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9 Cards in this Set

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Name 6 signs of maternal chorioamnionitis.

1. Intrapartum fever (>100.4): most common finding

2. Significant maternal tachycardia (>120/min)

3. Fetal tachycardia (>160-180)

4. Purulent or foul smelling amniotic fluid or vaginal discharge

5. Uterine tenderness

6. Leucocytosis in mom (>15-18,000)--especially if a series of CBC's shows an upward trend

1. How many of the signs of chorioamnionitis should be present to greatly increase the risk of early newborn sepsis?

2. If there is a smaller number of signs than the answer above, how concerned about neonatal sepsis should we be?

1. Two or more

2. We must be vigilant even if there are none! "Silent" chorioamnionitis is very real and frequent enough to be a problem. Also, the signs can be unrecorded in the mother's chart, and too many subjective factors are present.

If we suspect there might have been chorioamnionitis in the mother and the evidence remains ambiguous for it, what is the first thing we should do to clear the air?

Ask the obstetrician directly for his or her opinion.

Name 3 effects of chorioamnionitis, be it silent or otherwise, upon the labor and delivery process itself.

1. Initiate uteroplacental bleeding

2. Placental abruption

3. Uterine atony to the extent that oxytocin or even c/s are required

What 8 findings might be found on the physical exam of a mother afflicted by chorioamnionitis?

1. An ill, toxic-looking appearance

2. Fever

3. Heart rate over 120

4. Hypotension

5. Diaphoresis

6. Cool, clammy skin

7. Abnormal looking or foul uterine or vaginal discharge


Name 3 ultrasound findings that might or might not be present in the presence of chorioamnionitis.

1. A biophysical profile of the fetus may reveal a lower than normal score.

2. Lack of fetal "breathing"

3. "Sludge" either settling at the amniotic fluid-cervical interface or hyperechogenic free-floating globs (But this can be seen in a symptomatic women as well)

Name 4 clinical events often associated with chorioamnionitis and/or early newborn sepsis.

1. History of premature birth

2. Premature labor

3. Premature rupture of membranes before labor has begun

4. Prolonged rupture of membranes

What obstetric procedure in the perinatal period can cause fever in mother and/or neonate?

Epidural anesthesia

Following an epidural, what 3 observations made upon a newborn with fever can ease our minds about the presence of sepsis?

1. The newborn must act normally and not look sick

2. The APGARs are normal

3. The fever should dissipate quickly over the next 30-60'