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26 Cards in this Set

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disease causing microorganisms, the cause of foodborne illnesses
require living host to survive: norovirus, hepatitis A
flourish on living and nonliving surfaces, some are beneficia such as the ones that make vitamin K and biotin in intestines, or the ones used to make yogurt and cheese
microscopic organisms that take nourishment from hosts
foodborne illness
sickness caused by consuming contaminated food or beverages
the most common type of virus that causes foodborne illness. can cause gastroenteritis or stomach flu, Viruses cause acute vomiting or diarrhea that resolves in 12-60 hours; very contagious
inflammation of the stomach and intestines
extremely rare but deadly infectious agent, bovine spongiform encephalopathy
chemical agents
pesticides added to foods also cause foodborne illness
4 Cs of food safety
clean your hands, combat cross-contamination, cook foods thoroughly, chill foods at a low enough temperature
guillain-Barre syndrome
a condition that can result from a campylobacter infection, it causes the immune system to attack its own nerves and can lead to paralysis for several weeks
hemolytic uremic syndrome
rare condition that can be cause by E. coli and results in the destruction of red blood cells and kidney failure
symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, chills, fever, vomiting, dehydration, foods most commonly affected undercooked eggs unpasteurized milk, raw meat and poultry, and fruits and vegetables
E. Coli
causes: raw or undercooked beef; unpasteurized milk; raw vegetables and fruits; contaminated water; even found in cookie dough; shredded lettuce in 2010, source of contamination infected cattle, symptoms watery/bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, little or no fever
bacteria that causes listeriosis, found in contaminated meat and dairy products
red tide
aquatic microorganism that produces nerve toxin, shellfish get contaminated shellfish, symptoms include nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, loss of felling in hands and feet
government agencies that police food supply
USDA Food Safety and Inspection services (FSIS), Food and drug administration (FDA), environmental protection agency (EPA), animal and plant health inspection service (APHIS)
Mad Cow Disease
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE): slow, degenerative disease attacks the central nervous system of cattle, caused by prions, symptoms are neurological symptoms and damage
common flavor enhancer, symptoms include facial pressure, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, drowsiness
used as preservatives to prevent browning of foods and growth of microbes
foods subjected to radiant energy source inside a shielded chamber without causing chemical changes, kills bacteria by damaging DNA, but not viruses
food insecurity
inability to satisfy basic food needs due to lack of financial resources or other problems, in 2011 14.9 % of US households SC=14.8%
caused by poverty, illness or lack of opportunity
what causes hunger
most common vitamins and mineral deficiencies among the malnourished
vitamin K, Iron, Iodine, B vitamins
common illnesses in malnourished children
diarrhea, measles, malaria, acute respiratory infection
food assistance programs
supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) (foodstamps), National School Lunch Program, Summer Food Services Program, Congregate meals for the elderly