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222 Cards in this Set

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acetaminophen Tylenol
-non-opioid analgesic

-primary risk: Hepatotoxicity
acetazolamide Diamox
-oral Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor
-acts on ciliary body epithelium to
decrease bicarbonate production

-SE: metallic taste, tingling and in hands and feet, metabolic acidosis, depression, diarrhea
-bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia
acetylcysteine Mucomyst
-mucolytic agent, topical opthalmic
-filamentary keratitis, dry eye, corneal burns
acyclovir Zovirax
-oral antiviral
-active HZO, prophylactic HSV keratitis
albuterol Ventolin
-beta 2 agonist (B2>B1)
alprazolam Xanax
-anxiolytic, binds GABA receptions, anticholinergic

-SE: mydriasis
amantadine Symmetrel
-antioparkinsonian, potentiate dopamine in the brain
amiodarone Cordarone
-class 3: K+ channel blocker, anti-arrythmic

-3 ocular SE:
2) whorl keratopathy ( >400 mg/day)
3) anterior subcapsulary cataracts (>600mg/day after 6 months)

-3 systemic SE:
1) fatal pulmonary toxicity,
2) thyroid dysfunction
3) liver failure
amitriptyline Elavil
-Tricyclic anti-depressant

-inhibits NE and Serotonin reuptake

-SE: dry eye syndrome (anti-cholinergic)
amoxicillin Principen
-cell wall synthesis blocker (transpeptidase inhibitor)

-not resistant to penicillinase
amphotericin B Amphocin
-antifungal, binds ergosterol and forms pores
apraclonidine Iopidine
-alpha 2 agonist with limited alpha 1

-acute: greatest IOP reducer but tachyphalxis and high allergic response (toxic conjunctivitis)

-causes reversal of aisocornia in Horner's (no effect on normal pupil)
atenolol Tenormin
-non- selective beta blocker
-ant-HTN, block release of renin from kidney

-doesn't pass through blood-brain barrier
atorvastatin Lipitor
- HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor (statin)

-SE: hepatotoxicity and myopathy
azathioprine Imuran
-Rhenumatoid arthritis, kidney transplant rejection
azelastine Optivar
-topical mast cell/antihistamine combo
azithromycin Zithromax
-macrolide anti-biotic, works on 50S ribosomal subunit

-Oral: Chlamydia

-Topical: Blepharitis
benazepril Lotensin
- ACE inhibitor (antiotensin 2 inhibitor)
-SE: Cough
betaxolol Betoptic S
-selective B1 beta blocker

-neuroprotective qualitites
bethanechol Urecholine
-direct acting cholinergic agonist
bimatoprost Lumigan
-prostaglandin analog
-1st line for POAG

-27-35% IOP lowering

-1) acts on PGF1a receptors: break down collagen and increase uveoscleral output
2) activates phospholipase C

-CI: 1) risk for CME,
2) active inflammation
3) previous episodes of herpes simplex keratitis

-SE: iris heterochromia, increased pigmentation and growth, skin darkening around the eye

-bedtime dosing
botulinum toxin Botox
-cholinergic atagonist, blcoks release of Ach
brimonidine Alphagan P
-highly selective alpha 2 agonist
-longterm treatment of glaucoma


-other use: miosis (reduce glare, halos and night vision symptoms for LASIK/ PRK pts)
brinzolamide Azopt
-topical CAI

-acts on ciliary body epithelium to decrease bicarbonate

-SE: metallic taste, tingling in hands and feet, metabolic acidosis, diarrhea
bromfenac Xibrom
-topical NSAID
-non-selective, reversibe
bromocriptine Parlodel

-dopamine agonist used for prolactin secreting pituitary adenomas
brompheniramine Dimetane
-1st generation antihistamine
-CNS effect
captopril Capoten
-ACE inhibitor

-SE: Cough
ceftriaxone Rocephin
-3rd generation cephalosporine

-TOC for gonorrhea
cefuroxime Ceftin
-2nd generation cephalosporine
celecoxib Celebrex
-oral NSAID, selective for COX-2 pathway
-helps protect gastric mucosa

-SE: increases MI risk
cephalexin Keflex
-1st generation cephalosporin
-skin infections around the eye
cetirizine Zyrtec
-2nd generation oral antihistamine (H1)
-limited CNS access

-SE: abnomral EOM contractions, oculogyris crisis
chloramphenicol Chloromycetin
or Chloroptic
-antiobiotic, 50S ribosomal subunit

-SE: fatal aplastic anemia, optic neuritis
chloroquine Aralen
-antiparasitic, causes heme build up

SE: bulls' eye maculopathy/ RPE mottling

Risk factors:
1. >3mg/kg
2. >5 years
3. abnormal renal function
chlorothiazide Diuril
-diuretic, inhibits NaCl reabsorption

-works on early DCT
chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton
-1st generation (H1) antihistamine

-penetrate CNS

-SE: mydriasis, dry eye
chlorpromazine Thorazine
-antipsycotic, D2 receptor antagonist

-3 pigment issues:
1) pigment on corneal endothelium
2) anterior stellate cataract
3) hyperpigmenation of RPE

-3 anticholinergic effects:
1) dry eye
2) mydriasis
3) increased IOP

+Ocular gyrate crisis
chlorpropamide Diabinese
-sulfonylurea,increase insulin section from beta cells
-DM 2
cholestyramine Questran
-bile acid binding resin (prevents their reabsorption)
chymotrypsin Catarase
pancreatic enzyme that helps breakdown protein --> says wikipedia

cidofovir Vistide
-3rd line antiviral for CMV

-SE: Uveitis
cimetidine Tagamet
-H2 receptor blocker, decreases acid secretion from parietal cells
ciprofloxacin Ciloxan or Cipro
- 2nd generation fluroquinolone, inhibits DNA gyase and topoisomerase IV

-main drug for anything bacterial in the eye
clarithromycin Biaxin
-macrolide, works on 50S ribosomal subunit

-oral for URI and LRI (lower respiratory infections)
clindamycin Cleocin
-Macrolide, works at 50S ribosomal subunit
clonidine Catapres
-alpha 2 agonist (inhibitor receptor), decreased sympathetic outflow
-decreases vascular resistance in HTN
cromolyn sodium Crolom
-topical mast cell stabilizer

-not effective for acute allergy symptoms
cyclobenzaprine Flexeril
-skeletal muscle relaxant, decreases spinal polysynaptic reflexes
cyclopentolate Cyclogyl
-topical cholinergic antagonist

-standard cycloplegic agent

-fastest onset and shortest duration of cycloplegic effects (45 minutes)
cyclosporine Neoral or
-immunosuppressant for organ transplants --> Wiki

dexamethasone Maxidex
-potent topical steroid

-combo with tobramycin in tobradex
dextroamphetamine Dexedrine
-CNS stimulant, increases dopamine release

-SE: chronic use --> mydriasis and dry eye
-mydriasis can cause angle closure
diazepam Valium
-anxiolytic, binds GABA receptors

-SE: mydriasis (anticholinergic)
dichlorphenamide Daranide
-Oral CAI, works on cilliary body epithelium to decrease bicarbonate

-SE: metallic taste, tingling in hands and feet, metabolic acidosis, depression, diarrhea
-bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia
diclofenac sodium Voltaren
-Topical NSAID, non-selective and reversible
dicloxacillin Dynapen
-penicillinase resistant penicillin

digoxin Lanoxin
-inhibits Na/K ATPase
-Congestive heart failure

1) retrobulbar optic neuritis
2) B/Y color defects
3) entopic phenomenon
diltiazem Cardizem
-Ca Channel blocker

-low-tension glaucoma: may increase profusion to optic nerve
diphenhydramine Benadryl
-1st generation antihistamine (H1)

-penetrates CNS

-SE: mydrasis, dry eye
dipyridamole Persantine
inhibits thrombus formation[1] when given chronically and causes vasodilation --> Wiki

donepezil Aricept
-AChase inhibitor, CNS acting
-Dementia/ Alzheimer's

-modestly reduces IOP
dorzolamide Trusopt
-topical CAI, acts on cilliary body epithelium to decrease bicarbonate

-SE: metallic taste, tingling in hands and feet, metabolic acidosis, depression, diarrhea
echothiophate Phospholine
-indirect cholinergic agonist (AchE inhbitor)
-MG diagnosis/ treatment

-irreversible effect
edrophonium Enlon
-indirect cholinergic agonist (AchE inhbitor)
-MG diagnosis (primary way)

-Tensilon test
emedastine Emadine
-topical H1 antihistamine
-allergic conjunctivitis
enalapril Vasotec
-ACE inhibitor

-SE: Cough
epinastine Elestat
-topical mast-cell stabilizer/anti-histamine combo
esomeprazole Nexium
-oral PPI
-1st line for PUD/ GERD
ethambutol Myambutol
-TB drug (antimicrobial)

-SE: optic neuritis
famciclovir Famvir
-antiviral, inhibits DNA polymerase
-HSV 1/2 and VZV
famotidine Pepcid
-H2 receptor blocker, decreases gastric acid production
fenofibrate TriCor
-binds to PPAR-alpha, fibric acid
fexofenadine Allegra
-2nd generation (H1) antihistamine
-limited CNS access
fluconazole Diflucan
-antifungal, inhibits ergosterol synthesis
fluorometholone FML
-soft topical steroid

-SE: increased risk of secondary infection, PSC cataract, glaucoma
fluoxetine Prozac
flurbiprofen Ocufen
-topical NSAID, non-selective, reversible
fluticasone Flonase or
-steroid in advair
(B2 2 agonist)
foscarnet Foscavir
-2nd line CMV (when Ganciclovir fails)
furosemide Lasix
-diuretic, acts on Na2/Cl/K Co-transport

-acts on thick ascending LOH
ganciclovir Cytovene
-1st line antiviral for CMV

-SE: bone marrow suppresion
gatifloxacin Zymar
-4th generation fluoroquinolone, inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV

-main drug for anything bacterial in the ey
gentamicin Garamycin
-blocker of protein synthesis at 30S ribosomal subunit

-SE: SPK and delayed re-epithelialization
glipizide Glucotrol
-sulfonylurea, increases section of insulin from beta cells
glyburide Diabeta or
-sulfonylurea, increases section of insulin from beta cells
glycerin Osmoglyn
-creates hyperosmotic gradient in ciliary stroma plasma, lowers IOP
-acute angle closures

-SE: vomitting

-CI: Diabetes, it increases blood sugar levels
griseofulvin Grifulvin V
-anti-fungal, works on microtubules
hydralazine Apresoline
-vasodilator, works on cGMP
hydrochlorothiazide Hydrodiuril
-diuretic, inhibits NaCl reabsortion

-works on early DCT
hydroxychloroquine Plaquenil
-inhibits phospholipase A2
-Lupus, RhA, malaria

-SE: bull's eye maculopathy

-Risk factors:
1) >6.5mg/Kg
2) >5 years
3) abnormal renal function
ibuprofen Motrin or
-NSAID, non-selective, reversible

-NSAIDs dont' cause Reye's syndrome (asprin)
imipramine Tofranil
TCA, anti-depressent ->wikipedia

indomethacin Indocin
-NSAID, non-selective

1) Whorl Keratopathy
2) Retinal Hemorrhages
3) Pigmentary changes (macula)
isoniazid Nydrazid
TB drug
isoproterenol Isuprel
-beta 2 agonist
-asthma bronchodilator
isotretinoin Accutane
for Acne

-many side effects!
1) SPK
2) Blepharoconjuctivitis, dryness, lid edema
3) decrease tear secretion
4) color vision loss, nyclopsia
ketoconazole Nizoral
-antifungal, inhibits ergosterol synthesis
ketorolac Acular or
-topical NSAID

SE: corneal melt
ketotifen Zaditor
-topical mast cell/antihistamine combo
labetalol Trandate
-non selective beta 1/2 antagonist
latanoprost Xalatan
-prostaglandin analog,
1st line for POAG

-lowers 27-35%

-acts on:
1)PGF1a receptors on ciliary muscle
2) activates phospholipase C

1) risk for CME
2) active inflammation
3) previous episodes of herpes simplex keratitis

1) iris heterochromia
2) increased pigmentation and growth
3) skin darkening around the eyes

-bedtime dosing
levalbuterol Xopenex
-Beta 2>beta 1 agonist
levobunolol Betagan
-non-selective beta blocker

-similar to timolol
levofloxacin Quixin
-3rd generation fluoroquinolone, inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV

-main drug for anything bacterial in the eye
levothyroxine Synthroid
-acts like T4

1) hyperthryoidism
2) pseudotumor cerebri in kids
lidocaine Xylocaine
analgesic for lid procedures
lindane Kwell
-antiparasitic for lice
lisinopril Prinivil or
-ACE inhibitor

-SE: Cough
lodoxamide Alomide
-topical mast-cell stabilizer

-not effective in acute allergy symptoms
loratadine Claritin
-2nd generation (H1) antihistamine
-limited CNS access
losartan Cozaar
-ARBs (angiotension2 receptor antagonists)

-No cough!!
loteprednol Alrex or
-soft topical steroid

-SE: corneal melt
lovastatin Mevacor
-HMG CoA reductase inhibitors

-SE: hepatotoxicity and myopathy
mannitol Osmitrol
-osmotic diuretic, increases plasma osmolarity pulling fluid out
meperidine Demerol
-opioid analgesic, acts on Mu, Kappa, Delta

-SE: miosis, can cause papillodema
metaproterenol Alupent
-Beta 2 agonist, bronchodilator
metformin Glucophage
-biguanides, decrease liver glucose productions (decreases gluconeogenesis)
DM 2

-1st line for most type 2

-SE: lactic acidosis

-CI: renal insufficiency
methazolamide Neptazane
-oral CAI, works on cilliary body epithelium to decrease bicarbonate

-SE: metallic taste, tingling in hands and feet, metabolic acidosis, depression, diarrhea
-bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia
methotrexate Rheumatrex
-anti-metabolites, inhibits dihydrofolate reductase and inhibits DNA synthesis
-RhA, Psoriasis, leukemia, lymphoma

-SE: myelosuppresion
methylphenidate Ritalin
-CNS stimulant, increases dopamine release

-SE: mydraisis, dry eye
-mydriasis can cause angle closure
metipranolol OptiPranolol
- non-selective beta blocker

-Not as effective as Timolol
metoprolol Lopressor
-selective beta 1 blocker
metronidazole MetroGel or
-antimicrobial, disrupts DNA and nucleic acid synthesis
-chronic acne rosaea
metyrosine Demser
-inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase
miconazole Monistat-Derm
-antifungal, inhbits ergosterol synthesis
misoprostol Cytotec
-synthetic prostaglandin
-prevention or treatment of NSAID induced ulcer
montelukast Singulair
-leukotriene antagonist
moxifloxacin Vigamox or
-4th generation fluorquinolone, inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV

-main drug for anything bacterial in the eye
naloxone Narcan
-opioid antagonist
-reverse opioid overdose

-pupil mydraisis and pain comes back
naphazoline Naphcon
-adrenergic agonist, , alpha> beta

-in visine

-SE: dilation with overuse
naproxen Aleve
-NSAID, reversible and non-specific

-Does not cause Reye's syndrome (Asprin)
natamycin Natacyn
-antifungal, binds to ergosterol and makes pores

-DOC for fungal keratitis

-only FDA approve topical anti-fungal
nedocromil Tilade
-topical mast cell stabilizer

-not effective for acute allergy symptoms
neostigmine Prostigmin
-indirect cholinergic agonist (AchE inhibitor)
treatment and diagnosis of MG
nifedipine Procardia
-Ca channel blocker,

-may be useful for low tension glaucoma: increasing profusion to the optic nerve
nystatin Mycostatin
-antifungal, binds to ergosterol and creates pores
ofloxacin Ocuflox
-2nd generation fluoroquinolone, inhibits DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV

-main drug for anything bacterial in the eye
olopatadine Patanol
-topical mast-cell/antihistamine combo
omeprazole Prilosec
1st line for PUD/GERD
oseltamivir Tamiflu
-inhibits neuraminidase

-vaccine for the flu
oxycodone Roxicodone
-opioid analgesic, works on mu, kappa, delta receptors

-SE: miosis
pegaptanib Macugen
-exedative ARMD
penicillamine Cuprimine
immunosuppression to treat rheumatoid arthritis --> wikipedia

phenelzine Nardil
-MOI, blocks breakdown for NE and Serotonin

1) with tyramine (in food/drinks) --> lethal hypertensive crisis
2) with SSRI -> serotonin syndrome
many others
phenobarbital Luminal
-anticonvulsant, works on AMPA
phenylephrine Neo-Synephrine
-topical adrenergic agonist, works on dilator (alpha 1)

-45 -60 min max effect
phenytoin Dilantin

-SE: nystagmus, diplopia
pioglitazone Actos
-thiazolidinedione, increases glucose uptake in muscle and fat tissue, PARA/Gamma
DM 2
piroxicam Feldene
NSAID to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis --> wikipedia

pralidoxime Protopam
no idea what this is

prazosin Minipress
-alpha 1 selective receptor antagonist,
benign prostatic hypertrophy
promethazine Phenergan
-1st generation (H1) antihistamine
-CNS penetrating

-SE: Mydrasis, dry eye
proparacaine Ophthaine
-ester, topical anesthetic

-SE: corneal melt
propranolol Inderal
-non-selective Beta antagonist
pseudoephedrine Sudafed
-sympathomimetic, nasal/sinus decongestant --> wikipedia

pyridostigmine Mestinon
-indirect cholinergic agonist (AchE inhibitor)
-1st line for treatment of MG
pyrimethamine Daraprim
-anti-parasitic (toxo), inhibits dihydrofolate reductase

-SE: can induce myopia, SJS
ranibizumab Lucentis
-monoclonal antibody,
-exudative ARMD
ranitidine Zantac
-H2 receptor blocker, decreases gastric acid secretion
ribavirin Copegus or
-inhibits RNA polymerase, antiviral for Hepatitis C, RSV

-SE: inhaled can cause conjunctivitis
rifampin Rifadin
TB drug
rimexolone Vexol
-potent topical steroid

-SE: increase risk of infection, PSC cataract, glaucoma
rosiglitazone Avandia
-thiazolidinediones, increases glucose uptake and muscle and fat tissue, PPAR/ gamma
salmeterol Serevent
-inhaled long acting b2 agonist,
sildenafil Viagra
-vasodilator for ER

subconjunctival hemhorrages, conjunctival hyperemia
simvastatin Zocor
-HMG CoA Reducatase inhibitor

-SE: hepatoxicity, myopathy
sodium chloride Muro-128
-hyperosmotic for corneal edema
succinylcholine Anectine
-blocks nicotinic receptors at the neuromuscular junction
paralyzing agent

-CI: intraocular surgery --> rapid increase in IOP and expulsion of contents through the wound
sucralfate Carafate
-gastric lining protector
sulfacetamide Sulamyd
-antibiotic, inhibits dihydropteroate synthase
sulfadiazine Microsulfan
-anti-parasitic, inhibits dihydropteroate synthase
sulfamethoxazole Gantanol
-antibiotic, inhibits dihydropteroate synthase
sulfisoxazole Gantrisin
sulfisoxazole Gantrisin
sumatriptan Imitrex
a triptan sulfa drug for the treatment of migraine headaches --> wikipedia

tamoxifen Nolvadex
-competitive partial agonist inhibitor of estradiol

-SE: crystalline retinopathy, whorl keratopathy

-Increased risk:
1) >6.5 mg/kg/day
2) > 5 years
tamsulosin Flomax
-alpha 1 receptors antagonist
-Anti-HTN, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

SE: intaoperative floppy iris syndrome
terazosin Hytrin
-alpha 1 adrenergic antagonist
-Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
terbutaline Brethine
-beta 2 agonist
tetrahydrozoline Visine
-alpha agonist, vasoconstriction
theophylline Theo-Dur

-narrow therapeutic index
thioridazine Mellaril
-antipsycotic, D2 receptor antagonist

-3 pigment issues:
1) pigment on the corneal endothelium
2) anterior stellate cataract
3) hyperpigmentation of RPE

-3 anticholinergic effects:
1) dry eye
2) mydriasis
3) increased IOP

+Ocular gyrate crisis
timolol Timoptic
-non-selective beta blocker
glaucoma, once daily in morning

-25% reduction in IOP

-CI: diabetes, hyperthyroidism --> mask the effects

-long term drift and short-term escape
tobramycin Tobrex
-aminoglycoside, blocks protein synthesis at 30S ribosomal subunit
tolbutamide Orinase
-sulfonlyurea: increases insulin secretion from beta cells
DM 2
tramadol Ultram
-Opioid analgesic, works on Mu, Kapp, Delta
travoprost Travatan
-prostaglandin analog,
1st line for POAG

-lowers 27-35%

-acts on:
1)PGF1a receptors on ciliary muscle
2) activates phospholipase C

1) risk for CME
2) active inflammation
3) previous episodes of herpes simplex keratitis

1) iris heterochromia
2) increased pigmentation and growth
3) skin darkening around the eyes

-bedtime dosing
triamcinolone Aristocort or

-SE: endopthalmitis with intravitreal injections
triamterene Dyrenium
-K+ sparing diuretic

-acts on late DCT and collecting duct
trifluridine Viroptic
-antiviral, inhibits DNA polymerase
DOC for HSV keratitis
trimethoprim Primsol
-antibiotic, inhibits dihydrofolate reductase

-not effective against pseudomonas

-SE: can induce myopia, SJS
tropicamide Mydriacyl
-cholinergic antagonist, mydriasis

-fastest onset and shortest duration of mydriatic, 20-35 minutes max onset

-very safe overall
valacyclovir Valtrex
-prodrug of acyclovir, inhbits DNA polymerase
HSV 1/2, VZV
vardenafil Levitra
-vasodilator for ER

-competitor of Viagra
verapamil Calan or Isoptin
-Ca channel blocker
warfarin Coumadin
-vitamin k antagonist, interferes with clotting factor 2, 4, 9 and 10
chonic anticoagulation

-should be discontinued 4-5 days before cataract surgery
zafirlukast Accolate
-leukotriene antagonist
zidovudine Retrovir
-anti HIV drug, inhibitor of viral reverse transcriptase
Whorl Keratopathy
Isotretinoin (Accutane)
Topical aminoglycosides
Endothelial/Descemet's pigmentation
Delayed healing
Anterior Subcapsulary effects
Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts
increased growth and pigmentation on conj and lids
prostaglandin analogs
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Sildenafil (Viagra)- also Conj hyperemia
decreased tear secretion
anticholinergics: atrophine, scopamine
antihistamines: 1st generation H1 blockers
Isotretinoin (Accutane)
B-Blockers: esp timolol, atenolol, propranolol
Phenothiazines (anti-psychotics): chlorpromazine, thioridazine
Hormone therapies
CNS Stimulants: methylphenidate, dexroamphetamine
Diuretics: hydrochlorothiazide
anticholinergics: atrophine, scopolamine
antihistamines: 1st generation H1 blockers
Phenothiazines (anti-psychotics): chlorpromazine, thioridazine
CNS Stimulants: methylphenidate, dexroamphetamine
CNS depressants: phenobarbital, diazepam
Anticholinesterases: Negostigmine, other MG drugs
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Phenobarbitol (Luminal)
Oculogyris Crisis
Floppy Iris
Tamsulosin (Flomax)
Cidofovir (Vistide)
Mycobutin (Ribabutin)
Blue Sclera
optic neuritis
Digoxin- retrobulbar
Ethambutol- retrobulbar
Isoniazid -rare
oral contraceptives- rare
Sildenafil (Viagra)
Sumatriptan (Imitrex)
Amiodarone (Corarone)
B/Y color defects
Entopic phenomenon
Bull's Eye Maculopathy
Hydroxycholorquine (less than Chloroquine)
--Thioridazine --> looks like Bull's eye maculopathy
white/yellow crystalline deposits
with or without macular edema
Retinal Hemorrage
Increase IOP
atrophine and scopolamine
Antihistamines: 1st generation H1 antihistamines
Tricyclic antidepressants
Phenothiazines (antipsychotics): Chlorpromazine, thioridazine