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52 Cards in this Set

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The physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and psychological dimensions of a person's growth age's 11-20.
A characteristic that sometimes results in young people focusing on themselves to the exclusion of others. this allows them to believe that their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are unique.
adolescent egocentrism
The masculinizing hormones that are also secreted in gradually increasing amounts up to about 7-0 years of age.
A person's idea of how his/her body looks.
body image
Thought processes that move from a general statement or principle through logical steps to a specific conclusion.
deductive reasoning
The feminizing hormone that is secreted in slowly increasing amounts until about age 11. in males, this gradual increase continues through maturation.
Piaget's fourth and final stage of development. skills arise from a combination of maturation and experience.
formal operations
A dramatic increase in physical growth that usually occurs during a 24 to 36 month period.
growth spurt
A person's consistent definition as a unique individual. It refers to roles, attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.
Erikson's fourth stage of development. Time when the person searches for an explicit sense of his/her personal uniqueness.
identity versus role confusion
A type of egocentric thought where the teen sees others as being intensly interested in them, including their appearance and their behavior.
Imaginary audience
Thought processes that moves from one of more specific experiences or facts to a general conclusion.
Inductive reasoning
Thought processes that move from a prior belief or assumption rather than a logical premise.
Intuitive thinking
A type of egocentric thought where the young person believes that he or she cannnot be harmed or conquered by anything that may cause problems for a mortal person.
invincibility fable
The first menstrual period
A type of egocentric thought that refers to the teenager's belief that he or she is destined to have a unique, heroic, or even legendary life.
personal fable
A 1-2 year period following puberty during which skeletal growth is completed abd reproductive functions become fairly well established.
The use of an unconsenting person for one's own sexual pleasure.
sexual abuse
A person's self-identification as male or female.
sexual identity
A categorization system used to determine the degree of sexual maturity.
Tanner stages
The maturational, growth, and hormonal changes that occur when the reproductive organs begin to function and the secondary sex characteristics develop.
Three distinct sub-phases of adolescence.
- early adolescence
- middle adolescence
- late adolescence
Age of adolescence
13-19 years old
Caused by hormonal influences that are regulated in the hypothalamus.
Erik Erikson four aspects of identity:
- vocation
- religion
- politics
- sex
Person adopts parents' and society's roles and values rather than exploring alternatives.
An adolescent decides that the role parents and society expect them to fill are unattainable or unappealing, so they do the opposite of what they are expected to do.
negative identity
The adolescent does not seem to know or to care what his/her identity is.
identity diffusion
A time-out during which an adolescent experiments with alternative identities, e.g., college, mission work, and internships.
identity moratorium
An acceptance of the roles and behaviors that society associates wit the biological category of male and female.
gender identity
Any erotic activity that arouses shame, excites, or confuses a child younger than sixteen years of age.
child sexual abuse
What is adolescence characterized by?
growth spurt
Which age group is characterized by a period of relatively sudden and rapid physical growth of every part of the body?
T or F; Adolescence boys begin their accelerated growth about a year or two earlier than girls
A period of early adolescence; characterized by rapid physical growth and the sexual changes that make reproduction possible
Piaget’s last stage of cognitive development?
Formal Operational thought
Hypothetical, logical, and abstract thought characterized which of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
Formal Operational Thought
Young people tend to focus on themselves to the exclusion of others, believing, for example, that their thoughts, feelings or experiences are unique
Adolescent Egocentrism
Fiction, fostered by adolescent egocentrism, that one is immune to common dangers, such as those associated with unprotected sex, drug abuse, or high-speed driving
Invincibility fable
Egocentric idea that one is destined for fame and fortune and/or great accomplishments
Personal fable
The ability to evaluate a cognitive task to determine how best to accomplish it and how to monitor one’s performance?
What is the psychosocial crisis of adolescence?
Identity versus role confusion
Marcia's four identity statuses?
¹Achievement; ²Foreclosure; ³diffusion; 4moratorium
One of Marcia’s identity statuses’ which states “a person is unique and has self definition”
One of Marcia’s identity statuses’ which states “acceptance of parental values”
One of Marcia’s identity statuses’ which states “confusion and uncertainty”
One of Marcia’s identity statuses’ which states “pause in identity to allow teens to explore alternatives”
Most influence on adolescents?
Family and friends
Kohlberg’s 6 stages of moral development
¹Might makes right - Obedience to authority avoids punishment; ²Look out for number one; ³Good girl and Nice boy; 4Law and order; 5Social contract; 6Universal ethical principles
Who believed that females give more thought to social contexts of moral choices and they focus on relationships.
Who believed that females have a morality of compassion and care and not a morality of justice and judgment?
What is preceded by a long sequence of negative events among adolescents?