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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the endogenous agonist to the kappa opioid receptor?
What is the endogenous agonist to the delta opioid receptor
where are opioid receptors concentrated
Dorsal horn ot spinal cord, Cortex, Midbrain, localized to some peripheral sites
Difference between opioids and anesthetics?
presynaptic inhibition of Ca2+ channels and post synaptic opening of K+ channels
What are the CNS effects of opioids?
Analgesia (not neurogenic pain)
Sedation - no amnesia, REM changes
Respiratory Depression
Nausea and Vomiting - worse with Vestibular stimulation
Muscle Rigidity
Peripheral effects of opioids?
Decreased GI motility - constipation
Reduced Cardiac Preload - hypotension
Urinary Retention - ADH release
Reduced Uterine Tone
Reduced Pulmonary Edema
Opioid overdose effects?
respiratory depression. naloxone as antidote
Morphine use?
IV or oral- decrased bioavailability w/ 1st pass effect
Morphine pharmacokinetics?
hydrophilic: slow onset, long duration. Hepatic (glucuronidation) metabilism then renal clearence. Morphine-3-glucouronide and more potent morphine-6-glucuronide accumulate in renal failure. M3G produces seizures.
M3G/M6G - vasodilation, increases intrecranial pressure, immunosuppression, morphine itch.
C/I for Morphine?
Bronchial asthma, pulmonary disease, head injury, EtOH use.
Pregnancy - RDS in fetus at high dose + fetal addiction
What are the 2 morphine derivatives w/ greater efficacy?
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) & oxymorphone (Numorphan)

Oxymorphone has less antitussive properties
Whats up with Methadone?
Pure mu agonist. longer duration of action with less withdrawl.

interaction w/ TCAs&BDZs - alter metabolism
Action of Meperidine
(Demerol) Less potent than morphine. Rapid onset. less-antitussive and constipation.
PK of Meperidine?
metabolite - meperidinic acid (CNS excitatory). does not inhibit uterine contraction nor prolong labor but crosses placenta and goes w/ milk. inhibits seratonin uptake ... seratonin syndrome w/ SSRIs
Seziures w/ selegiline and any MAOI/TCA
Rapid onset via IV, short term, metabolized in blood not liver. Peak respiratory depression within 5 min.
Properties of codeine
12x less effective than morphine. antitussive but throught non mu mechanism. less addictive than morphine.
Properties of oxycodone
less potent than morphine. potent antitussive - not for asthmatics (OxyContin)
Properties of hydrocodone
less potnent than morphine. can be combined w/ ibuprofen as Vicoprofen. (Vicodin)
Properties of Tramadol
weak partial mu agonist. enhances 5HT trasmission. blocks NE uptake. do not combine w/ SSRIs = seratonin syndrome
Properties of Propoxyphene
50x less effective than codine. (Darvon)
Properties of Loperamide and diphenoxylate
mu agonists that work on the gut. little analgesic effect. treat diarrhea. watch out for toxic megacolon. (Imodium) and (Lomotil = atropine + diphenoxylate to stop abuse)
Properties of Nalbuphine
Kappa/Mu agonist as effective as morphine. bad WD symptoms. Hard to reverse w/ naloxone
Kappa agonist w/ weak Mu agonism. can be used w/ naloxone to get analgesia w/o addiction. Used for pre-anethesia (no N/V). can cause seizures, CHF, psychosis. (Talwin)
kappa agonist + weak mu agonist. incrases cardiac preload (CHF problems). has nasal prep (Stadol)
Mixed mu agonist/antagonist. Lipophilic. 25x more potent than morphine. not reversable by naloxone. for severe pain only. (Temgesic/Buprenex)
use of naloxone
reverse opioid action. can overshoot dose and cause WD. (Narcan)
use of Naltrexone
only blocks subjective effects of opioids. more potent than naloxone. used for abuse tx not OD. (Trexan)
drugs that make up:
Empirin = Codeine+ASA
Vicoprofen = Hydrocodone+ibuprofen
Norcet = Hydrocodone+acetaminophen
Percodan = Oxycodone+ASA
Percocet = Oxycodone+acetaminophen
Ultraset = Tramadol+acetamiophen
Tx for neruropathic pain
Anti convulsants: Carbamezepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine.
Gabapentin - non hepatic metabolism
Use for dextromethorphan
antitussive (benylin, Vicks44)