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100 Cards in this Set

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adolescence is a time of what?
-decision making
-carving out a place in the world
adolescence is characterized by what?
-time of transition
what are the female ages of puberty?
10 & 14
puberty is characterized as what?
a state of physical development
what are the male ages of puberty?
12 & 16
what is spermatogenesis?
production of spermatozoa
what is menarche?
1st menstrual cycle
what is menstruation?
onset of menses
what is the beginning development of certain sex characteristics that precedes actual onset of physiologic puberty?
adolescence begins with what?
how long does adolescence last?
-8 to 10 years or longer after puberty
-until the person is physically and psychologically mature
what are the four subperiods of adolescence?
-early adolescence
-middle adolescence
-late adolescence
what is preadolescence?
state of prepuberty
what is the tendency to interpret interactions from the view of the respective generation?
generational stake
what stage begins with puberty and lasts for several years?
early adolescence
what are the years for early adolescence for females?
8-10 to 12-14
what are the years for early adolescence for males?
9-12 to 14-16
middle adolescence begins what when occurs?
physical growth complete
what are the years for middle adolescence for females?
13 or 14 to 16
what are the years for middle adolescence for males?
14 or 16 to 18 or 20
why is the generational stake difficult for parents?
they want to show love and protect children
why is the generational stake difficult for teens?
parent domination, outmoded values, or lack of trust
what are the years for late adolescence?
18 to 22 or 25
(males may continue to grow in height until 22 or 25)
females begin adolescence how many years before men?
2 years
-remain adolescent-like
-do not grow up
-some individuals remain immature until nearly 30 years
changes in physiological or physical structure, size, shape, and function
continuous maturation in physical, mental/intellectual, emotional, social, moral/spiritual characteristics of the person
adolescent growth is characterized as what?
-nose, lips, ears grow before head
-weight likely gained prior to height
how is the principle of asynchronous growth displayed by the growth of the adolescent?
-hands/feet first,
-leg/arms then,
in adolescent growth, the skeletal system grows _____ than supporting muscles and _______ muscles grow faster than ______muscles.
how many inches per year does a female grow in adolescence?
2 1/2 to 5 inches
how many inches per year does a male grow in adolescence?
3 to 6 inches
how many lbs. per year does a female gain in adolescence?
8 to 10 lbs.
how many lbs. per year does a male gain in adolescence?
12 to 14 lbs.
females tend to gain what type of tissue in adolescence?
fat tissue
males tend to gain what types of tissue in adolescence?
muscle tissue
how long is the total process of the initial phase of females and males?
females=3 yrs
males= 4 yrs
initial phase is characterized as...
increase in height due first to lengthening of legs and then lengthening of trunk
what are the years of a growth spurt for females?
9 to 12 yrs
menarche begins between what ages?
9 to 15 yrs
when does breast development begin and when is it complete?
begin- 8 to 13
complete- 18
what are the ages of a male growth spurt?
10.5 to 16 yrs
penile development is between what ages?
11 to 14.5 yrs
testicular development is between what ages?
10 to 13.5 yrs
when does pubic hair come in in males?
12 to 16 yrs
what is the physical growth of prepuberty-puberty in females?
-increased height begins at age 9
-average of 3 ins./yr until menstruation
what is the physical growth of prepuberty-puberty in males?
-increased height begins at age 11
-average of 4 ins/yr for 2-3 yrs
which sex hormone produces male-type characteristics?
which sex hormone produces feminine characteristics, involved in preparation of endometrium, and supports implantation and growth of fertilized egg?
which sex hormone supports continued growth of fertilized endometrium?
which sex hormone causes development of sexual organs, glandular tissue proliferates, development of breasts, uniting of epiphyses, and broadening of pelvis?
which sex hormone is involved in the retention of Na, water, Ca, and phosphates?
which sex hormone increases total body protein, which stimulates growth as well as fat deposits?
which sex hormone promotes secretory changes in uterus and fallopian tubes, maintains pregnancy inhibiting ovulation, and decreases uterine contractions?
which sex hormone promotes breast alveoli and breast development during pregnancy, catabolic effect on body proteins, and normal menses?
which sex hormone enhances Na, Cl, and water reabsorption?
what is the name of the phase of the menstrual cycle from days 1 to 4?
menstrual phase
what is the name of the phase of the menstrual cycle from days 5 to 12?
postmenstrual/preovulatory phase
what is the name of the phase of the menstrual cycle on day 13 or 14?
what is the name of the phase of the menstrual cycle from days 15 to 20?
secretory phase
what is the name of the phase of the menstrual cycle from days 21 to 28?
premenstrual/luteal phase
what phase of the menstrual cycle includes:
-preparation of follicle and egg for next cycle,
-endometrial prostaglandins simulated by progesterone,
-upper layers of endometrium shed?
menstrual phase
what phase of the menstrual cycle includes:
-ovary and maturing follicle produce estrogen
-egg develops within follicle
-uterine lining thickens, and
-increased cellular activity in breast ducts?
postmenstrual/preovulatory phase
what phase of the menstrual cycle includes:
-egg drawn into fallopian tube after egg is expelled from follicle,
-fertilization can occur?
which sex hormone stimulates the release of the egg?
which phase of the menstrual cycle includes:
-egg moved by cilia into the uterus
-follicle becomes corpus luteum,
some estrogen released?
secretory phase
which hormones increase and decrease in the secretory phase?
increase-> progesterone
decrease-> LH and FSH
which phase of the menstrual cycle includes:
-corpus luteum degenerates if implantation doesn't occur?
premenstrual/luteal phase
which hormones increase and decrease during the premenstrual/luteal phase?
increase-> increase in GNRH causes increase in FSH
decrease-> progesterone
what does estrogen do in the premenstrual/luteal phase?
levels decrease and then rise as new follicle develops
which hormones increase and decrease in the menstrual phase?
increase-> estrogen
decrease-> FSH and LH
which hormones increase in ovulation?
LH and estrogen
which hormone promotes sperm development?
which hormone stimulates the Leydig cells to secrete the androgen?
what produces sperm continuously and secrete androgens?
the male hormonal system has no ______ pattern.
what is a major androgen?
what hormone is a stimulus for decent testes, development of sexual characteristics, distribution of hair, and hypertrophy of hair?
what are some growth changes in adolescence?
-sebaceous, eccrine, and apocrine glands more responsive
-heart and lungs grow more slowly in proportion to body (fatigue)
-blood volume increases
what are some physical characteristics of the GI tract?
-all 32 teeth
-increased stomach capacity (1-1.5 quarts)
what are some physical characteristics of the urinary system?
bladder capacity increses
what is typical of hearing and vision of adolescents?
vision-> myopia
hearing-> normal
nutritional needs peak at maximum growth year which is what for boys and girls?
girls-> 10th and 12th yrs
boys-> 2 yrs later
protein helps maintain ______ and what percent of the daily intake should it compose?
-positive nitrogen balance
are boys or girls more susceptible to Fe deficiency?
due to the increased muscle and soft tissue growth, adolescents need what additional minerals?
zinc and Fe
why do adolescents need more fiber?
to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and constipation
Ca is needed for bone growth and teeth formation, what is the daily requirement?
quart of milk/day
what is the other main mineral in bone?
what is an example of cooperative play for adolescents?
what is an example of team play for adolescents?
what is an example of construction play?
hobbies, crafts of the arts
why do adolescents fatigue?
inadequate oxygen supply as heart and lungs do not enlarge rapidly enough at time of growth spurt
what are two characteristics of rest and sleep of an adolescent?
-bedtime variable
-large amounts of energy expended causes fatigue, requiring additional rest
how many hours of sleep does an adolescent need for good mental health?
8 hrs
how many hours of sleep does a child in early adolescence need?
9 hrs
teens are least ______ and most _____ in the early mornings.
what are some safety risks of the adolescent?
-cigarettes, alcohol, and drug experimentation
-sexual experimentation
-careless driving-distraction
-use of helmets
adolescent immunizations are what kind of immunizations?
catch up immunizations
adolescents are ready to assume adult responsibilities and be self sufficient because of changes in....