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15 Cards in this Set

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Social exchange theory


- Developed to explain the initiation, strengthening, and continued maintenance of interpersonal relationships

- Norm of reciprocity obligates people to respond positively to favorable treatment from others

- receipt of resources from another person is valued more highly if it is thought to be discretionary (as opposed to obligatory)

POS and Psych Contracts are grounded in Social Exchange Theory

Perceived Organizational Support (POS)


An individual's perception concerning the degree to which an org values their contributions and their well-being

High POS would:

- meet needs for approval, esteem, and social identity

- produce expectation that superior conventional performance and extrarole behavior will be recognized and rewarded

Grounded in Social Exchange Theory

Positive POS relationships


- affective organizational commitment

- in-role job performance

- help given co-workers

- constructive suggestions for improving the org

Negative POS relationships


- absenteeism

- turnover intention

Eisenberger Findings (POS, job conditions)

Favorableness of job conditions ------> POS

(moderated by org discretion)

POS did NOT moderate relationship between favorableness of job conditions and job sat

Eisenberger Findings (POS, job sat)

POS and overall job sat are related, but they are two distinct factors

Psych contract definition


an individual's belief regarding the terms and conditions of an exchange relationship with another party

Grounded in Social Exchange Theory

Psych Contract Theory


- A breach may lead to erosion of the foundation of the relationship, especially if the breach is the employer's fault (as opposed to being outside of their control)

- POS should facilitate psych contract fulfillment; POS shows commitment to psych contracts, so employees are less likely to perceive a breach

Organizational Support Theory


suggests that high levels of POS oblige employees to reciprocate due to the norm of reciprocity

Coyle-Shapiro findings (psych contracts and POS)

Contract fulfillment (T1) -----> (+) POS (T2)

Perceived employer inducement (T1) ----> (+) Perceived employer support (T2)

POS (T1) ----> (-) Perceived employer obligations (T2)

Relationship between psych contract fulfillment and POS can be understood through components of contract fulfillment

Org Support Theory

(Kurtessis meta)

employees for a generalized perception about the extent to which the org values their contributions and cares about their well-being

- Employee attributions

- Social exchange

- self-enhancement (POS fills socioemotional needs, leading to identification with the org)

Antecedents of POS

(Kurtessis meta)

Favorable treatment by org members

(+) Perceived supervisor support more closely related than coworker support (we have a preference to be supported by those of higher status)

(-) Abusive supervision

(+) Leader consideration more closely related than initiating structure

(+) Transformational leadership more closely related than transactional leadership


Employee-Org Relationship Quality

(+) value congruence

(-) contract breach

(+) procedural (strongest relationship), distributive, interactional justice

(-) perception of org politics

HR Practices and Job Conditions

(+) job conditions (autonomy, participation in decision making)

Outcomes of POS

(Kurtessis meta)

Orientation towards org and work

- More closely related to social exchange than economic exchange

(+) Trust (in order of strength: management, supervisors, coworkers)

(+) org identification

(+) performance-reward expectancy

(+) felt obligation and normative commitment

(+) job sat and org based self-esteem

(-)burnout, job stress, emotional exhaustion, work-fam conflict

Features of Psych Contracts


1. Perceptual and idiosyncratic (employee beliefs are not necessarily shared by the org)

2. Based on perceived promises (aka any communication of future intent)

3. Contracts are between employees and the organization (as opposed to specific agents within the org)

4. Two types:

- transactional: specific, short-term, monetizable obligations

-relational: broad, open-ended, long term, based on social exchange



perceptions that the org has failed to fulfill obligations of the psych contract; conveys a strong emotional experience

Reneging or incongruence

----> perceived unmet promise

-----> comparison of party contributions (did I hold up my end of the bargain?)

----> perceived breach of contracts

----> meaning employee attaches to breach

----> violation

(refer to giant model on page 232)