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61 Cards in this Set

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Upper airway ends at?

Vocal cords

What is the carina?

split in the bronchus

What is diffusion?

area of greater to an area of lesser

How does the brain stem work?

receptors sense increase in CO2 and ph in the blood and CSF.... then they signal breathing

What keeps alveoli open?


Pulmonary ventilation removes what?


What is oxygen transported on?

iron containing compound of hemoglobin molecule

Tidal volume is? amount of ml's?

amount of air in one breath, 500 - 600 ml


increased carbon dioxide in the blood

Must verify ET tube placement with?

multiple methods

Severe ICP may have to hyperventilate at ?

20/ times per minute

decreased lung sounds with ET check?

tube placement first

Et tubes are measured by?

Internal diameter

what increases during ET attempts?


anatomy when performing a crich? Thyroid cartilage to the CTM then underneath is the?

cricoid cartilage

Max time frame for suctioning?

10 - 15 seconds

Only oxygenate stroke or cardiac patients who require 02... meaning?

Sat less than 94



Cannula oxygen %?


Mask oxygen %?


NRB oxygen %?

90 + %

BVM oxygen % ?


BVM issues are with?

maintaining the seal

Air in the stomach during BVM causes what?

vomit and compression of the diaphragm

Differentiate between Cpap, Bipap, Peep?

C is pressure on exhalation

B is pressure on inhalation

P is constant on intubated patients

Metabolic acidosis cause and tx?

cardiac or rep arrest, DKA, asa overdose,

try to increase ventilation with oxygen, then B-carb, then treat underlying issues

Metabolic alkalosis?

too much bicarb

let it wear off, treat underlying cause

Respiratory acidosis?

hypercarbia, resp distress with any cause,

Increase ventilations with a BVM, treat underlying, intubate and keep checking tube

Respiratory alkalosis?

Hyperventilation syndrome, some brain injuries, in response to DKA

bagging too fast, slow down, treat underlying

Buffer system time frames:

blood immediately , resp minutes, kidneys take several days

Normal ranger pulse ox?


Best way to detect C02?


Capnography measures what?

perfusion at the lungs

Patients not breathing well will be acidotic, this Co2 will be?


Patient hyperventilating will have what Co2?


AHA level for acceptable Co2 during arrest?


COPD relies on what drive?


Silent chest with asthma?

late sign not good

Wheezing happens in what order with asthma?

expiratory, then inspiratory, then silent

Pneumonia s/s?

SOB not sudden with fever

Anaphylactic shock is due to ?

regular allergic signs and symptoms and also 3rd space fluid loss, vasodilation, hypotension and tachycardia

Dilated eyes can also be from?

cerebral hypoxia

Optical nerve for eyesight?


Cranial nerve for pupil size?


JVD best seen at what angle?


some causes of JVD?

tension pneumo, right sided heart failure, cardiac tamponade, traumatic asphyxia

What causes flat neck veins?

hemothorax, dehydrated

First line of defense against diseases?

skin and mucus

trigeminal nerve or fifth cranial nerve is responsible for?

chewing control


shrinking of a cel due to osmosis


do no harm

What monitors the regulation of breathing with carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the bloodstream?

Central chemoreceptors

Increasing bicarbonate regeneration will help reverse?

respiratory acidosis

The majority of carbon dioxide carried in the blood is in the form of ?


Using the #2 port on a combi tube means the tube is sitting in the ?


The ventral resp group is responsible for ?

stimulating the accessory muscle to help with inhalation and exhalation

combi tube is inflated to what?

100 ml of air

Most common site for pneumonia?

right middle posterior chest

Class IV Mallampati is visually?

tongue and hard palate only

Most dangerous finding in respiratory distress?

shallow breathing

Four main centers for resp control in the brain are?

ventral, dorsal, pneumotaxic, and apneustic

J receptors in the lung senses what?

an increase in pressure