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131 Cards in this Set

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Active Listening
demonstrating full attention to what is being said; hearing both the content being communicated and the unspoken language
Activities of Daily Living
acts that people normally do every day
Advanced practice
specialized areas of nursing expertise, such as nurse practitioner and nurse midwifery
ability to perform an act skillfully
Assessment skills
acts that involve collecting data
strategy for controlling health care costs by paying a fixed amount per member
Caring skills
nursing interventions that restore or maintain a person's health
Clinical pathways
standardized multidisciplinary plans for a specific diagnosis or procedure that identify specific aspects of care to be performed during a designated length of stay
Comforting skills
interventions that provide stability and security during a health crisis
Counseling skills
interventions that include communicating with clients, actively listening to the exchange of information, offering pertinent health teaching, and providing emotional support
ability to assume a non-nursing job position, depending on the census or levels of client acuity on any given day
discharge planning
managing trasitional needs and ensuring continuity
intuitive awareness of what the client is experiencing
managed care practices
cost-containment strategies used to plan and coordinate a client's care to avoid delays, unnecessary services, or overuse of expensive resources
multicultural diversities
unique characteristics of ethnic groups
nursing skills
activities unique to the practice of nursing
nursing theory
proposal detailing what is involved in the process of nursing
primary care
first health care worker or agency to assess a person with a health need
quality assurance
process of promoting care that reflects established agency standards
body of knowledge unique to a particular subject
feeling as emotionally distraught as the client
opinion, belief, or view that explains a process
bag bath
unique for bathing that involves the use of 8 to 10 premoistened, warmed, disposable cloths contained in a plastic bag
bed bath
washing with a basin of water at the bedside
dental device that replaaces on or several teeth
dental cavities
thin edge of skin at the base of the nail
artificial teeth
inflammation of the gums
personal cleanliness practices that promote health
medical doctor who treats eye disorders
person who prescribes corrective vision lenses
oral hygiene
practices used to clean the mouth, especially the teeth
partial bath
washing only the areas of the body that are subject to the greates soiling or that are sources of body odor
perineal care
techniques used for cleansing the perineum
periodontal disease
condition that results in desruction of the tooth-supporting structures and jawbone
substance composed of mucin and other gritty substances that deposits on teeth
person with special training in careing for feet
dried crusts around the mouth containing mucus, microorganisms, and epithelial cells shed from the oral mucous membrane
hardened plaque
towel bath
technique for bathing in which a single large towel is used to cover and wash a client
inability to breath
situation in which fluid occupies the airway and interferes with ventilation
electrical shock
discharge of electricity through the body
environmental hazards
potentially dangerous conditions in the physical surrounding
fire plan
procedure followed if there is a fire
latex-safe environment
room stocked with latex-free equipment and wiped clean of glove powder
latex sensitivity
allergic response to the proteins in latex
harmless distribution of low-amperage elctricity over a large area of the body
low-voltage but high-amperage electricity
injury caused by the ingestion, inhalation, or absorption of a toxic substance
restraint alternatives
protective or adaptive devices that promote client safety and postural support, but which the client can release independently
devices or chemicals that restrict movement or access to one's body
measures that prevent accidents or unintentional injuries
thermal burn
skin injury caused by flames, hot liquids, or steam
aerobic bacteria
microorganisms that require oxygen to live
anaerobic bacteria
microorganisms that exist without oxygen
antimicrobial agents
chemicals that limit the number of infections microorganism by destroying them or suppressing their growth
chemicals such as alcohol that inhibit the growth of, but do not kill microorganisms
practices that decrease or eliminate infectious agebnts, their reservoirs, and vehicles for transmission
aspetic techniques
measures that reduce or eliminate microorganisms
biological defense mechanisms
methods that prevent microorganisms from causing an infectious disorder
chain of infection
sequence that enables the spread of disease-producing microorganisms
communicable diseases
infectious diseases that can be transmitted to other people
community-acquired infections
infectious diseases that can be transmitted to other people
concurrent disinfection
measures that keep the client environment clean on a daily basis
contagious diseases
infectious diseases that cna be transmitted to ther people
chemicals that destroy active microorganisms but not spores
exit route
means by which microorganism escape from their orignial reservoir
hand antisepsis
removal and destruction of transient microorganisms from the hands
aseptic practice that involves scrubbing the hands with plain soap or detergent, water, and friction
medical antispesis
practices that confine or reduce the numbers of microorganisms
living animals or plants visible only with a microscope
mode of transmission
manner in which infectious microorganisms move to another location
harmless and beneficial microorganisms
normal flora
microorganisms that reside in and on humans
nosocomial infections
infections acquired while a person is being care for in a hospital or other health care agency
opportunistic infections
disorders caused by nonpathogens that occur in people with compromised health
microorganisms that cause illness
port of entry
site where microorganism find their way into or onto the host
place where microbes grown and reporduce providing a haven for sustaining microbial survival
resident microorganism
generally nonpathogens that are constantly present on the skin
temporarily inactive microbial life form
sterile field
work area free of microorganisms
sterile technicque
practices that avoid contaminating microbe-free items
physical and chemical technicques that destroy all microorganism, including spores
surgical asepsis
measures that render supplies and equipemnt totally free of microorganisms
susceptible host
one whose biologic deffense mechanisms are weakened in some ways
terminal disinfection
measures used to clean the clinet environment after discharge
transient microorganisms
pathogens picked up during brief contact with contaminated reservoirs
viral load
number of viral copies
airborne precautions
measures that reduce the risk of transmitting infectious agents via air
condition in which microorganisms are present but the host manifests no signs or symptoms of infection
contact precautions
measures used to block the trasmission of athogens by direct or indirect contact
double bagging
infection control measure in which one bag of contaminated items, such as trash or laundry, is placed within another
droplet precautions
measures that block pathogens in moist droplets large than 5 microns
condition that results when microorganisms cuase injury to the host
infection control precautions
physical measures designed to curtail the spread of infectious diseases
infectious diseases
diseases spr4ead from one person to another
personal protective equipment
garments taht block the transfer of pathogens from one person, place, or object to onself or others
standard precautions
measures for reducing the risk of microorganism transmission from both recognized and unrecognized sources of infection
transmission-based precautions
measures for controlling the spread of infectious agents from clients kknown to be or suspected of being infected with highly transmissible or epidemiologically important pathogens
proper relation of one part to another
anatomical position
standing with arms at the sides and palms forward
steady position
base of support
area on which an object rests
bed board
rigid structure placed undera mattress
body mechanics
efficient use of the musculoskeletal system
center of gravity
point at which the mass of an object is centered
permanently shortened muscles that resist stretching
disuse symdrom
signs and symptoms that result from inactivity
capacity to do work
field of engineering science devoted to promoting comfort, performance, and health in the workplace
foot drop
permanent dysfunctional position caused by shortening of the calf muscles and lengthening of th eopposing muscles on the anterior leg
Fowler's position
upright seated position
functional mobility
alignment that maintains the potential for movement and ambulation
functional position
position that promotes continued use and mobility
force that pulls objects toward the center of the earth
lateral oblique position
variation of a side-lying position
lateral position
side-lying position
line of gravity
imaginary vertical line that passes through a center of gravity
muscle spasms
sudden, forceful, involuntary muscle contractions`
neutral positions
limb that is turned neither toward nor away from the body's midline
position of the body, or the way in which it is held
prone position
position in which the client lies on the abdomen
repetitive strain injury
disorders that result from cumulative trauma to the musculoskeletal system
force exerted against the surface and layers of the skin as tissues slide3 in opposite but parallel directions
Sims' position
lying on the left side with the chest leaning forward, the right knee bent toward the head, the right arm forward, and the left arm extended behind the body
supine postition
position in which the person lies on the back
moving a client from one place to another