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23 Cards in this Set

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Midline tumor in tegmentum of rostral pons

Midline tumor in tegmentum of rostral pons

Reticular Core (including central tegmental tracts) = arousal mechanisms severely impaired, level of consciousness dep. on lesion size; enhanced extensor antigravity tone w/ possibility of decerebrate posture

Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) = inability to adduct eyes on lateral gaze

Meningeal tumor pressing on inferior colliculus

Meningeal tumor pressing on inferior colliculus (rostral pons)

Nucleus of inferior colliculus/termination of lateral lemniscus = bilateral hearing loss, more pronounced on side opposite lesion

Thrombosis of branch of superior cerebellar artery or tumor mass in midline of tegmentum of rostral pons

Thrombosis of branch of superior cerebellar artery or tumor mass in midline of tegmentum of rostral pons

Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles = ataxia, bilateral cerebellar dyssynergia, including dysdiachokinesia, dysmetria, and decomposition of movements; bilateral intention tremor

Reticular core = deficits in consciousness proportional to size of lesion

Superior alternating hemiplegia (Weber's) - thrombosis of branch of posterior cerebral a. or tumor at base of rostral midbrain

Superior alternating hemiplegia (Weber's) - thrombosis of branch of posterior cerebral a. or tumor at base of rostral midbrain

Crus cerebri (CST & CBT) = contralateral spastic hemiparesis/paralysis; C. loss of cutaneous reflexes, hyperactive c. deep tendon reflex, clonus, c. extensor plantar (Babinski), c. lower facial paralysis (can wrinkle forehead, can't smile); sudden onset jaw/tongue deviation to side opposite lesion

Oculomotor (3) nerve root = Ipsilateral external strabismus, diplopia, ipsi ptosis, ipsi mydriasis, absence of direct light reflex in ipsi eye & loss of consensual response when light is shone in eye opposite lesioned side.

Benedikt's - tumor in tegmentum of rostral midbrain

Benedikt's - tumor in tegmentum of rostral midbrain

Oculomotor (3) nerve root = Ipsilateral external strabismus, diplopia, ipsi ptosis, ipsi mydriasis, absence of direct light reflex in ipsi eye & loss of consensual response when light is shone in eye opposite lesioned side.

Red nucleus/superior cerebellar peduncle (rostral to decussation) = ataxia, contra. dyssynergia, including dysdiachokinesia, dysmetria, and decomposition of movements; contra. intention tremor

Ascending sensory fibers, including ML, ALS, and ventral trigeminal tract = Contralateral loss of fine touch, proprioception, deep pressure sensation, pain, temp in body and face

Parkinsonism - degeneration of pars compacta of substantia nigra 

Parkinsonism - degeneration of pars compacta of substantia nigra

Substantia nigra = contra. rigidity of musculature, cog-wheel phenomenon, contra. tremor at rest (pill rolling), contra bradykinesia

**Note = may start on one side of brain and spread to other side; loss of associated movements (swinging arms when walking, blinking, spontaneous gesturing) posture and righting reflexes occur with progression; emotional behavior affected.

Tumor at base of caudal diencephalon (rostral midbrain section)

Tumor at base of caudal diencephalon (rostral midbrain section)

Lateral geniculate/termination of optic tract = contralateral homonymous hemianopsia

Parinaud's - occurring from pinealoma or tumor or pineal gland (diencephalon/midbrain transition)

Parinaud's - occurring from pinealoma or tumor or pineal gland (diencephalon/midbrain transition)

Pineal gland tumor presses on centers for vertical gaze & rostral superior colliculi (more caudally) = paralysis of upward gaze (initially); paralysis of downward gaze occurs later as tumor expands

Thrombosis of branch of posterior cerebral artery (caudal thalamus)

Thrombosis of branch of posterior cerebral artery (caudal thalamus)

VPM & VPL = contralateral body and face loss of fine touch, conscious proprioception, and deep pressure sensation; inability to localize pain on contralateral body and face (without losing ability to perceive it)

Thrombosis of branch of thalamosubthalamic a. (branch of post. cerebral a.) - mid thalamus/subthalamus/caudal hypothalamus

Thrombosis of branch of thalamosubthalamic a. (branch of post. cerebral a.) - mid thalamus/subthalamus/caudal hypothalamus

Subthalamic nucleus = contralateral hemiballism, mild hypotonia of affected muscles

Thrombosis of a branch of post. cerebral a. or tumor mass in crus cerebri at base of caudal diencephalon 

Thrombosis of a branch of post. cerebral a. or tumor mass in crus cerebri at base of caudal diencephalon

Internal capsule/cerebral peduncle = contra spastic hemiparesis/paralysis; jackknife phenomenon, contra loss of cutaneous reflexes, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes; contra extensor plantar reflex (Babinski); contra lower facial paralysis (can't smile but can wrinkle forehead)

Optic tract = contra homonymous hemianopsia

**Note = following a lesion of sudden onset (thrombosis), transient deviation of jaw/tongue to side opposite lesion

Midline tumor mass in caudal hypothalamus 

Midline tumor mass in caudal hypothalamus

Mammillothalamic tracts = decreased ability to form new memories

Posterior hypothalamic = hypothermia/poikilothermia; decreased alertness and sometimes somnolence

Tumor in midline of hypothalamus approximately halfway through its rostrocaudal extent (rostral thalamus/mid hypothalamus)

Tumor in midline of hypothalamus approximately halfway through its rostrocaudal extent (rostral thalamus/mid hypothalamus)

Midline lesion of medial hypothalamus midway through rostrocaudal extent = hyperphagia and obesity, altered endocrine function, enhanced aggressive behavior

Pituitary tumor herniated out of the sella turcica and pressing on base of anterior hypothalamus 

Pituitary tumor herniated out of the sella turcica and pressing on base of anterior hypothalamus

Optic chiasm = bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia

Midline tumor in the anterior hypothalamus 

Midline tumor in the anterior hypothalamus

Anterior hypothalamic nuclei including:

Supraoptic/paraventricular nuclei = diabetes insipidus

Anterior area = hyperthermia (dysfunctional heat dissipation mechanism)

Suprachiasmatic nuclei = endocrine dysfunction (inability to regulate circadian rhythm)

Fornix = decreased ability to form new memories

Thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a. (left cerebral hemisphere)

Thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a. (left cerebral hemisphere)

Pars opercularis and triangularis of frontal gyrus (Broca's speech Brodmann's area 44) = motor (expressive, non-fluent) aphasia; often accompanied by agraphia; full speech comprehension with production of single words in telegraphic manner

Inferior portion of precentral gyrus = contra lower facial paralysis, contra upper limb paralysis if lesion extends more dorsally into precentral gyrus

Thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a. (left cerebral hemisphere)

Thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a. (left cerebral hemisphere)

Portions of superior temporal gyrus & inferior supramarginal gyrus (Wernicke's area, Brodmann's areas 22 & 44) = sensory (receptive, fluent) aphasia; often accompanied by dyslexia; patient lacks speech comprehension and puts sounds together into meaningless words and words lacking relation to each other (word salad)

Gerstmann's - occurring after a tumor in posterior parietal lobe or thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a. 

Gerstmann's - occurring after a tumor in posterior parietal lobe or thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a.

Superior portions of supramarginal and angular gyri (Brodmann's areas 40 & 39) = finger agnosia, right/left confusion, dysgraphia, anomia, acalculia, sometimes dyslexia

Tumor mass growing in right inferior parietal lobule; thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a. 

Tumor mass growing in right inferior parietal lobule; thrombosis of branch of middle cerebral a.

Portions of supramarginal and angular gyri (Brodmann's areas 40 & 39) = negligence of opposite body half and visual space

Thrombosis of branch of posterior cerebral a. (medial hemispheric wall)

Thrombosis of branch of posterior cerebral a. (medial hemispheric wall)

Lingula (Brodmann's area 17) = contralateral homonymous superior quadrantanopsia

Meningioma in the falx cerebri growing laterally to affect only one hemisphere 

Meningioma in the falx cerebri growing laterally to affect only one hemisphere

Paracentral lobule (portions of pre and post central gyri on medial hemispheric wall) = loss of fine touch discrimination, conscious proprioception, and deep pressure sensation over contra lower limb from knee down; inability to localize pain over contra lower limb from knee down; spastic paralysis/paresis of contra leg.

Localized (focal) meningioma (left cerebral hemisphere)

Localized (focal) meningioma (left cerebral hemisphere)

Superior parietal lobule (Brodmann's areas 5 & 7) = asterognosia (inability to recognize shape of objects felt with right hand)

Small localized tumor (left cerebral hemisphere)

Small localized tumor (left cerebral hemisphere)

Superior frontal gyrus (Brodmann's area 6) = apraxia (patient with no paralysis is unable to carry out complex motor tasks)