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31 Cards in this Set

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Anatomical unit of nervous tissue


Neurons receive stimuli from the internal environment


Neurons receive stimuli from the external environment


Furnishes protection, nutrition, and structural integrity to nervous tissue


What are the Parts of neurons?

Cell body: Soma/Cyton

Processes: Axons & Dendrites

Perikaryon: part of the cell body surrounding the nucleus

What germ layer does all nervous tissue components except Microgliocytes derived from?


Comprise the majority of neurons and are the cell that secret neurotransmitters at synapses

Transmission neurons/Conducting neurons

Have dendrites and a single long or short horn

Multipolar neurons

Those with long axons are ___(a)___, while those with short axon are ___(b)___.

a. Ventral horn cells of the spinal cord

b. Interneurons and cells of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex

Have one main dendrite and an axon, the processes are located at opposite poles of the cell body

Bipolar neurons

Have only one axon and occur only during development

True unipolar neurons

Have an axon and dendrite fused close to the cell body but separated from it.

Pseudo unipolar neurons

Those that don't have axon. Ex. Retinal amacrine neurons

Anaxonic neurons

Secrete oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone

Hypothalamic neurosecretory cells

Carry information to the cell body (afferent)


Carry information from the cell body (efferent)


The neural region subjected to excitatory and inhibitory stimulation

Dendritic zones

Includes the initial segments of the axon. It is all-or-none conducting part of the neuron.

Axonic zone

Includes those terminal modifications permitting information transfer to the next element in the pathway

Telodendrotic zone

A clear region which delimits the axonal origin in the perikaryon

Axon hillock

Occurs in nerve cells and maybe linked to their high rate of cellular metabolism and organelle turnover.


Occur in the cell body and processes

Neurofilaments and Neurotubules (microtubules)

Materials move constantly away from (somatofugal) and towards (somatopetal) the cell body.

Axonal transport

Occurs at specific sites called ephapses, electronic junctions, or electrical synapses

Electric transmission

These are electrochemical transmission sites between neurons or neurons and effector cells


Intercellular space that separates pre and postsynaptic membranes

Synaptic cleft

A molecule on or within the postsynaptic membrane with which a single neurotransmitter substance reacts.


Excitation from receptor stimulation causes ____(a)___, while inhibition causes ___(b)___ of the post-synaptic membrane

a. Hypopolarization

b. Hyperpolarization

Also called "neural glue", they serve as the supportive network or nervous system stroma.

Neuroglial cells

Most numerous neurogliocytes


Second most encountered neurogliocytes of the CNS
