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70 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 functions of Calcium?
1. Constituent of bones and teeth
2. blood coagulation
3. nerve transmission
4. muscle action
5. cell membrane permeability
6. enzyme activation
What is required for normal calcium levels?
1. Parathyroid hormone
2. Vitamin D
3. calcitonin
What is a calcium deficiency in adults?
What is a calcium deficiency in children?
What are some food sources of calcium?
milk products
dark green leafy veggies
canned fish
What are the functions of Phosphorous?
1. Constiuents of bones and teeth
2. compent of ATP
3. Energy metabolism
4. pH balance
5. growth
What is a calcium deficiency of Phosphorous?
rare but may occur with large intakes of antacids
What are some food sources of Phosphorous?
meat products
dairy products
what are the functions of Magnesium?
1. bones and teeth
2. coenzyme in gneral metabolism
3 muscle action
4. nerve impulse transmission
What are some causes of Magnesium deficiency?
1. GI Losses
2. Alcoholism
3. Protein malnutrition
4. Renal disorders
What are some symptoms of a Magnesium deficiency?
1. Depression
2. Muscle weakness
3. tremors
4. delerium
What does Magnesium compete with for carriers?
What are some food sources of Magnesium?
1. green leafy veggies
2. nuts
3. legumes
4. whole grains
4. seafood
What are the functions of Sulfur?
1. Essential components of Proteins (especially hair, cartilage and nails)
2. enzyme reaction
3. energy metabolism
What are some food sources of Sulfur?
1. meats
2. eggs
3. milk
4. cheese
5. legumes
A diet adequate in protein contains adequate?
What are the functions of Sodium?
1. cation in extracellular fluid
2. water balance
3. acid-base balance
4. nerve transmission
5. muscle contractions
Sodium is readily what?
Sodium is excreted by what organ?
What are some food sources of sodium?
1. Salt
2. Sodium components used in food processing/preparation
3. milk
4. cheese
5. eggs
6. meats
7. carrots
8. spinach
9. beets
10. celery
What are the functions of Potassium?
1. cation in intracellular fluid
2. water balance
3. acid-base balance
4. muscle contractions
5. nerve transmission
6. catalyst in carbohydrate and protein metabolism
7. Heart muscle action
What are risk factors of Potassium deficiency?
1. GI disorders
2. diarrhea
3. tissue catabolism
4. diuretic therapy
which can be dangerous concerning potassium, excess or depletion?
BOTH excess AND depletion
What are some food sources of potassium?
1. fruits
2. veggies
3. legumes
4. whole grains
5. meat
What are the functions of Chlorine?
1. anion in extracellular fluid
2. water balance
3. acid-base balance
4. maintains strong acidity of stomach
A deficiency of Chlorine can cause?
what is Chlorine used in?
Water treatment
An excess of Chlorine is?
What are food sources of Chlorine?
What are the functions of Iron?
1. Constituent of Hemoglobin
2. Take up O2 and release CO2
The absorption of Iron is affected by?
1. Body need
2. Acidity
How is Iron transported?
In the blood, bound by protein Transferrin
How and where is Iron stored?
as Ferritin in the liver, bone marrow and spleen
What can an Iron deficiency cause?
microcytic anemia
What are some food sources of Iron?
1. liver
2. meats
3. eggs
4. enriched and whole grain cereals
5. dark green veggies
6. legumes
7. dried fruits
What is iron similar to?
What are the functions of Iodine?
1. Constituent of Thyroid hormones
2. Energy metabolism and BMR
Where is Iodine mainly stored?
in the thyroid gland
a deficiency of iodine causes?
simple goiter
a severe deficiency of iodine causes?
what iodine deficiency is rarely seen in the US?
What are some food sources of Iodine?
1. iodized salt
2. seafood
3. foods grown in coastal areas (Ground contains iodine)
what is the BEST food source of iodine?
iodized salt
what are the functions of Zinc?
1. Activates Vitamin A
what does Zinc compete with for absorption?
Zinc deficiency in the US is?
a severe Zinc deficiency may cause?
1. poor adolescent sex organ development
2. dwarfism
Other problems associated with Zinc are?
1. poor wound healing
2. skin problems
3. muscle weakness
What are some food sources of Zinc?
1. seafood
2. organ meats
3. meats
4. milk
5. cheese
6. eggs
Zinc is similar to?
What is Zinc sometimes prescribed for?
to Increase appetite for Anorexics
What are the functions of Copper?
1. absorption and use of Iron (Synthesis of hemoglobin)
2. Electron transport
A deficiency of Copper is?
Rare but does occur with severe malnutrition
Abnormal storage of Copper results in?
Wilson's Disease
What are some food sources of Copper?
1. Liver
2. meat
3. Shellfish
4. Legumes
5. Whole grains
What are the functions of Flourine?
1. increase resistance of teeth decay
What is the most effective way to provide Flourine?
Where is most Flourine stored?
in bones and teeth
A Continuous excess of Flourine may lead to?
mottled teeth
What is a source of Flourine?
flourinated water
A deficiency of Flourine is?
tooth decay
What are the functions of Selenium?
1. antioxidant
2. spares vitamin E from oxidation
Where is Selenium stored?
Liver and Kidney
High intake levels of Selenium is?
Highly Toxic
Are supplements of Selenium recommended?
what are some food sources of Selenium?
1. meat
2. seafood
3. cereals
What are the functions of Chromium?
1. aid in insulin and glucose uptake
What is another name for Chromium?
Glucose Tolerance Factor
What are some food sources of Chromium?
1. liver
2. meat
3. cheese
4. whole grain cereals
Where does the absorption of Calcium primarily occur?
in the upper portion of the small intestine