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126 Cards in this Set

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what is the primary pupose of the food we eat?
provide us with a variety of nutrients
__ and __ are the most common influence in food choices
taste texture
the life span of the human body is __
120 years
the average US life expectancy is between __ years
__ of all deaths in teh US have diet and lack of exercise as risk factors
each individual is born with 6-7 deffective genes and teh typcial american has __ chronic diseases after the age of 18
how people ive and the enirornmental factors that influence them
each persons geneti potential wto be expressed
health care contributes to __ % of early death
enviornmental conditions contributes to __ % of early death
lifestyle choices contributes to __ % of early death
genetic makeup contributes to __ % of early death
what 2 lifestyle factors are the most important?
exercise and nutrition
the american diet is high in __, __, __, and __; low in __, __ and __
fat, calories, salt, sugar; fiber, fruits, veggies
has direct ties to sagurated fat, cholesterol, low intakes of V and M, low intakes of F and V, exessive body fat
heart disease
has ties to low Fand V, low fiber, high saturated fat
alcohol supplies __ calories per gram
the process by which carbohydrates are converted to ethanol by teh action of teh enzymes in yeast
a heating process that increases alcohol content by evaporation and trapping the purified alcohol
__ are high in calories and low in or devoid of essential nutrients
acoholic beverages
__ encourages fat deposition, especially in teh __ region
alchohol, abdominal
the percentage of alcohol the berverage contains
the percentage of alcohol present in your blood
up to three drinks a week, may protect aginst heart disease and stroke, increaes the body's production of HDL, protects against diabetes and gallstones
low intake of alcohol
4-14 drinks per week formen and 4-7 drinks a week for women
moderate intake of alchohol
moderate conusumptoin of alcohol is __ drink per day for womend and __ for men
which type of drink seems to have teh most benefits?
__ skins of grapes have teh most antioxidants
alshohol can provide __% of your calries depednding on your intake level
alsochol is absorbed in teh stomach __%, the SI __%
20, 60
it takes about __ hour per drink to to metablize
__ deaths of college students a year are from alcohol
__% of men and __% of women binge drink
48, 41
scarring of teh liver and formation of fibrous tissue
the facial charactreristics of a child with this include: short nose with flattened bridge, eyelids with extra folds, thin upper lip with no groove in it
feta alcohol syndrom
disintergration of teeth due to acids produced by basteria in the mouth that feed on sugar
tooth decay
teh stickiness of a food (teeth)
stickiness factor
inflammation of teh gums
overdosing of flouride whcih causes discolored teeth (moltted)
frequent and prolonged exposure to sweet fluids or milk in bottles when they go to sleep
baby bottle caries
bad breath casued by bacteria on teh tongue and infection from teh stomach
a disease resulting rom inadequate blood circulation to parts of the heart
cornonary heart disease
with cornoary heart disease, the arteries are narrowed by __
the deposits of cholesterol, fats, calcium, and cell materials in teh lining of teh inner wall of teh arteries.
closure of an artery, cblood clot
cornoanry thrombosis
clsure of artery plauque
coronary occlusion
death of heart tissue
myocardial infraction
hardening of the arteries
deposits of plaque in teh cardiovascular area
plaque buildup disorders found in arteries of teh heart, brain, and other organs and tissues
cardiovascuarl diease
uncontrolled and abnormal owth of cells taht can spread throughout the body
every person ha ~ __ million cell duplications every day
stage during the start of cancer development, somehting alters DNA
the cells with altered DNA divide and produce large numbers of abnormal cells (10-30) years
promotoin stage
the body loses control over the abnormal cells and teh abnormal cells grow and interfere with teh normal functions of the tissue
progression stage
nutrion is related to ~ __% of cancers
disorders resulting from one abnormal gene, over 800 have been discovered many of these change nutrinet needs
single gene defects
lack of an enzyme taht cuases phenylalanine to build up in teh blood
PKU (phenylketonuria)
disorder caused by a genetic deficiency of a protein that helps regulate iron absorption
intestinal malabsorption disorder caused by an intolerance to gluetn
lack of an enzyme that causes an intolerance to lactose in dairly products
lactose intolerance
fat is used during __ aerobic exercise for athletse
low intesntiy
what two factors deterine the biochemical pathways that will be used?
intensity, duration
What are the three E's of nutrition?
essential nutrion for survival, optiumum health, and maximal athletic performance
a loss of __% of body water can be fatal
sports drinks provide between __ carbohydrate and about __ milligrams of sodium per 8 ounces
4-8, 50
eat about __% fat with each meal
realistic weight gain is __ lbs per week
what are teh three basic purposes of food?
provide energy, regulate metabolic processes, support growth and development
carbohydrates stored int eh muscle as glycogen is used for intesnse exercise lasting __
1-3 min
the oxidation of glycogen ad fats as exercise increase passes __
5 min
the body store of C and F are adequate to satisfy the energy demands of most activities lasting less than __
1 hour
the application of nutrtional principles to sport with the intent of maximzing performance
sport nutrtion
comercial food products targeted to athlets and physcially active indiviuals contianng various conentrations of fats, carbohydrates, and protein
sports bars
popular term for various glucose electrolyte fluid replacement drinks
sports drinks
commercial food products targeted to athletes consiting of primarly of carbohydrate in a gel form
sports gels
infusion of red blood cells to increase the o2 carrying ability of blood
blood doping
derivatives of testonsterone, works but has serious health consequences
three major factors affecting performance
genetics, training, nutrition
nutrion and physcial performance depends on __ (3)
glycogen store, hydration, fluid balance
storage form of glucose, energy for muscle activity comes from fat and glucose, both are used
glycogen stores
slowing down because there is no longer stored muscle glycogen, depends on how well you can use stored liver
hitting the wall
exhaustion because there is no longer stored muscle or liver glycogen
eating extra carbohydrates in combo with doing depletion exercise several days before an event
carbohydrate loading
to carbohydrate load means increases carbohydrate intake to __ __ days before an event
70-80%, 3
you should consume __ cups of water prior to an event
you should drink __ ounces of water every 15 minutes druing exercises
you should drink __ cups of water after an event
a loss of __% of body's water will effect performance
help maintain the bodyies fluid balacne
drink at least __ minutes prior to event
eat __ hours beofre competition
pre game meal should be __ calories
work-enhancing agents that are used in attempts to increse athletic performance capacity
ergogenic aid
athlets should have __g/kg body weight a day
high glycemic index carbohydrate __ mintutes post workout are beneficial
eat a blanced meal withing __ hours after competition
eating three square meals a day an occasional snack an occasional mised meal, consuming calories to match claories expended
normal eating
an abnormal change in eating pattern related to an illness, a stressful event, or a desire to improve ones health and appearance
disordered eating
self-imposed semi starvation feast and famine cycles, binge eating, purging and consumption of nonfood products
eating disorder
what is the average BMI of actresses?
__% of american go on a diet every new years day
__% of college women have diets
__% of women are always on a diet
__ of overeating is in a resonse to emotions
today, teh average diet is by age __
__ of 4th grade fgirls are on a diet
__% of women who diet get eating disorders
ED involving a psychological loss or denail of appetitie and self-starvation, resuling in part of a disoterd body image and various social pressure
anorexia nervosa
ED in which large quantities of foods are eaten at one time then self induced elimination of food
bulimia nervosa
__% of people with anorexia nervosa die
ED in which the individual periodically binge eats but usually does not throw up
binge eating disorder
ED in which teh parent uses a diet designed for an adult not realizing childresn needs are different
ED in which an individuals consumes items that are nonfood
what food item do many models consume?
tissue paper
three characteristics of eating disorders
behavioral, emotional/mental, physical
characterisic of ED: excessive dieting, fasting restricted diet, food rituals, preoccupation with body
characterisic of ED: intense fear of becoming fat, depression, social isolation, perfectionistic, low self worth
emotional mental
characterisic of ED: low body weight, lanugo, heart arrhythmia, thinning hair, lowered body temp
ideal body image for women ahs generally stabalized at __% below healthy body weight
anorexia treatment ahs a __% full success rate
stops further weight loss by increasing food intake to reach normal metabolic reate/reversing physcial damage
nutrional therapy
how many calories are absorbed before purging?
three factors of the female athlete triad
abnormal eating paterns, excessive exercising, premature ostoporosis, amenorrhea
eating disorder associated with competitive participation in athletic activity
anorexia athletica
what is the female triad
disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, osteoporosis