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54 Cards in this Set

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What is sarcopenia?

progressive loss of muscle mass

- affects people ~65-70 YO

- due to insufficient potassium

How does potassium affect lean muscle mass in humans?

"pumps up" muscle mass.

- takes Na out

Trace Mineral: Iron

Moves electrons and binds to oxygen

- 10g of iron in whole body

2 states of iron

"LEO the bear goes GER"

Reduced: GER - Gain Electrons Reduced

Oxidized: LEO - Lose Electrons Oxidized

Why is iron important in the development of life?

Integral in transporting oxygen throughout body

Trace Minerals require a ______________ to protect them from ______________.

Protein coat; electricity

Why should men be careful not to eat too much iron?

Men can experience iron toxicity; do not release blood regularly like women (menstruation); iron toxicity increases risk of arthritis, cancer, liver problems, diabetes, and heart failure

Trace Mineral: Selenium

Helps Glutathione Peroxidase convert hydrogen peroxide to 2H20 (water)

- without this enzyme we would die

Was the class deficient in selenium?


Why do “media nutrition experts” push selenium supplements?

- make money off of people who don't know selenium supplements are bad for you

Pregnancy and Lactation: Nutritional goals of young women

Obtain enough Ca and Vit. D to develop peak bone density; able to transfer Vit. D to infant

- Obtain enough DHA to transfer to infant

- Obtain any other important nutrients

College student diets

Not far off from being healthy, need minor tweaking

IFFF you CaDIP you'll be fine

I - Iron - 18 mg/day (men need 8 mg/day)

F - Folic Acid - 400 ug/day

F - Fish Oil - eat fix 2x a week

F - Fiber - eat oatmeal

Ca - Calcium - 1000-1200 mg/day

D - Vit. D - 600 IU (15 ug)/day - in winter

I - Iodine - use iodized salt

P - Potassium - eat fresh veg. avoid foods high in Na


Food supplements have doubled amount of folate in body

Pregnancy requirements

requires 300 additionally kcal a day

- iron requirements increase to 27mg/day (must use iron supplement for this)

- eat fish or take a fish oil supplement or purified DHA

Infancy - breast feeding vs. formula feeding

1955: 29% human; 46% cow, 23% formula

1965: more people used specialized formulas because Nestle ran strong ad. campaigns in poor countries

Human milk vs. cow's milk: content differences of protein, carbohydrate and fat

- cow milk contains too much protein - may put strain on infant's immature kidneys

- proteins and fats in cow's milk are more difficult to absorb than the ones in breast milk

Brain development and growth

0-12 months - critical

12 mo.-3 years - still important

Nature has provided perfect food: human milk


There are plenty of choices when choosing a formula

*Do not allow formula companies to influence your decision

How was sea lion milk way different than human or cow’s milk?

sea lion milk: 50% fat and 540 kcal per 100 ml

-human milk: 77 kcal per 100 ml

-cow milk: 65 kcal per 100 ml

Human milk: What positive qualities does it have that helps protect infants from infections?


- Lactoferrin - binds iron - protects against bacteria

- high levels of taurine - important in eye formation

- carbohydrates - contain oligosaccharides - antimicrobial and protect against infection

Human milk: what are oligosaccharides?

Found in the carbohydrates of human milk. They are antimicrobial and protect the infant from infection

Human milk: What enzyme from the Dixon cycleis in human milk?

LPL: Lipoprotein Lipase - helps in hydrolysis of TAG in human milk

Mammory secretory cells

fill with milk after a mother gives birth

- contract when baby is breast feeding --> push milk through duct --> given to child

- lipid droplets fuse with membrane and pinch off --> released into milk


proteins from mother are added to milk and given to infant

- antibodies and other blood proteins are given to infant for first week of lactation

Paracellular pathway

provides a direct passage of insterstitual fluid and serum components into milk between the cells via leaky tight junctions

Loss of gap tight junctions

interstitual fluid and serum components go into milk through paracellular pathway --> creates leaky tight junctions

Dixon cycle importance for pregnancy and breast feeding

uses VLDL to deliver lipids to placenta (umbilical cord) and developing fetus

-also delivers lipids to mammory secretory glands

Alcohol, drugs, and food addictions: role of dopamine and the nucleus accumbens

nucleus accumbens recieves beta-endorphines from arcuate nucleus.

- nucleus accumbens releases dopamine into prefrontal cortex

- feeling of happiness and satisfaction (pleasure)

Human reward system pathway

Food intake --> fat signals to arcuate nucleus --> arcuate nucleus releases beta endorphins to nucleus accumbens --> nucleus accumbens releases dopamine into prefrontal cortex --> pleasure

Super palatable (addictive) food

stimulate the arcuate nucleus to produce beta-endorphins that then increase dopamine in the nucleus accumbens

Drugs and food

Drugs utilize the same reward center pathway as food does

- stimulates nucleus accumbens --> increases dopamine - people like this feeling

Models of addiction: low amounts of beta-endorphins

–person has genetically lower levels of endogenous endorphins andendocannabinoids

– not normally happy --> low levels of dopamine

- Firstexposure to powerful drugs that raise dopamine levels can lead to rapidaddiction

Models of addition: Person has experienced traumatic stress or unhappiness

basic brain chemistry is changed --> only feel normal when they are taking a drug that increases dopamine

- having a traumatic childhood doubled risk of developing an addiction

Testimony of Stevie Nicks

Drug addiction does not lead to increased creativity. Over and overagain creative people stopped functioning at an efficient level after developing a drug addiction.

Happiness Study: 3 most important components of a happy life

1) partnership - doesn't matter with whom

2) keeping in touch with siblings

3) Having a job/career working for common good (like a teacher, writing, etc.)

Happiness Study: most common component found in unhappy lives


Eating disorders

involve lower beta-endorphins (genetic component)

- often the result of external/internal stresses

- rise from physical, psychological, and social issues

Eating disorders: media

media puts importance on being thin - this is unobtainable by some because of genetics

Role of Lipoprotein Lipase in dictating body shape

Men - higher amounts of LPL in upper body

Women - higher amounts of LPL in lower body, hips, and stomach

Eating disorders: higher thinking

people with ED use higher cognitive functions to repress the normal physiological mechanisms regulating food intake

Eating disorders vs. Addictions

ED are very different than addictions

- psychological illness

People with ED think they've lost control due to external/internal pressures --> only thing they can control is their food intake

Eating disorders: issues

rapid loss of weight

- weakness/fatigue (low water soluble vitamins and glycogen)

- risk of death due to problems with protein degradation (proteasome - bunny - breaks down proteins until they're too little in the body)

Proteasomal degradation of muscle cell proteins

leads to muscle cell death --> especially CV muscles

-leads to cancer cachexia (wasting), sarcopenia, and muscle decay in anorexia

Eating disorders: treatment

Hospitalization is necessary

- stabilize the patient with IV nutrition

- "cornerstone of therapy is to teach nutrition" --> teach proper nutrition and guide patients back to normal food-intake

Eating disorders: treatment success rate

thought to be 90% successful if a full team approach is used

- requires multilevel intervention: physician, dietitian, social worker, & mentor


have reasonable amounts of nutrients and none to extremely small amounts of Selenium

Are vitamin supplements necessary?

A multivitamin that supplies about 50% of RDA or AI ofmost vitamins and minerals is a good idea- but best to get vitamins and other nutrients by eating avaried diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables!


does not contain iron or selenium - good for men and women

- keep out of reach of children and irresponsible adults (careful they're yummy)

Vitamins for adults over 50 yrs. old

a mega dose of vitamin B12 (500 ug/day) isrecommended so that enough vitamin B12 can be absorbed

Fish Oils

required for proper brain development

- Trader Joe’s distilled fish oils were the purest product they measured - take one of these every day or every other day

DHA and EPA =

fish oils

recommendations for healthy nutrition (1-3)

1) learn to cook healthy food

2) eat oatmeal (complex carbs & fiber), fruit (potassium), good proteins (amino acids)

3) take an appropriate vitamin (based on gender)

recommendations for healthy nutrition (4-5)

4) exercise intensely 3-4 times/week to keep artery smooth muscle cells and cardiomycytes healthy

5) keep up NEAT through life