufficiency --> fetal acidosis --> fetal hypoxia
When to think benign edema of pregnancy vs. DVT?
Bilateral symptoms, esp. w/o fever, redness, or tenderness
What % of cases of placenta accreta require a hysterectomy to stop the bleeding?
Rx for placenta previa with continued bleeding
Emergent C-section, even if premature
Management of nipple discharge with blood
Ulcerated papule w/ a punched out base and raised, indurated margins + painless inguinal LAD
Ulcer with red beefy base and no LAD
Granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)
Best diagnosis of primary syphilis
Dark field microscopy (may not have Abs yet)
LH and FSH in PCOS
High LH, low FSH
4 indications for endometrial biopsy in pts with DUB
Age >35, diabetes, obesity, chronic HTN
Rx for DUB
Cyclic progestins (if fail, endometrial ablation or hysterectomy)
How does estrogen therapy affect thyroid hormones?
Increases their metabolism/ increases TBG, so increases the need for L-thyroxine in pts w/ hypothyroidism
Diabetes is often associated with this type of incontinence
Overflow incontinence
Rx for carpal tunnel syndrome (and back-up options)
Wrist splint, then injection of corticosteroids, then surgical decompression; avoid NSAIDs in pregnancy
Med to suppress endometriosis symptoms
GnRH agonists
Rx of DUB in adolescent with no abnormalities on US
Iron therapy if mild
Add progestin if moderate
Need high-dose estrogen if severe/ active bleeding
When is internal podalic version indicated?
Twin gestation when 2nd twin is transverse or oblique and want to --> breech
Where should the fluid be tested from for nitrazine/ ferning?
Vagina, NOT cervical mucous
Primary risk factor for PPROM?
Genital tract infection, usually BV
Nml cervical length
What can prolong the length of time before delivery by up to 7 days after PPROM?
What does a tender uterine fundus indicate?
Indicators of infection on amniocentesis
Low glucose (<20), presence of leukocytes (poor predictive value), presence of IL-6
Prevalence of PROM and PPROM
10-15% and 1%, respectively
Recurrence risk of PPROM
Definition of postterm pregnancy
42 completed weeks
Post-date pregnancies are associated with these 4 factors:
Placental sulfatase deficiency, fetal adrenal hypoplasia, anencephaly, extrauterine pregnancy
Postterm pregnancies are associated with these 5complications
Meconium aspiration
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Management of pt at 41wks with unfavorable cervix who doesn't want to be induced
Biweekly NST and AFI, induce for nonreactive or oligo
Usage (and non-indication) of amnioinfusion
Does not affect neonatal outcomes or decrease incidence of meconium aspiration

Used to treat repetitive variable decels
Findings of dysmaturity
Withered, meconium stained, long-nailed, fragile, small placenta
Dysmature infants are at great risk for?
Common cause of fetal tachy
Maternal fever/chorio
Common cause of variable decels (specific, not just umbilical cord compression)
Nuchal cord
Late decels do not begin until
At or after the peak of the uterine contraction
Acute/ fast decels are
3 complications of epidurals
Spinal headache, localized back pain, meningitis
Endometritis is a complication of these 3 things
Prolonged labor, prolonged ROM, multiple exams
Rx for endometritis
Amp and gent (G+ and G- coverage, respectively)
Cause of low-grade 3 day postpartum fever without other signs/symptoms
Breast engorgement
Ddx for postpartum fever
Endometritis, mastitis, cystitis