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103 Cards in this Set

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Optic Nerve anatomy:
#fibers, dimensions, length
1.2 million axons
1.5mm diameter, 3.5mm diamter posterior to lamina cribosa.
Intraocular 1mm
Intraorbital 25mm
Intracanalicular 8-10mm
Intracranial 15mm
myelination completes after birth from LGB to lamina cribosa
Optic nerve blood supply:
intraocular, orbital, intracanalicular, intracranial
Intraocular: NFL - Central retinal A. Prelaminar - capillaries of Short post. artery
laminar - plexus short post. artery
retrolaminar - ciliary and retinal circulation

orbital: ophthalmic artery
intracanalicular: pial branches of ophthalmic artery
intracranial: small Internal carotid artery vessels, ant cerebral a., ant communicating a.
quick eye movements for refixation. generated by contralateral frontal eye fields of frontal lobes
smooth pursuit
eye following movements. generated from ipselateral parieto-occipital lobe
Tensilon and it's side effects

What is the antedote?
A inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. Used in Myasthenia Gravis. Can cause cholinergic crisis: sweating, nausea, vomiting, salivation, fever.

Use atropine as antidote to block Ach receptor sites
Caloric vestibular stimulaton
COWS. refer to fast phase nystagmus. Cold opposite, warm same. bilateral simulation: cold up, warm down. In comatose patient is it all inverse
Diagnosing Horner's syndrome

Work up for Horner's syndrome
Use cocaine test (4%, 10%). Cocaine inh reuptake of norepi. In normal people will dilate pupil. In horner's will fail to dilate. It does not indicate level of damage
Use Hydroxyamphetamine 1% (paradrine): releases norepi from nerve terminal. To determine level of damage. If dilation damage is preganglionic at first or second order neuron level. If no dilation damage at level of post ganglionic, third order neuron damage.

Work up with: MRI head and Neck, CT chest
Explain the sympathetic pathway of the pupil.

Damages at each level
First order neurons from hypothalamus synapse at level C8-T1 ciliospinal center of budge.
Second order neurons exit T1 course under the subclavian A. then ascend the internal carotid a. to synapse at the superior cervical ganglion.
Third order neurons then send post ganglionic fibers to carotid plexus, branch joins V1 pass through ciliary gangion (no synapse) to iris. A branch also goes to the lacrimal gland.

Second order damage: mediastinal or apical tumor, pancoast tumor, neuroblastoma
Third order damage: ICA dissection, trauma, migrane.
Adies tonic pupil. diagnosis
Adies syndrome
A dilated pupil due to post-ganglionic parasympathetic pupillomotor damage. Occurs in young women, unilateral.
Pupil is dilated, reacts poorly, can become miotic. HAve segmental contraction of pupil. Light near dissociation. Has slow tonic redilation after reaction to near stimuli.
Adies sydrome: tonic pupil with decreas DTRs and orthostatic hypotension.
pathologically: loss of ganglion cells in ciliary ganglion.
Diagnose with dilute pilocarpine .125%, will constrict tonic pupil but not in normal pupils.
DDX dilated pupil
Adies tonic pupil
traumatic mydriasis
temporal lobe lesion VF
Pie in the sky, superior homonymous hemianopia, formed visual hallucination, seizures
parietal lobe lesion VF
inf. homonymous hemianopia, hemiparesis, visual perception diffcult, agnosia, apraxia, left - right confusion
OKN asymmetry - difficult to pursuit to side of lesion
occipital lobe lesion VF
macular sparing if post. cerebral a infarction. sparing temporal cresent
Cortical blindness occurs in BL occipital lobe destruction. Pupils are normal, have unformed hallucinations, riddoch phenomenon, antons
vascular supply of occipital lobe
supply by both middle cerebral and post. cerebral A.
Aberrent regeneration caused by?

**Never by vasculopathic ischemic injury
Eaton Lambert
A paraneoplastic syndrome that cause proximal muscle pain, weakness, dysarthria, dysphagia. Assoc with small cell lung carcinoma. there are antibodies made against the presynaptic calcium channels causing impaired release of Ach.
Diagnosis: muscle strength improve with excercise, will not improve with edrophonium.
EMG- increase muscle potential with repeated stimulation.
Drugs that exacerbate myathenia gravis
antibiotics (aminoglycosides, clinda, erythro)
Beta blockers
myathenia gravis
Weak muscles due to autoimmunity to Ach receptors in motor endplate. Hallmark is fatigability. F > M.
Neonatal form: mother can pass antibodies to child. Congenital form: defect in Ach receptor.
Ocular: ptosis, and EOM weakness.
Systemic: other muscles invovled, 5% get grave's. Associated with thymic hyperplasia (70%), thymoma.
Presentation: ptosis, cogan's lid twitch, ophthalmoplegia, facial muscle weakness, nystagmus, jaw weakness, dysphagia, dysarthria, dyspnea.
Diagnosis: tensilon test, EMG, photos, rest test, ice test, Ct chest and look for thymoma.
Treatment: Mestinon, steroids, plasmapheresis, immunosuppresion
Toxic / nutritrional optic neuropathy
Painless symetric, progrssive vision loss.
From: ethanol, methanol, digoxin, ethambuthol, chloramphenicol, isoniazid, rifampin, lead, tobacco, alchohol, thiamine/B12 deficiency.
Findings: vision <20/200, cecocentral scotoma,disc hyperemia eventually pallor.
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
Mitochondrial inheritance (maternal) Occur in males, females are carriers. Onset 15-30yo. Have BL loss of vision over days. Use of tobacco/alcohol can trigger. find: disc hyperemia, peripapillary telangiactasia that dont leak on FA, vessel tortuosity, late ON pallor, cardiac conduction defect.
there is no treatment. provide genetic counseling.
Adv and disadv CT scan
adv: Bone detail, fast use in trauma, can detect FB.
disadv: radiation
Adv and disadv MRI.

T1 and T2
best for soft tissue, looking at posterior fossa anatomy, no artifact from bone, no radiation.
Contraindicated in metal FB, expensive
T1 - blood, fat, mucus, melanin BRIGHT
vitreous, CSF, EOM, acute heme DARK
T2 - vitreous, CSF BRIGHT
blood, fat is DARK. Best for demyelinating lesions.
Paramedian pontine reticular formation lesion
Lesion in pontine. Cause ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy
CN 6 nucleus lesion
cause ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy
Test to help diagnose functional visual loss
Dense defect:fogging refraction, OKN, mirror test, pupil swinging light test, base up prism test
Mild defect: fogging refraction, stereo acuity, red-green glasses
One and half syndrome
Lesion in CN 6 and ipsilaterla MLF. cause ipsilateral gaze palsy and INO.
Only movement is abduction of contralateral eye.
convergence is intact.
Occur from: MS, basilar a, occlusion, pontine metastasis.
Internuclear ophthalomoplegia

Lesion of MLF, cannot adduct ipsilateral eye with nystagmus on fellow eye.
Can be unilateral or bilateral.
Lesion in midbrain (anterior) convergence preserved
Lesion in pons (posterior) convergence impaired
vestibular nystagmus
horizontal, rotary, jerk nystagmus in primary gaze. same in all fields.
due to vestibular disease (infection, menieres, vascular, trauma, toxicity). Peripheral lesion: fast phase to good side, slow to lesion. Can have deafness, tinnitus, vertigo.
Central lesion: no localizing
Up beat nystagmus
medullary lesions, midline cerebellar lesions (medulloblastoma)
Down beat nystagmus
cervicomedullary junction lesion (arnold chiari)
paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
See-saw nystagmus
vertical and torsional nystagmus.
suprasellar lesion (CVA, trauma, congenital)

Can treat with baclofen
Periodic alternating nystagmus
nystagmus that changes direction.
Vestibulocerebellar system disease

treat with baclofen or surgery
Convergence-retraction nystagmus
on upgaze, cause co-contraction of lateral rectus.

Dorsal-midbrain lesion (parinauds, pinealoma, trauma, brain stem, AVM, MS)
Dissociated Nystagmus
asymmetric nystagmus between the eyes. always pathologic

Lesion in posterior fossa
Gaze evoked nystagmus
nystagmus in direction of gaze, fast phase toward lesion.

Mass compressing brain stem (acoustic neuroma, cerebellar tumor), intoxication
Brun's nystagmus
CPA tumor
looking towards lesion - fast phase to lesion, high amplitude, low frequency
Looking away lesion - fast phase away from lesion, low amplitude, high frequency
Pseudotumor cerebri
occurs in young, obese, females. elevated intracranial pressure with unknown cause.
present with HA, N/V, visual obscurations, photopsias, CN 6 palsy. Order MRI/MRV head, LP
find: papilledema, enlarge blind spot, normal MRI/NRV brain, elevetad LP opening pressure, normal composition.
Condition that can cause: endocrine d/o, steroid withdrawl, dural sinus thrombosis, OCP, hypervitaminosis A, tetracycline, isotretinoin. If no VA loss: can observe, wt loss. Mild VA loss, diamox, wt loss. severe Va loss: LP shunt, ON sheath fenestration.
Optic neuritis
Inflammation optic nerve, idiopathic or from systemic disease.
Most common optic neuropathy in young. Common in females.
Have acute unilateral VA loss, pain EOM, dischromatopsia, RAPD, VF defect most common diffuse central scotoma > altitudinal > ON can be swollen.
DDX: idiopathic, MS, syphillis, sarcoid, lyme, wegeners, sle, devics
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
infarction of he optic nerve head. inadequate perfusion of post ciliary a.
Acute VA loss, dischromatopsia, RAPD, VF loss most common altitudinal or arcuate defects, ON edema.
Arteritic: GCA, arteritis affecting post ciliary A. F>M >55, have scalp tenderness, jaw pain, PMR, fever, malaise, wt. loss. Dx elevated ESR, CRP, perform temporal a. biopsy. treat with steroid.
Non-arteritic: 50-75yo. Assoc with DM, HTN, collagen vascular disease, ESR normal. no treatment. 25-45% risk of fellow eye. can have crowded disk.
Study: Optic neuritis treatment trial (ONTT)
Evaluated the role of steroids in treatment of optic neuritis.
patients assigned to 3 groups:
1. IV steroids followed by oral pred.
2. Oral pred Only
3. Placebo
Results: IV streoid more rapid recovery of vision. decrease incidence of MS in 2 years vs placebo, but no difference after 2 years. Oral pred only have higher recurrence rate. 30% develop MS within 4 years, 38% in 10years. Higher risk of developing MS if previous neuro symptoms and hx of optic neuritis in fellow eye
Study: Ischemic optic neuropathy decompression trial (IONDT)
Results showed that:
1. ON sheath fenestration is not effective
2. surgery has higher risk of loss 3 lines vision. 24% surgical vs. 12% obs
3. at 6 months the observation group have 43% regain 3 lines or more while only 34% surgery patient regained 3 lines or more of VA.
Study: Controlled High risk avonex MS prevention study (CHAMPS)
Ramdomized trial of inferferon B1a. For prevention of MS after demyelinating episode and abnormal MRI.
3 year result, risk of MS lower and fewer MRI lesions in treatment group.
a mitochondrial inherited disease.
Kearn-sayre- ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, retinal degeneration, heart block, path shows ragged red fibers
oculopharyngeal dystrophy
occurs in french canadians, progressive dysphagia, ptosis, CPEO. path shows vacuolar myopathy
myotonic dystrophy
myotonia in peripheral muscles, worse in cold, excitement, fatigue. find: christmas tree cataract, pigmentary retinopathy, ptosis, light near dissociation, miotic pupil. Can have cardiac abnormality.
Parinauds syndrome (dorsal midbrain syndrome)
90% from pineal tumor. can occur from demyelination, infarction, trauma.
Cause supranuclear palsy on up gaze, mid dilated pupils, convergence retraction nystagmus, light near dissociation, vertical OKN, skew deviation, lid retraction (collier's sign).
Trigeminal nerve and branches
V1 - ophthalmic
V2 - maxillary
V3 - mandibular
migraines caused by vasospasm of brain vessels.
Common - no aura. M=F, throbbing HA
Classic - with aura (20%) M=F. Can be triggered followed by hemicranial pain, scintillating scotoma (5-30min), N/V
Complicated: assoc hemiplegia, hemiparetic, ophthalmoplegic
Childhood: attacks of N/V no HA
Acephalic: only aura, no HA
retinal: temporary scotoma or monocular blindness, HA can precede or occur later
Migraine infarction: focal signs persist > 1 week that correpond to a lesion.
Nuclear CN 3 plasy
rare, contralateral sup rectus paresis and BL ptosis
CN 3 fascicle and sup cerebellar peduncle damage. ipsilateral CN 3 paresis and cerebellar ataxia
lesion of fascile with red nucleus: ipsilateral CN 3 paresis with contralateral hemitremor and decrease sensation
Lesion of fascicle and pyramidal tract. ipsilateral CN 3 palsy with contralateral hemiparesis.
nothnagel's and benedikts
Uncal herniation
uncal herniation compress CN 3
Post comm. aneurysm
most common non traumatic aneurysm, painful, involves pupil CN 3 palsy
photostress recovery test
cannot be used in VA worst than 20/80. screens macular disease. >90sec to recover after photostress vs ON disease < 60sec.
Intact bell's phenomenon implies
supranuclear lesion
intact doll's head implies
supranuclear lesion
failure of doll's head implies
infranuclear lesion
Visually evoked cortical potentials
measures macular function, integrity of primary and secondary visual cortex, optic nerve and tract. Pattern VER used to measure preverbal infants.
Toxic or compressive optic neuropathy: reduction in amplitude
demyelination: prolong latency
an intact oculovestibular reflex in patient with gaze palsy denotes?
a supranuclear lesion
lesion causing ipsilateral horner's and contralateral CN 4 palsy
Paradoxical pupillary reaction
CSNB, achromatopsia, leber's congenital amaurosis, optic atrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia
millard gubler syndrome
lesion in fasicle of CN 6, 7, and pyramidal tract causing 6th and 7th nerve palsy with contralateral hemiparesis
raymond's syndrome
lesion in CN 6 and pyramidal tract causing CN 6 palsy and contralateral hemiparesis
foville's syndrome
lesion of CN 6 nucleus and CN 5 and 7 fasciles. cause palsy in 5,6,7, horizontal gaze palsy and ipsilateral horners
progressive supranuclear palsy
progressive gaze palsy, early loss of vertical gaze down gaze first, then lose horizontal gaze. no bell's phenomenon present but doll's head intact. Leads to frozen globe, decrease blink, blepharitis, blepharospasm, apraxia eyelid opening, dysarthria, dementia
millard gubler syndrome
lesion in fasicle of CN 6, 7, and pyramidal tract causing 6th and 7th nerve palsy with contralateral hemiparesis
raymond's syndrome
lesion in CN 6 and pyramidal tract causing CN 6 palsy and contralateral hemiparesis
foville's syndrome
lesion of CN 6 nucleus and CN 5 and 7 fasciles. cause palsy in 5,6,7, horizontal gaze palsy and ipsilateral horners
Optic chiasm anatomy
55% fibers cross at chiasm, nasal fibers cross, temporal stay. 10mm above pituitary gland
Knee of von willebrand
inferonasal retinal fibers cross in the chiasm and course anterior 4mm into contralateral ON before running posterior
damage to superior colliculus
sup colliculus invovled in foveation reflexes, injury disrupts eye movement but no VF defect
magnocellular neurons of LGB
motion detection
parvocellular neurons of LGB
fine spatial resolution and color vision
primary visual cortex
contains topographic map of contralateral hemifield. central macular is magnified.
macular region located posterior
peripheral VF is located anterior
Where is the temporal cresent represented in primary visual cortex?
temporal cresent only seen by nasal retina of ipsilateral eye.
located most anterior in visual cortex. only site posterior to chiasm that if injured will cause monocular VF. Is also only VF spared after occipital lobe damage
What is blood supply of occipital lobe
middle and posterior cerebral artery
Horizontal gaze center
ipsilateral PPRF, ipsilateral CN 6 nucleus, via MLF connects to contralateral CN 3 nucleus
Vertical gaze center
in frontal eye fields or superior colliculus --> riMLF --> CN 3, 4
Gerstmann syndrome
lesion in dominant parietal lobe cause inferior homonymous hemianopia, acalculia, finger agnosia, left-right confusion.
oculomotor apraxia
saccadic palsy. have head thrusting to look at target. fast phase absent on OKN, normal pursuit.
olivopontocerebellar atrophy
can be herditary or sporatic, early adulthood. eye movements slow down in all directions leads to complete ophthalmoplegia. have cerellar and pontine atrophy
ocular bobbing
due to hemorrhage
ocular myoclonus
pendular nystagmus assoc with uveal beating
due to hypertrophy of inferior olives
rapid chaotic eye movement in all directions, persist in sleep unlike spasmus nutans. A paraneoplastic syndrome from metastatic neuroblastoma
CN 3 anatomy
nucleus in midbrain --> exits ventral midbrain pass between post cerebral and superior cerebellar --> lateral to ICA --> cavernous sinus wall --> into superior orbital fissure divides to inferior and superior div.
1 subnucleus serves both levator palpebrae
contralateral subnucleus serves SR.
Superior division: LP and SR
Inferior division: MR, IR, IO, iris sphincter, ciliary muscles
CN 4 anatomy
nucleus in caudal mesencephalon --> exit dorsal at level of inferior colliculus --> decussates pass between post cerebral and superior cerebellar a. --> travel in wall of cevernous sinus --> enters orbit via superior orbital fissure outsite annulus zinn --> to sup oblique
CN 4 nuclear syndrome
CN 4 palsy with contralateral horner's or INO
CN 6 anatomy
nucleus in dorsal pons (medial CN 7) --> exits inferior pons ventral --> climbs over clivus --> under gruber's ligament through dorello's canal --> enter cavenous sinus --> into orbit via superior orbital fissure --> to lateral rectus
gradenego's syndrome
inflammation or abcess of petrous apex (mastoiditis) following ostitis media --> CN 6 palsy with ipsilateral decrease hearing, facial pain and paralysis
CN 6 subarachnoid space syndrome
increaseICP can push the brainstem down stretching the CN 6 at where it is tethered between pons and dorellos canal. (30% in pseudotumor)
Pseudo-gradenego's syndrome
cause by: nasopharyngeal CA, CPA tumors, petrous bone fracture, basilar aneurysm, clivus chordoma.
trigeminal neuralgia
compression of CN 5 root, cause severe facial pain usual at maxillary and mandibular division, get imaging, treat with cabamazepine or surgery
CN 7 anatomy
exits at CPA --> enters internal auditory canal with the nervus intermedius, cochlear, and vestibular nerves --> facial n. canal --> exits temporal bone via stylomastoid foramen --> branches in parotid gland. supply facial muscles, lacrimal and salivary, post 2/3 tongue, external ear sensation, dampens stapedius
CN 7 supranuclear palsy
damage of precentral gyrus of cerebral cortex cause contralateral paralysis of voluntary facial muscles of upper and lower. reflex and emotional movements preserved
CN 7 brain stem lesion
ipsilatral upper and lower facial weakness, can be from tumor or vascular cause
CN 7 peripheral lesion
most common facial nerve palsy. Bell's palsy a idiopathic facial n palsy of upper and lower face. if assoc with facial twitching or spasm suspect tumor. 70% recover in 6 weeks
benign essential blepharospasm
bilataral involuntary and forceful contraction of obicularis. absent during sleep. treat with botox
hemifacial spasm
unilateral contractions of facial muscles. due to vascular compression of CN 7 at brian stem, present at sleep, get imaging
DDX of multiple CN palsies. CN 3,4,5, 6
lesion at:
cavernous sinus
superior orbital fissure
brain stem
Mimics: MG, CPEO, TAO, orbital pseudotumor
pathway of pupil light reflex
parasympathetic innvervation
ON --> chiasm --> optic tract --> pretectal n. --> cross to both EW n. -> travel in CN 3 synapse in ciliary ganglion --> post ganglionic fibers via short ciliary n to cilary body and iris sphincter
What does not cause RAPD
cataract, amblyopia, acute papilledema, refractive error, function VA loss, any leison posterior to LGB.