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19 Cards in this Set

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Does the number of genes seem to correlate to brain capacity?
No. Look at the worm compared to the fly. The fly is more advanced, but it has less genes than the worm
Name three general functions of the nervous system?
-process information
Are a lot of genes expressed within the nervous system?
synaptic plasticity
the basis of learning and memory
what makes brains different? (3)
-gene expression controlled by introns and reginos surrounding genes
-difference in fine structure of proteins
-difference in anatomy caused by learning and environment (plasticity)
Name six compartments of neuroscience
-molecular and cell biology
-computational neuroscience
-behavior (neuroethology)
-cognitive neuroscience
Goal of neuroscience
explain the mechanisms that process sensory information and direct the behavior of an animal
Cellular Components of nervous system
-glia or neuroglia
Give a brief history of neuron investigation
1) mid 19th century...all cells where attached with free flowing cytoplasm
2) Camillo Golgi: golgi stain...stained neurons silver
3) 1900 stain used by Cajal to identify individual neurons and discover synapses
What did Cajal discover (2)
1) dynamic polarization: information flows from dendrite to axon terminal
2) Connectinoal Specificity
-no cytoplasmic connection
-nerve cells are not random networks
-each cell makes precise connections
number of neurons in human body?
10^11 neurons in human
How does information generally flow in a neuron?
from dendrite to axon
What are some different shapes of neurons?

This refers to the number of "things" (axons or dendrites) leaving an individual cell body
The cell body is the site of what?
protein synthesis
in general what do dendrites do?
receive information from other neurons
what can cover axons?
T/F...axons are always covered in myelin?
what are the spaces between myelin called?
nodes of ranvier
How can the structure of neurons be examined? Briefly talk about it.
1) immunostaining and GFP tagging methods

-localize proteins
-scaffold proteins are distributed differently in axons, dendrites, and synapses
-scaffold creates ion channels and proteins that bind or release neurotransmitters