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83 Cards in this Set

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The CNS interprets the type of sensation by the type of receptor and the sensory ganglion cell conducting the potentials. This is called a _
population code.
Together, frequency and population codes provide a transduction of both _ and _
sensation type and magnitude
The frequency code determines the _. It is composed of the _ and _
magnitude of the stimulus.

Coded by the frequenct of APs and the number of axons producing the AP
The _ range is the range of intensity of stimulus over which a receptor or its neuron will respond after reaching threshold.
Dynamic range and differing threshold sensitivities of particular receptors provide another mechanism to code the magnitude of a stimulus through _
a process of successive recruitment.
Rapidly adapting and low threshold receptors are used in _
tactile sensations such as those of the dorsal columns
_ and _ are used in tactile sensations such as those of the dorsal columns
rapidly adapting and low threshold receptors
The dorsal columns carry the primary sensations of epicritic (discriminative) touch, vibration, and proprioception or position sense. How is it these sensations are perceived as separate?
through the use of different types of peripheral receptors
Cutaneous tactile receptors are located in glabrous and hairy skin. These are typically _-threshold _receptors.
low threshold mechanoreceptors
Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles are _ _ and can detect transient stimuli such as events and motion.
rapidly adapting
Meissner corpuscles are part of detection of _ with Merkel complexes.

Pacinian corpuscles detect _

Merkel cell complexes, and Ruffini endings are_and can detect _ and _
slowly adapting

position and movement (as well as temp)?
The _ determines the discriminative ability of the area.
size of the receptive fields
The sequential activation of receptive fields can yield _
the detection of motion, its velocity and direction of a stimulus.
The dorsal column nuclei are also the first level at which _ can influence the _
descending inputs (primarily from the contralateral somatosensory cortex and reticular formation)

incoming sensory information.
The _ for tactile information from the face uses similar receptors as in the dorsal column medial-lemniscal system
trigeminal system
For tactile information and proprioception, the _ and _ are the counterparts of the dorsal column nuclei.
the principal (aka proper, chief) sensory nucleus

mesencephalic nucleus
The _ is an exception to the rule that first order primary sensory neurons are not located in the CNS.
mesencephalic nucleus of V

* It carries the modalities of proprioception to jaw muscles, and other muscles of the face
The ventral posterolateral and ventral posteromedial nuclei of the thalamus project through the _ and the _ in a somatotopic pattern to cerebral cortex on the postcentral gyrus
internal capsule

superior thalamic peduncle
Area _ of the somatosensory cortex receives information from cutaneous receptors related to the size, shape and texture of an object.

It also provides discrimination as to which finger contacts an object.
Area 3b of the somatosensory cortex recieves information from _ regarding...
cutaneous receptors, regarding the size, shape, and texture of an object.
_ responds to the texture of an object detected by multiple fingers.
Area 1
Which area provides discrimination as to which finger contacts an object
3b of somatosensory cortex
Secondary Somatosensory cortex is found _, and is responsible for _
on the inner face of the lateral fissure beneath the face representation

It receives input from both sides and is responsible for permitting a discriminative task that is learned by one hand to be performed by the other.
Sensory cortex is capable of considerable plasticity in its representation of receptive fields. This is primarily due to _
the extensive cross innervation between areas of receptive fields.
Protopathic sensations are conveyed through the _ system

These sensations include nondiscriminative touch, thermal sensation, and pain.
Protopathic axons that are thinly myelinated can be called _, and unmyelinated fibers are called _.
A Delta

C fibers
Nerve pressure blocks or anoxia preferentially affects _.

Local anesthetics such as lidocaine or bupvacaine preferentially affect _
large diameter heavily myelinated fibers, (resulting in varying loss of epicritic touch, vibratory and postural sensation.)

smaller diameter Aδ and C-fibers (resulting in a loss of nociception or analgesia)
Free nerve ending receptors are broadly classified into _ and _
nociceptors- (pain receptors) - which are further divided into A delta mechanical and C polymodal

... and innocuous-(non-noxious) receptors.
Chemonociceptors respond to substances such as _, _, and _
bradykinin, H ions, and foreign irritants like insect venoms
Innocuous receptors are _ threshold mechanoreceptors, that respond to _ stimuli.

rough (tapping, squeezing, rubbing)

They are silent in absence of stimuli and respond for the duration of the stimuli
What is an axon reflex?
When tissue damage occurs, a flare response (redness/swelling) spreads outside the area of injury. This causes release of intermediaries such as substance P that will activated mast cells
Secondary hyperalgesia occurs in areas _and is thought to result from _
adjacent to the tissue damage

changes in the CNS.
_ is when dorsal horns near damaged tissue lower their threshold and acquire larger receptive fields. This is the result of long term action of the metabotropic receptors and second messenger systems.
Central Sensitization
Central Sensitization can be severe enough that it causes _, which is when normally innocuous stimuli evokes pain.
A small number of protopathic C fibers enter the ventral root (instead of dorsal), particularly from the _
pelvic viscera
The two primary pathway types of the anterolateral system are described as direct (_)and indirect (_). Direct going from the spinal cord -> _ -> _. And Indirect going from the spinal cord -> _ -> _ ->_.

Direct: spinal cord-thalamus -cortex
Indirect: spinal cord-reticular formation-thalamus -broad regions of cortex
The reticular formation cortical projections are believed to subserve an _ function of pain, and may be responsible for the _ sensations after thalamic lesion

dull, poorly localized and persistent painful
Outside of the primary anterolateral tracts, the _system is an ipsilateral projection of the dorsal horn in the lateral funiculus to end in the lateral cervical nucleus located from C1-C3
The protopathic sensation from the face are processed primarily through the _ nuclei, with protopathic touch processed primarily through the_ and _, and pain through the _
spinal trigeminal

pars oralis and interpolaris

pars caudalis
Although there are parallel pathways, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus modulate the periaqueductal gray through _ pathways. These exert an excitatory influence on the serotinergic pathways of the nucleus raphe magnus.
Localizable pain sensation is most likely to be carried in which tract?
neospinothalamic tracts
Which receptor type would be expected to respond to bradykinin released as a result of tissue damage
The lateral division of the dorsal root entry zone including both noxious and innocuous sensation projects to_
Lamina I (the posteromarginal nucleus)
What tract is responsible for the return of pain sensation after anterolateral tract lesions?
Spinocervicothalamic tracts
Enkephalinergic pathways exert a(n) _ influence on the serotinergic pathways of the _.

nucleus raphe magnus
The nucleus raphe magnus projects to the spinal trigeminal nucleus and on spinal cord dorsal horn enkephalinergic interneurons in _ and _ that are capable of directly inhibiting nociceptive inputs pre and postsynaptically.
lamina II and III
Endolymph is found in the _ and is secreted by _
lumen of the cochlear duct
the stria vascularis

Endolymph is similar to intracellular fluid, in that it is high in K
Sound frequency is coded in the cochlea such that high frequencies ...
Stimulate hair cells in basal areas of the cochlea
Normal conversation is in the range of _ to _ Hz, and is about _ db.
2000-4000 Hz

50 dB
Otosclerosis causes _, in this case, the _ becomes fused with the _.
conduction deafness
stapes, oval window.

This brings the level of normal conversation to a whisper
The cochlea is the spiral portion of the bony and membranous labyrinths. It makes 2.5 turns around a bony core, the _
The spaces between the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth form two chambers the_ and _,
scala tympani and scala vestibuli
The scala tympani and scala vestibuli are separated by the _membrane and _ membrane from the lumen of the membranous labyrinth.
The scala vestibuli and typani are filled with _
perilymph (similar to CSF, high in Na)
The cochlear duct contains a primary sensory transducer for sound, the _. This supplies the mechanism for the transduction of sound into action potentials
the organ of Corti
Regarding transduction of sound: Sound waves in cochlear fluid cause the _ to vibrate, the _ rubs against the _ of the hair cells, depolarizing them.
basilar membrane

tectoral membrane

The resonance at _ frequencies activates hair cells near the base of the cochlea while _ frequencies activate hair cells near the apex

Volume of sound is encoded by two primary mechanisms, what are they?
Neuron threshold and saturation
Neuron type
The type of neuron and hair cell also contribute to _ and _.
volume coding and detection
Inner hair cells are used as _ detectors.
Outer hair cells are _ detectors
primary frequency detectors (they receive most afferent innervation)

low intensity sound detectors that are less specific. (receive most innervation from efferent cochlear bundle)
Recent data suggest that outer hair cells may act as_ through their contractile and electrical properties.
selective amplifiers
Olivocochlear axons are associated with _
auditory sharpening, the ability to focus on particular sounds and frequencies within a complex pattern of input.
Patient has loss of high frequency hearing, but frequencies below 4000 Hz were spared. Peripheral branches of type I primary afferents originated from which part of the spiral ganglion were spared?
The damaged afferents normally end in _
Inner hair cells toward the apex of the cochlea

Anterior and Posterior cochlear nuclei
The cochlea is organized such that high frequencies are represented at the _ and low frequencies more toward the _

Primary afferent fibers from the _ ganglion make up the cochlear portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
An ischemic infarction results in total deafness in only the right ear. What artery is most likely involved?
right anterior inferior cerebellar artery. It supplies the cochlear nuclei, vestibulocochlear nerve, and the cochlea itself
What are characteristics of the fibers entering the medial division of the posterior root?
Heavily myelinated, rapidly conducting, subserve vibratory sense, two-point discrimination and proprioception
Lightly myelinated fibers conveying pain and thermal information collect to form the _ division of the posterior root.
The pars caudalis nucleus receives afferents from the _ side of the face conveying _

pain and thermal sensation
The NT involved in the primary central auditory pathways is _ or _
glutamate or aspartate
Auditory information is organized tonotopically as well as into two types of parallel pathways, _ information and _ information
monaural information that is routed to the contralateral side
binaural information that is used to compare differences in sounds that reach both ears.
The _ nucleus is the first level of processing for the localization of sound in the auditory fields.
superior olivary nucleus
The medial division of the _ is anatomically organized so that signals from the ipsilateral and contralateral ear can be compared in time to localize the sound.
superior olivary nuclei
The lateral division of the superior olivary complex contributes to _ as well as compares _. It is particularly effective to _ frequency signals
sound localization (by phase comparison)

sound intensity difference between ears

Monaural projections that bypass the superior olive cross the midline in the_
dorsal (posterior) acoustic stria.
The _ projects to the _ of the thalamus via the inferior brachium
inferior colliculus projects to the medial geniculate nucleus
Regarding the medial geniculate nucleus:
The anterior division responds to _, it projects to the _ The posterior division conveys information about _, and it projects to the _
more complex sound patterns, primary auditory cortex.

moving or novel stimuli, secondary auditory cortex.
The medial division of the medial geniculate responds to a wide range of frequencies. It projects to _; it may act as part of the _
temporal and parietal association areas, the amygdala and parts of the basal ganglia;

reticular formation
The medial geniculate projects to auditory cortex via the _
retrolenticular portion of the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
Primary auditory cortex is located in the_located in the depths of the lateral fissure.
transverse gyri of Heschl
Wernicke’s area is connected to primary auditory cortex via the _
arcuate fasciculus.
The middle ear reflex involves CN _ and _ as the efferent arm, where as the afferent arm is provided by _ and _
VII (stapedius) and V (tensor tympani).

Cochlear nuclei and superior olive

This is sound dampening.