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28 Cards in this Set

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Audit trail
a thorough and conscientious reflection and recording of the decisions that were made, procedures that were designed, and questions that were raised during analysis of data
a method of limiting the effects of researcher bias and setting them aside by demonstrating awareness of potential suppositions of the researcher
case research methods
the meticulous descriptive exploration of a single unit of study such as a person, family group, community, or other entity
constant comparison
a method of analysis in qualitative research that involves a review of data as they are gathered and comparison to data that have been interpreted to support or reject earlier conclusions
constructivist research
research that attempts to discover the meaning and interpretations of events, phenomena, or experiences by studying cases intensively in natural setting and by subjecting data to analytic interpretation
data source triangulation
a type of triangulation in which multiple data sources are used in a study
a study of the features and interactions of a given culture
extreme case sampling
sampling of unusual or special participants who exhibit the phenomenon of interest in its extremes
field notes
detailed descriptions of the context, environment, and nonverbal communications observed during data collection and inserted by the researcher into the transcripts to enrich the data interpretation process
grounded theory
research aimed at discovering and developing a theory based on systematically collected data about a phenomenon. the intent is to discover a pattern of reactions , interactions, and relationships among people and their concerns
a process that occurs when an observer has extended contact with the subjects of a study. the subjects revert to natural behaviors and come to disregard the observer's presence
integrative review
a review of both qualitative and quantitative studies that results in a practice guideline incorporating elements of both types of research and focusing on how a treatment affects a patient's life
investigator triangulation
a type of triangulation in which more than one person is used to collect, analyze, or interpret a set of data
member checking
a method of ensuring validity by having participants review and comment on the accuracy of transcripts, interpretations, or conclusions
method triangulation
a type of triangulation in which multiple data collection methods are used, such as interviews, observation, and document review
participant observation
involvement of the researcher as an active participant in the culture under study to more thoroughly understand the culture without changing it
investigation of the meaning of an experience among a group whose members have lived through it
prolonged engagement
investment of sufficient time in the data collection process so that the researcher gains an in-depth understanding of the culture, language, or views of the group under study
purposeful sampling
a technique used in qualitative research in which the subjects are selected because they possess certain characteristics that will enhance the credibility of the study and because they can reliably inform the research question
qualitative meta-synthesis
a review of qualitative studies that combines a number of studies based on preestablished selection criteria and systematic appraisal of study quality
a sensitivity to the ways in which the researcher and the research process have shaped the data; based on introspection and acknowledgement of bias
the point at which no new information is being generated and the sample size is determined to be adequate
snowball sampling
a non-probability sampling method that relies on referrals from the initial subjects to recruit additional subjects. this method is best used for studies involving subjects who possess sensitive characteristics or who are difficult to find
stratified purposive sampling
sampling of individuals who meet certain inclusion criteria, who are then stratified according to other criteria (e.g., age, gender, and ethnicity)
theory triangulation
a type of triangulation in which multiple perspectives are obtained from other researchers or published literature
particular designs or approaches in qualitative research used to answer specific types of study questions
the ability to apply qualitative research findings in other settings or situations
enhancing credibility by cross-checking information and conclusions, using multiple data sources, using multiple research methods or researchers to study the phenomenon, or using multiple theories and perspectives to help interpret the data