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45 Cards in this Set

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deoxyribonucleic acid. The molecule of life. Made up of nucleic acids. sequence of nucleotides(A, C, G ,T)
DNA sequences to make a gene for blue eyes
external features(blue eyes)
using genetic information and genomic technologies to investigate how nutrient interact with genome to impact our health and performace.
how can nutrient impact our body
dietary chemicals can alter gene expression or structure.diet regulated genes play in a role in the severity of chronic disease.
Benefits of nutrigenomics
racall bias(case control), improve measures of exposure, minimize residual confounding factors, identify bioactive and elucidate mechanism
What are the 5 steps of nutrigenomix testing
do test with dietitian, test sent to lab, results uploaded, report generated, get result from dietitian.
What do they test for(7)?
sodium, folate, vitamin C, saturated Fat, omega 3 fat, whole grain, caffeine.
Why sodium
they test for risk of high blood pressure
Why folate
risk of low blood level of folate
Why omgega 3-fat
risk of high triglyceride levels
Saturated fat
risk of developing obesity
Vitamin C
risk of low blood level of vitamin C
Whole grain
risk of type 2 diabetes
risk of heart disease
a product isolated or purified from food and sold in medicinal form. Have a physiological benefit and provide protection against chronic disease.
Functional Food
similar in appearance to, or may be, a conventional food. Have physiological health benefits and reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional function.
Natural Health products Canada
products for use in humans to maintain or promote health or to treat or prevent disease or condition
What are some NHP labelling requirements
product name, product license number, complete list of medicinal and non medicinal ingredients, reccommended use, cautionary statement, warnings, contra-indications and possible adverse reaction
Some phytochemicals include
indoles/glucosinolates, terpenes/carotenoids, phenolics
What are some Polyphenol?
Flavoids and Isoflavonoids
Where are they found in the plant
seeds, skin ,leaves, stalk, etc
Function of nutraceuticals in plant
control action of growth hormone, screen against UV ray, protection against microbes, singaling molecule and add colour to plant
Do phytochemicals all add colour to the plant
Not all do. Terpenes add orange, flavonoids add red, blue and purple. Quercetin added brown-red.
if oxygenated called xanthophyls, and non oxygenated carotenes. help reduce cardiovascular disease, cancer and eye disorders. Have a yellow to deep red pigment.
Where are carotenoids food found?
They have red, orange, or DEEP GREEN colours
are high in lutein and zeaxanthin(carotenoids)
High in lycopene(carotenoids) and it helps reduce risk for prostate cancer
Two types of flavonoids
flavonols-quercetin and flavan-3-ols-catechins
Cranberries and their effect
they help reduce risk of urinary tract infections and are commonly used in nursing homes to prevent UTIs.
Chocolate and their effect
has flavan-3-ols and shown to have small decreases in blood pressure with hypertension. effects not shown with ppl without hypertension.
Grapes and their effects
Grapes in wine, apparently reduce risk of CVD. IT has Flavanoids(quercentin) and Resveratrol.it is mostly found on the SKIN.
genistein, daidzein and they act as phytoestrogens(weak estrogens or ANTI-estrogen).
What are the health benefits of Isoflavonoids and what food are they found in?
IT reduces risk of cancer related to the reproductive system. Found in tofu, milk and soy
Organosulphur compounds
protects against cancer. Found in garlic, leek, onion, brocolli and cabbage.
What are some important compounds in Organosulphur compounds
Glucosinolates, Isothiocyanates, Indoles
Lipids omega 3 vs 6
Omega 6 normally hight in diet.Omega 3 decrease risk of CVD/myocardial infarction because supplements of Omge 3 show decrease level of triglycerides and risk of second myocardial infarction.
Omega 3-
has aplha linolenic acid(ALA), EPA and DHA. decrase levels of triglyceride(type of blood fat) and decrease clumping of blood platelets and blood vessel blockage.
Egg yolk story
studies show that when they feed flax seed to hens, the omega 3 fatty acids concentration in the yolk increased by 10X
the actual microbes that grow in the gut(friendly microbes)
nutrient for the microbes but NOT THE HOST
Factors need for mircobe to be classified as a probiotic
isolated from human, compatible with human, safe for human, able to suvive stomach acid, able to grow and colonize in gut, antagonistic to pathogenic(bad) bacteria and have been proven to be effective by science
What do probiotics do?
produce vitamins(B), produce enzyme lactase which converts lactose to lactic acid( to prevent diarrhea in lactose intolerant ppl) and product short chain fatty acids that reduce gut PH.
Some probiotics
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
What Consumer should know about Nutraceuticals
They do not need a prescription, not regulated as drugs, and have a natural product number or homeopathic medcicine number on the label.