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57 Cards in this Set

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What cell body is always in the brainstem nucleus?
Where are the first second and third cell bodies of the sensory system?
head sensory location to brainstem nucleus to brain
Where are the first second and third cell bodies of the motor system?
brain cell in motor cortex to brainstem nucleus to muscle or ganglion (if parasympathetic) to organ (if parasympathetic)
What is general v. special?
not unique to head v unique to head
What is somatic vs visceral?
concious v. unconcious (which includes taste and smell for some crazy reason)
What is afferent and what is efferent?
sensory motor
Which nerves are sensory-only?
olfactory, optic, vestibulocochlear
What is the vestibular nuclei particularly important for?
eyes being steady while your head moves
Where is the cochlear nuclei in a cross section in reference to the inferior cerebellar peduncle? middle?
above, below
Where does the vestibular part of the vestibulocochlear nerve come from?
semicircular cannals
What are the motor-only nerves?
oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, spinal accessory, hypoglossal
Which nerves of the motor-only are somatic motor? how-so?
oculomotor, trochear, abducens, move eye muscles
Which muscles does the spinal accessory move?
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
What classification does spinal accessory fall under?
motor-only branchial/visceral motor
How does superior rectus move the eye?
How does inferior rectus move the eye?
How does medial rectus move the eye?
How does lateral rectus move the eye?
How does superior oblique move the eye?
down and medial
How does inferior oblique move the eye?
up and medial
Which muscles does the oculomotor move via which nucleus?
superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, levatr palpebrae superioris (eyelid), via oculomotor nucleus
Which muscles does the oculomotor move via the weird nucleus (which)?
ciliary muscles for lens accomodation and pupil constrictor muscles
Which NT does parasympathetic system use?
Which nerves control PNS?
3 (oculomotor) 7 (Facial) 9 (Glossopharyngeal) 10 (Hypoglossal)
What things do the PNS cranial nerves control?
tears, spit, mucus, digestion
Which muscle does the trochlear nerve control?
superior oblique
Which muscle does the Abducens control?
Lateral rectus
What does branchial mean? Which muscles are included?
derived from gill arches, which includes muscles of mastication, pharynx, larynx, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
Which nerves are branchial?
5 (Trigeminal) 7 (Facial) 9 (Glossopharyngeal) 10 (Hypoglossal)
Which muscles does the hypoglossal control?
tongue muscles
Which nerves are mixed sensory and motor?
trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus
Which nuclei are arssociated with mixed nerves?
SAT so solitarius, ambiguus, trigeminal
Which nerves utilize the nucleus solitarius and for what?
facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, for taste and chemoreception
Which nerves utilize the nucleus ambiguus and for what?
glossopharyngeal and vagus for swallowing, talking, gagging
Which nerves utilize the spinal trigeminal nucleus and for what?
trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, for protopathic from face and outer ear
What is the function of the trigeminal nerve?
proprioceptive info from face and mouth, muscles of mastication, protopahtic info
What are the subtypes of the trigeminal nerve?
mesencephalic trigeminal, main sensory trigeminal, motor trigeminal, spinal trigeminal
Which dermatomes does the trigeminal affect and where?
V1-3 of face
Tell me about the V1 dermatome
opthalamic, top, bridge of nose and eyes
Tell me about the V2 dermatome
maxillary, temples, cheeks, upper mouth
Tell me about the V3 dermatome
Mandibular, back, side of head, bottom mouth and chin
What is the only descending sensory tract?
spinal trigeminal tracts
Where does the spinal trigeminal synapse in the brainstem? Where does it go next?
substantia gelatinosa, VPM
What is the VPL for? VPM?
somatosensation for body, for facce
How does the spinal trigeminal ascend in the brainstem (in what?)
medial lemniscus
WHat is the function of the mesencephalic system?
proprioceptive for muscles of mastication
What is the function of the trigeminal motor system?
muscles of chewing and tensor tympani (dampen sound)
Which nuclei does the facial nerve utilize?
facial motor nucleus, superior salivatory nucleus, nucleus solitarius, spinal trigeminal nucleus
What is the funciton of the facial motor nucleus as it relates to the facial ? What is its classification?
facial expression (branchial motor)
What is the fuction of the superior salivatory nucleus as it relates to the facial nerve? What is its classification?
tears and spit, visceral motor
What is the function of the nucleus soltiarius as it relates to the facial nerve? What is its classification?
taste, anterior 2/3, special sensory
What is the function of the spinal trigeminal nucleus as it relates to the facial nerve? What is its classification?
protopathic from external ear, general sensory (=earbit)
What is a real smile called?
duchenne smile
What does damage to the facial nerve result in?
bells palsy, drooping ipsilateral and cant smile naturally
What mark the 2/3 boundary on the tongue?
vallate papillae
Which nuclei does the glossopharyngeal nerve utilize? What do they do?
solitarius (taste in posterior 2/3 of tongue)
ambiguus (gagging)
spinal trigeminal (earbit)
inferior salivatory (salivation)
Which nuclei does the vagus nerve utilize? What do they do?
solitarius (chemoreception from pharynx, eppiglotis, larynx, vasculature)
ambiguus (swallowing and talking)
trigeminal (spinal)(protopathic from earbit)
dorsal motor nuc of vagus (parasympathetic)