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22 Cards in this Set

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Infant Mortality Rate factors
Birth Weight

Weeks Gestation
Low Birth Weight
2500 g or 5.5 lb
1500 g or 3.5 lb
Optimal Birth Weight
3500-4500 g or 7.75-10 lb
Maternal Blood Changes
Plasma volume increases 50%
RBC volume increases 30%
--These cause dilutional anemia of pregnancy...hemoglobin during pregnancy 11.5 g/dL

WBC count increases
Platelet count decreases

Changes in blood flow (uterus, skin, kidneys, breasts)
Maternal Changes in GI Tract
Appetite changes
Oral cavity: salivation increases(?), decreased pH
Motility reduced/Muscle tone decreased: gastric reflux, constipation
Stomach: acid increased initially then decreased, increased stomach volume, reflux due to slower emptying time and relaxation of cardiac sphincter
Positioning: stomach, intestines move upward and laterally
Gallbladder: emptying time slowed and incomplete; bile can become thick and lead to gall stones
What hormone is responsible for morning sickness?
Anabolic Phase
up to week 20
building up
Ex: building energy stores, decrease exercise tolerance, increase blood volume
Catabolic Phase
week 20 ->
using up stores
Ex: utilizing stored energy, insulin resistance, increased exercise tolerance
This is when the fetus grows very fast
Placenta Functions
hormone and enzyme production
input of nutrients, oxygen, water
output of wastes, CO2, urea, uric acid
Barrier: Alcohol, drugs, some viruses go through..Large proteins, bacteria, mom's RBC do not go through
Controls rate of passage
Folic acid recommendations:
to prevent occurrence of NTD:
to prevent REcurrence:
400 mcg (0.4mg)

4 mg (10 x higher)
Pregnancy Weight gain:

pre-pregnancy: Underweight <18.5 BMI
Recommended weight gain: 28-40 lbs

About 1-1.3 pounds per week in 2nd and 3rd trimester
Pregnancy Weight gain:

pre-pregnancy: Normal weight 18.5-24.9 BMI
Recommended weight gain: 25-35 lbs

About 0.8-1 pounds per week in 2nd and 3rd trimester
Pregnancy Weight gain:

pre-pregnancy: Overweight 25-29.9 BMI
Recommended weight gain: 15-25 lbs

About 0.5-0.7 pounds per week in 2nd and 3rd trimester
Pregnancy Weight gain:

pre-pregnancy: Obese >30 BMI
recommended weight gain: 11-20

About 0.4-0.6 lbs per week in 2nd and 3rd trimester
Calculate BMI
weight(lb) x 703/height^2

Low risk for GDM
less than 25 years old
in an ethnic group with low prevalence of GDM
normal weight before pregnancy
no known family with diabetes
no history of abnormal glucose tolerance
no history of poor obstetric outcome
problems with GDM

hypoglycemia of neonate
very big baby
hypoglycemia of neonate
baby is producing more insulin to keep up with the hyperglycemic environment, then when it is born it is producing too much insulin and not getting the glucose to match
nutrition for GDM
goal is to normalize blood glucose

CHO constant

energy sufficient but not excessive
sudden increase in BP

if not managed, can lead to eruption of placenta

only cure is delivery of baby..usually mom is put on bed rest if the baby would be too premature