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41 Cards in this Set

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Thayer Martin agar contains which 3 antibiotics?
VCN: Vancomycin, Colistin, Nystatin
What do the 3 antibiotics in Thayer Martin deal with?
VCN: Vancomycin: gram positive cocci.
Colistin: gram negative rods
Nystatin: yeasts
What's inside Thayer Martin agar, besides the antibiotics?
Head blood with hemin, animal proteins; growth inhibited by fatty acids and salts
Is Neisseria Oxidase positive or negative?
Neisseria is oxidase POSITIVE.
What's the Oxidase test all about?
Positive reaction = PURPLE color. Oxidase tests for the presence of CYTOCHROME C OXIDASE. TMPD (tetramethylparaphenylenediamine) hydrochloride is a redox indicator that is impregnated on a Oxidase test disk. if the organism contains oxidase, the test will be PURPLE = POSITIVE.
What are the two pathogenic species of Neisseria and what are their common names?
N. meningitidis (meningococcus) & N. gonorrhoeae (gonococcus)
T/F: Neisseria doesn't remain viable & infective free in the environment.
True. It's an intracellular type of organism.
What is the morphology & staining pattern of Neisseria?
Gram negative diplococci.
What's so special about Neisseria's diplococci appearance?
They are kidney bean shaped---adjacent sides flattened.
T/F: Neisseria is non-motile & non-sporulating.
True. Neisseria is non-motile and non-sporulating.
T/F: Neisseria is surrounded by a polysaccharide capsule.
True! Neisseria does have a polysaccharide capsule.
What part of the human body does Neisseria like to inhabit?
Neisseria prefers the mucous membranes of humans.
T/F: The two pathogenic Neisseria species are very fastidious and require enriched media for growth.
True! The other non-pathogenic species can grown in simple media.
What are the 2 media used for culturing pathogenic Neisseria?
Chocolate agar & Thayer Martin agar.
What is inside Chocolate agar? It's not Hersheys! haha.
Hemoglobin, yeast extract in addition to peptone, glucose, ect. . .
What does Thayer-Martin agar contain? What inhibits growth on Thayer-Martin?
HEATED blood (important, bc the heated blood = lysed blood cells?), hemin, animal proteins; growth inhibited by fatty acid & salts.
Which specie/s of Neisseria produce IgA Protease?
N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.
Which specie/s of Neisseria grow on Nutrient agar at 22C?
N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.
Which specie/s of Neisseria grow on Chocolate agar at 37C?
N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.
Which specie/s of Neisseria grow on TM (Thayer Martin) agar?
N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.
Which Neisseria specie/s is POSITIVE for MALTOSE? (we are talking about "Acid From Maltose"). ?
N. meningitidis
Which Neisseria specie/s is POSITIVE for acid from GLUCOSE?
N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.
Which Neisseria specie/s is POSITIVE for acid from SUCROSE?
What does IgA Protease do?
IgA Protease cleaves proteins. IgA is in the mucosal membranes, which ironically is the type of environment that Neisseria like.
List some virulence factors of N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.
1. Polysaccharide capsule (prominent in meningococcus)
2. Pili (particularly for gonococci)
3. IgA protease (important in N. meningitidis & M. gonorrheae.)
4. LPS (Lipopolysaccharide) (responsible for DIC in meningococcemia)
5. Protein I (found in all gonocci)
What does the virulence factor POLYSACCHARIDE CAPSULE do? In which Neisseria is it prominent in?
Polysaccharide capsule = resists phagocytosis. It is prominent in meingococcus (dividing it in 13 groups).
What does the virulence factor PILI do? Which Neisseria species is it particularly helpful for?
Pili also resists phagocytosis.
It is protein in nature.
It enhances attachment to host cells.
It is important for both species, and gonocci in particular.
T/F: Virulence factor IgA PROTEASE is important in both species.
What does the virulent factor LPS (Lipopolysaccharide) do? Which species of Neisseria does it do this in?
LPS is an ENDOtoxin responsible for DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation [vascular thrombosis] in meningococcemia.
What is the potent pyrogen that LPS stimulates the host phagocytes to make?
What factor does LPS stimulate the host phagocyte to release that causes inflammation, fever and shock?
TNF (tumor necrosis factor)
What other factor does LPS produce that we know causes vasodilation?
Which virulent factor is a principal outer membrane protein; found in all gonococci which induce specifically protective & bactericidal antibodies?
Protein I.
T/F: Gram negative organisms all have LPS endotoxins.
What is the toxic part of LPS?
Lipid A.
Protein M is found in which bug?
Protein M = Strep
Protein A is found in which bug?
Protein A = Staph
Protein I is found in which bug?
Protein I = Neisseria
T/F: Gonocci attacks the mucous membranes of genitourinary tract, eye, rectum & throat.
What is the RESERVOIR for Neisseria?
Infected human person
What is the transmission for Neisseria gonorrhoeae?
Sexual content.