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11 Cards in this Set

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What is a malignant tumor?

A tumor that can spread quickly around the body and invades healthy tissues. It is cancerous.

Malignant tumors are bad...

What is a benign tumor?

A benign tumor is a growth of abnormal cells, usually within a membrane. They do not invade other parts of the body. it doesn't spread but grows quickly.

Benign tumors are usually less dangerous than malignant ones...

Who does cervical cancer affect; what are the risk factors and how can you prevent it?

- Women

- Overweight; multiple pregnancies; family history; STD's; HPV Virus.

- Smear test; HPV vaccine; use condoms; don't smoke.

Who does lung cancer affect; what are the risk factors and how can you prevent it?

- Everyone (mostly city inhabitants)

- Smoking (86%); second hand smokers; air pollution; family history.

- Don't smoke; exercise; maintain a healthy diet.

Who does skin cancer affect; what are the risk factors and how can you prevent it?

- Everyone

- Exposure to sun; sunburn; sunbeds; family history; miles and freckles; fair skin; red hair; age; other conditions.

- High factor sun cream; wear hats and sunglasses; don't use sunbeds; stay out of the sun in the heat of the day.

Who does breast cancer affect; what are the risk factors and how can you prevent it?

- Men and women

- Age; women at greater risk; inherited genes; race and ethnicity (white)

- Screening using with mammogram; breast feeding; healthy diet; regular exercise.

Who does testicular cancer affect; what are the risk factors and how can you prevent it?

- Men (mostly younger)

- Middle aged; race (white); tall; family history; Smoking; infertility; STI's

- Safe sex; don't smoke; get regularly checked.

Who does brain cancer affect; what are the risk factors and how can you prevent it?

- Everyone

- Age; medical radiation; previous cancers; genetic history; overweight; smoking; alcohol.

- Don't drink or smoke; healthy diet; exercise; go to the GP quickly is you see anything abnormal.

What happens if you take in more energy than you need?

The excess energy is stored as fat.

Explain how fat can be both good and bad.

So me fat is essential to cushion organs and provide insulation but if energy intake is too high the person may become obese.

Name some affects of alcohol consumption.

Stomach ulcers; chest infections; narrow arteries; stop you breathing; heart failure; damages cells; alcohol is a toxin; causes cells to act differently; heart disease;