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367 Cards in this Set

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freud stages, erikson stages
order of freud's stages
ego psychologists
man's power of reasoning to control bx.
milton erickson
brief psychotherapy, innovative hypnotherapy
bx. therapy, systematic desensitizati9n, multimodal
william perry
dualistic thinking (black/white)
relativistic thinking
not black and white
constructive model of development, construct reality throughout lifetime
piaget stages
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operations
stat test to determine significant differencw between 2 groups, must be normally distributed
concrete pperations, piaget
7-11 yrs., conservation and count mentally
order of learning conservation
mass weight volume
stages unfold due to educational intervention
stages emerge from one before
concrete operations, piaget
masters reversibility
preconventional,conventional,post-conventional. post also called personal integrity
heinz test
kohlberg's test about drug
positive psychology
maslow coined, study strengths like joy, wisdom, altruism. seligman studied also (learned helplessness)
harry stack sullivan
stage theorist, infancy, childhood, juvenile wra, pre-, early-, late-adolescence. psychiatry of interpersonal relations
zone of proximal development
dicference between child's performance without a teacher vs. with one (pioneered by vygotsky)
arnold gesell
maturationist, one-way mirror for observing children
mahler term-dependence on female caretaker
eros, thanatos
freud terms life instinct,self-destructive instinct
child rearing methods tremendous impact on self-esteem
development head to foot
23 pairs chromosomes, genes composed of DNA hold genetic code
formal operations, piaget
abstract thinking, deductive
kohlberg stages
punishment/obedience orientation and native hedonism (instrumental or egoistic): good boy/good girl and authority,law, and order: democratically accepted law (social contract) and principles of self-conscience and universal ethics
oedipus complex
occurs during phallic, fantasies of sexual relations with opposite sex parents occurs
associationism or empiricism
can only learn from objective facts
developmental strides are qualitative
preoperational stage, focusing on a key feature while not noticing the rest
2-7, symbolic schema (language and symbolism in play)
proposed developmental tasks for age groups
jane loevinger
focused on ego development via 7 stages and 2 transitions, highest is integrated
sequence of object loss
bowlby, protest, despair, detachment
primal scene
child witness parents having sex, provides for later neuroses
behavior, affective responses, sensations, imagery, cognitions, interpersonal relationships, and drugs, lazarus' multimodal
frank parsons
secondary school counseling, increased in 1960s
systematic desensitization
risky shift
groupndecision usually more liberal than an individual's
eric berne
father of transactional analysis
piaget, assimilation,new info, results in accomodation, modifying cognitive structures to deal with info
fixed action pattern, action resulting whenever a releaser in the environment is present
holding environment
kegan, client makes meaning and finds new direction, six stages for kegan:incorporative, impulsive, imperial, interpersonal,institutional, and interindividual
aca division dealing with cultural competence
association for multicultural counseling and development (AMCD)
majority of dominant culture
all cultures pass through same stages of development in terms of wvolving and maturing
culture epoch theory
emile durkheim
founder of modern sociology
emile durkheim
studied suicide
william mcdougal
hormic psychology, individuals driven by innate, inherited tendencies
social learning theory
observational learning
1972 association for non-white concerns in personnel is now called this
daniel levinson
mid-life crisis. seasons of a man's life, seasons of a woman's life
tendency for people who are in close proximity to be attracted to each other
dollard and miller
frustration-aggression theory
balance theory
example: festinger's cognitive dissonance theory. balance theories say people strive for consistency/balance in terms of their beliefs
mores vs. folkways
group decides what is good and bad forbthe welfare of the people. folkways describe correct, normal, or habitual bx.
breaking folkways results in embarrassment, breaking mores causes harm
social distance scale
dev. by emory bogardus, evaluates how an individual feels toward other ethnic groups
foot in the door phenomena
agrees to a less repugnant request (step 1), then will be more likely to c o mply with a requestbthat is even more distasteful (step 2)
social exchange theory
positive relationship characterized by "profit"- rewards and costs
complementarity theory
relationship becomes stronger as two people's personality needs mesh
counselor's statement similar to own belief as even more similar (assimilation error) and any dissimilar attitude as even more dissimilar (contrast)
3 major barriers intercultural counseling
class-bound values, culture-bound values, and language differences (connotation is the semantic difference in word meanings)
emic, etic
each client is individual:
clients are similar and same techniques and theories will work
client can cope best by changing or altering external factors in the environment:
change comes from within
persons of a culture retain heritage and traditions yet cooperate in social, political, and economic matters
social facilitation
F.H. Allport, presence of others improves an individual's performance even when no verbal interaction
three categories of conflict which result in frustration
kurt lewin, avoidance-avoidance, approach-approach, approach-avoidance (highest level of avoidance)
affiliation research
firstborn and only children, attempt to lower fear, misery loves miserable company
Transactional analysis ego states
eric berne, child, adult, parent
slips of the tongue
wolpe, aystematic desensitization subjective units of distress scale0l
reaction formation
can't accept given inpulse, reacts in opposite manner
freud believes kingpin of defenses, forgets, involuntary
accepting caretakers or significant others values as own
logos, eros
jung believed that respectively, men and woman operated out of these principles
rudolph dreikurs
first to discuss group therapy in private practice
classical conditioning
minnesora viewpoint
e.g. williamson, match client's traits with a career, also known as trait factor
conditioned, unconditioned
learned, unlearned
instrumental learning or operant conditioning
pavlov vs. skinner
classical conditioning is respondent/reflexive vs. instrumental/operant
bell and meat in pavlov's experiment
most effective time onterval between CS and US
.5 second
delay conditioning, trace conditioning
cs delayed until us occurs, cs terminates before us occurs
behavior modification vs. behavior therapy
skinnerian (instrumental), pavlovian (respondent)
neal miller
first showed animals could be conditioned to control autonomic processes
mary cover jones
learning could serve as tratment for pbobias
two classic intermittent reinforcement scheduled
ratio, based on number of responses, and interval, based on time elapsed
variable ratio
most difficult intermittent schedule to extinguish
fixed interval
most ineffective
3 types of empathy
basic, response same level as client, subtractive empathy, counselor does not convey an understanding of what has been communicated, additive empathy, most desirable adds to client's understanding and awareness, allen ivey
truax and carkhuff
created a program to help counselors learn accurate empathy
term group therapy coined by, also called father of psychodrama
jacob moreno
joseph pratt
first counseling group/tuberculosis
theorist work classified as preface to group movement
primary groups
preventative, ward off problems, stresses healthy lifestyle or coping strategies
secondary group
problem is present but not usually severe, reduce severity or length of problen and includes some prevention example grief
more serious and long standing
group therapy vs. group counseling
therapy implied when problem is more severe and more individual work is needed for a longer duration

karpman's drama triangle
TA, persecuter, victim, rescuer
roles in groups
energizer, scapegoat, gatekeeper (tries to make sure everyone is doing their part), interrogator, follower
conditioned reflex therapy
salter's theory: excitation or practice of spontaneously experiencing and expressing true emotion, even negative ones is necessary to attaun state of positive mental health. inhibition or constipation of emotions is opposite.
task roles, maintenance roles, self-serving roles
task helps group carry out a task, maintenance helps maintain or even strengthen group, self-serving or individual . these are individual roles though task roles can be a group.
maturity of group
task dependent, if low maturity leader should use high task and low relationship, then high task and high relationship, then low task low relationship
group stages in general
initial stage, transition stage, working stage, separation, (forming, storming, norming, adjourning )
diagram to understand dynamics between subgrouos and members
pictorial sociogram
family sculpturing
family therapy technique, family members arrange themselves spatially to create a representative of family bonds, alliancea
ego state analysis
TA, counselor helps client discern out of which ego state he or she is primarily operating out of
horizontal interventions
work with group as a whole
vertical interventions
work with individuals within the group (Intrapersonal leadership) Horizontal is called interpersonal leadership
Conyne's group work grid
four intervention levels:individual, interpersonal, organization, community population
pervasive indecisiveness
lifelong pattern of severe anxiety related to decision making
motivation and management expectancy theory
victor room, performance influenced by valence (rewards), expectancy, and instrumentality (will manager give employee the promised reward)
leisure, career
time away from work in which individual has freedom to choose what to do; total work one does in a lifetime plus leisure
80% four-fifths rule
hiring rate for minorities divided by figure for non-minorities. if less than 80% an adverse impact
trait factor
also called acturarial or matching,first major career theory, data from tests used to determ I ne traits and then match to occupation
edmund griffith williamson
minnesota viewpoint theory of counseling which transcended vocational
parsons and williamson
associated with trait and factor career counseling (classified as structural theory since focuses on individual or structural differences)
anna roe
first to suggest career choice based heavily on personality theory. needs satisfied do not become unconscious motivators, early child rearing influence later career choices
roe two dimensional system of occupational classification
field and levels , 8 fields service, business contact, organizations, technology, outdoor, science, general culture, arts/entertainment, 6 levels of skills professional and managerial 1, professional and managerial 2, semiprofessional and managerial 1 and 2, skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled
three parenting types, roe
overprotective, avoidant, or acceptanylt
career choice could be used to solve unconscious conflict, felt that difficulties related to job choice indicative of neurotic symptoms
cognitive approach to career counseling, job choice difficulties related to irrational cognitions
A.A. Brill
paychoanalytic career theorist Xbox emphasized sublimation as ego defense
gelatt model
career model info can be organized into 3 systems predictive, value, and decision
gottfredson's developmental theory of career
circumscription and compromise theory
dictionary of occupational titles, each job guven a nine digit code , first 3 digits refer to occupational code, O NET is the internet one occupational information network
guide published by US Dept. Labor that lists groups of jobs in 14 interest areas
Guide for Occupational Exploration
computer assisted career guidance systems (cacg)
sigi plus, choices, discover
individual's work spills over into leisure time
worker compensates for things can't do on the job
compensatory effect
recency effect
rater's judgment of an employee reflects primarily most recent performance
leniency/strictness bias
rater tends to give employees very high/lenient or opposite, avoiding the middle: people who do the opposite and rate almost everybody in average range has central tendency bias.
strong interest inventory (scll)
based on holland's theory
self-directed search (sds)
based on holland's six types, self-administered, self-scored, self-interpreted
definition of work
sedentery-maximum lifting 10 lbs, light work maximum lifting is 20 lbs., medium work max. lift 50 lbs., heavy work max. lift 100 lbs., very heavy work max lift exceeds 100 lbs.
interest inventories
strong, kuder
interest inventories
strong, kuder
general aptitude test battery
difficulty index
.5 would mean 50 percent of those tested answered correctly1
compares traits within same individual, normative tests can be compared to others' scores
spiral test
items get progressively more difficultq
horizontal test, vertical test
measures various factors during same testing procedure, versions for various age brackets or levels of education
the extent that a test measures an abstract trait or psychological notion
construct validity (any trait you cannot directly measure or observe is a construct)
concurrent validity
answers question of how well test stacks up against established tests that measure the same bx., trait, or construct
watson, skinner, pavlov, wolpe. mind blank slate, passive theory as mind is a computer fed info. based on associationism or empiricism of john locke, all bx. is learned
erikson's stages
trust vs. mistrust (birth to 1.5), autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1.5 to 3), initiative vs. guilt (3 to 6), industry vs. inferiority (6 to 11), identity vs. role confusion (12 to 18) intimacy vs. isolation (18 to 35), generativity vs. stagnation (36 to 60), integrity vs. despair (65+)
patterns of thought
piaget's adaptation
occurs qualitatively when assimilation and accomodation take place
object permanence
piaget says occurs in sensorimotor stage
kegan's model of development
constructive development model, emphasizes inpact of interperso al interaction and our perception of reality
carol gilligan
felt kohlberg focused too much on males, women have a sense of caring and compassion
daniel levinson
four major eras/transitions theory, childhood and adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, later adulthood
cognitive development is produced by activities that takes place in one's culture. zone of proximal development
william perry
3 stage theory of intellectual and ethical development in adults/college, dualism, relativism, and commitment to relativism
james fowler
prestagr plus six stage theory of faith and spiritual decelopment
tone, loudness, vocal inflections, etc.
low context vs. high context
long verbal explanation vs. relying on nonverbals readily understood by others in the culture
social comparison theory
festinger, evaluate our bxs. and avcomplishments by comparing self to others
anglo-conformity theory
people from other cultures would do well to forget their heritage and try to become like those in the dominant culture
5 stage racial identity development model, conformity, dissonance, resiatance and immersion, introspection, synergetic articulation and awareness
repression, displacement (taking anger out on safe target), projection (can"t accept a quality in self so attribute to others), rwactio. formation, deny unacceptable impulse by acting in opposite manner, sublimation (express unacceptable impulse in socially acceptable manner)
personal and collective unconscious (composed of archetypes passed down through the ages) .
individual psychology, bx. is one's attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority. stressed "will to power", principle of fictional finalism (bx. motivated by future opportunities, birth order important
motivated by consequences
positive vs. negative reinforcer
stimulus raises probability that bx. will be repeated. must come after the bx. or operant: also raises bx. and comes after bx.
such as time out will lower bx. after an initial extinction burst or response burst
ratio schedules of reinforcement
rely on work output whereas interval schedules rely on time
continuous reinforcement
each bx. is reinforced
shaping with successive approximation
reinforcing small chunks of bx. that lead to desired effect

differential reinforcement of other bx. (DRO)/ differential reinforcement of alternate bx (DRA)
helper reinforces bx. other than dysfunctional bx. to reduce dysfunctional target bx.
pavlov classical conditioning
bx. therapy roots in pavlov, bx.
implosive therapy
client imagines scary or feared stimuli in the safety of the counselor's office
skinner vs pavlov
would conditioning work with every member of species who is not disabled? if yes, probably pavlovian
intended to lower bx.
rogers person-centered
three conditions for effective helping: genuine/congruent, empathy, unconditional positive regard (upr)
ellis, REBT
uses abc or abcde model (activating event, beliefs, consequences, dispute, new emotional consequence when b becomes rational)
beck's cognitive therapy
client has automatic thoughts which are distortions of reality
gestalt, perls
dreams, what and how ? ysed, doing emphasized over talking
TA, berne
life script, mixes cognitive and gestalt, ego states (PAC), tom harris' life positions i'm ok, you're ok is healthy, i'm ok, you're not okay, i'm not ok, ubhealthy, i'm not ok, you're ok, you're not ok, unhealthy, karpman's drama triangle
glasser's reality theory
create own reality with bxs. they choose, success identity result of being loved and accepted, challenges medicalodel of psychiatry, psychological needs include belonging, power, freedom, fun
reality therapy
8 steps, focuses on short term treatment and its very concrete
social constructionism
emphasizes realities are socially constructed. brief therapy and narrative therapy are constructivist
narrative therapy
individuals construct lives by stories they tell about themselves and stories others create about them
tenets of narrative
describe life and then rewrite or reauthor narrative, therapist externalizes problem in progress notes and sends it to client as a letter between sessions. therapist consultant or collaborator with client.
solution focuses brief therapy
focus on solutions not on understanding of problem. focus on exceptions to the rule-what is working, goals small and realistic, miracle question. FFST- formula first session task
family counseling
circular rather than linear causality. first-order change superficial change but does not alter underlying structure. 2nd order change alters underlying structure and more lasting difference.
ra fisher
coined term hypothesis, experimental hypothesis also termed alternative
modern farm describing hypothesis
written in present tense without any mention of measurement.
test of significance
principle of probability, p, p less than .05 is usual desired p or .001, smaller the p
more significant
confidence level or alpha level
other terms for significance
p of type 1 error
same as your level of significance
instrumentation, maturation
threats to internal validity
external threat to validity
reactive effect (hawthorne)
two normally distributed samples, 30 or more,
analysis of variance, comparing more than two groups, f value
more than one dv
adjust group so that a variable will not throw off the test
pearson product moment correlation , r -1 to +1
gaussean curve
normal, bell shaped
y axis, x axis
ordinant, abcissa (dv on y and iv on x)
bar graph
z score
same as sd
t score
mean is 50, each 10 points a sd above or below mean
divide dist. into 9 equal intervals with mean of 5 and sd of 2
descriptive stats
not experimental, describes
nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
return rate should be at least 75 percent
ethnographic research
observational, case studies, inductive
general to specific
rate on one characteristic but really affected by another
if know being studied or monitored, people perform differently
pygmalian, experimenter's expectation influence outcome
number of subjects, n=1 single subject design
baseline, intervention, baseline, intervention
presentation may influence, so switching up order
directional hypothesis
asserts how it will change, nondirectional just says a change will occur
parametric vs. non parametric
numbers that do not lie on a continuum are non parametric (nominal and ordinal) parametric on a continuum (interval, ratio)
chi square
test of significance, nonparametric, only have catagorical data
universal stages of development
patterns of organized thought or schema
sensorimotor, birth to 2
reflexes, emphasis on motor activity, object permanence between 9th and 12th month.
preoperational 2-7
language, egocentrism, Centration, develops schema or symbolic play
concrete operations 7-11
conservation, counting, reversibility
formal operations 11-15
beginning of abstract, deductive reasoning
preconventional 2-7
obedience/reward, instrumental exchange
good boy/good girl, law and order
social contract, universal ethical principle of conscience
erikson, a maturationist (along with freud)
identity crisis, 8 stages , trust vs. mistrust birth-1, autonomy vs. shame and doubt 1-3, initiative vs. guilt 3-6, industry vs. inferiority 6-13, identity vs. role confusion 12-18, intimacy vs. isolation 18-35, generativity vs. stagnation 35-60, integrity vs. despair 60-

william perry
takes off where piaget stops, young adulthood, did not set age brackets four levels dualism, multiplicity,relativism, commitment to relativism
childhood and adolescence, early adulthood, midlife, late adulthood
birth-1, mouth errogenous zone, oral personality clingy and passive dependent, deprivatio. leads to fixation
anus errogenous zone, anal retentive compulsive, neat stingy, condescending. anal expolsive messy unclean not organized, generous
3-6, oedopus complex
sexual urges repressed, 6-12
12 on, less narcissistic, interested in others
anaclitic depression
infants separated from mothers, first sad and weepy, them frozen, Spitz
ritualistic bxs. characteristic of a species elicited by sign stimulus
critical period
now or never, learns in certain period or doesn"t.happen
birth order
first born excel though not as sociable, only children highest self esteem, IQ may lower as order
harry stack sullivan
interpersonal theory, good me, bad me based on parent actions, prototaxic thinking- child does not separate from environment, parataxic, syntaxis, major figure in dynamic cultural school of analysis
empirical theories
empiricists believe changes measured quantitatively
piaget, qualitative
behaviorist, maturationist, structuralism, nativism
fout types of development theories
social development theory of learning, zone of proximal development
smile response, steanger anxiety
6 weeks, 7 months
15 months
normal autism, symbiosis at 2 months, child feels part of mother, 5 months to 3 yrs, separation/individuation (differentiation process), rapprochemant closeness combined with need for distances
therapeutic surrender
allegiance and rapport with someone from another culture
geneological lineage
cognitive dissonance
conformity ,asch
conform to group even when know it's wrong
shock experiments, obedience to authority
counseling gays and lesbians
10 percent population
Activity theory, continuity theory
older adults get involved,early bx. continues
85 and older
fastest growing part of population
special magnetic fluid , animal magnetism
analytic psychology, archetypes, collective unconscious, persona (what we show), shadow (kept hidden), anima,animus (feminine side,masculune side)
maximum potential driving force in jung's theory
individual psychology, striving for superiority major drive, inferiority complex and organ inferiority, importance of birth order
neo freudians or ego psychologist

horney, eric fromme
horney: three trends to fight anxietymoving towards others, against others or away from others
bx. therapy
scientific approach, start with baseline without tx.,
associationism, tabula rasa
roots of behaviorism

father of american behaviorism, little albert
mary cover jones
eliminated phobia pairing it with food, phobia can be unlearned
reciprical inhibition
show anxiety producing thing in connection with something pleasant
systematic desensitization
relaxation,hierarchy of items (suds), inagining the hierarchy (interposition phase), in vivo
assertiveness training
behaviorist, andrew salter
aversive conditioning
noxious ucs paired with undesirable cs, behaviorist
flooding, implosive therapy
implosive is flooding but in imagination, more psychodynamic
operant or instrumental learning
when an animal emits a bx. or operant, there is a consequence that may increase the chance bx. occurs, reinforcers positive by giving reward, negative taking a negative consequence away after. all reinforcers strengthen bx.
lowers bx.
bx. modification
skinnerian models
premac principle
a good reinforcer (hpb) can reinforce a lpb (higher and lower probability bx.)
ratio and interval schedule
certain amount of bx. committed b4 response, interval is a specific time, variable ratio highest effect, fixed interval lower
secondary reinforcer
learned or conditioned reinforcer, example token
ellis, homework, teach to think, irrational thinking must ought shouldn't (irrational ideas ) ABCDE
self instructional theory
depression inventory, cognitive distortions: over generalization, personalization, polarized thinking. magnification, arbitrary influences, labeling and mislabeling
rbt, imagery, self-analysis
carl rogers
phenomenologist- how client sees works, person-centered, humanistic, childhood learn to act to gain approval from others (principle of conditional regard), develops conditions of worth, organism total range of possibilities, self is accepted part, healing occurs when split between two is healed
human beings should be thought of differently, behaviorism demeaning, psychoanalysis relies on instinct, humanistics see potential
reality therapy
cognitive, didactic, behavioral, relies on contracting, bx. change comes from internal so disagrees with skinner, 8 steps: relationship with client, focus on here and now, ask client to participate in evaluating behavior, develop plans for change, get commitment, never accepts excuses, punishment never utilized, never give up
success identity, failure identity
glasser terms
control theory
phenomenological concept, we behave to control world, now known as choice theory, glasser
heart of therapy is contract, natural for group therapy, structural analysis is analyzing ego states (parent, adult, child)
parent ego state
critical parent, nurturing parent
natural child impulsive, curious, affectionate, adapted child adaptations to impulses in order to meet external demands, little professor
verbal or physical recognition
games in TA
prevent intimacy, underlying , I'm ok, you're ok, etc.
life script
TA, rewriting own life script
negative stroke
TA, psychological trading stamps
manipulates to reexperience childhood feelings known as a racket, gold stamps self appreciation, white brown or gray stamps associated with i'm not ok
form or figure, goal to help person reclaim fragmented parts, experiential, here and now, awareness is curative, frustrate patient to help, what or how, not why,
5 layers phony-, phobic, impasse, implosive, explosive
relies heavily on dream work
dialogue game
top dog and underdog plays one in one chair and one in the other
3 ego defense mechanisms
projection, introjection, retroflection

paradox and humor
quality of relationship, both are changed by relationshio

postmodern:social constructionism
reality is socially constructed, client's teality accepted:

helper acts like helper or partner
solution focused brief therapy, dos not focus on problem deshazar and kim berg, optimistic, client has ability to solve problems, what is working
scaling questions
sfbt rating
narrative therapy
white and epstein, stories are problem saturated, externalizing conversations i.e. the anxiety vs. your anxiety, may send letters
social influence cores in counseling
confidence, intimacy, power(eat, expertness, attractiveness, trustworthiness)
attending bx
any bx. that builds rapport
squarely, open posture, lean forward slightly, eye contact, relaxed
group therapy
coined by moreno, also did psychodrama
ntl, national training lab, field theory
t groups
personal growth group
normal individuals through norm a l life issues
weschler adult intelligence scale, wisc to up to 17 yrs 11 months, wipsy kids
needs press theory
henry murray developed (also TAT), needs activated by press or pressure of environment, hoppock created theory of career choice out of it
Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient
lower case r, parametric
shows relationship between two factors, -1 to 1
square correlation
DSC movement
developmental school counseling, proactive, focus on prevention, match work to developmental stage
ratio schedule, interval
number completed;period of time
azrin and allen
token economy
higher order conditioning
pair another stimulus with cs
john holland
typolology approach: 6 types and 6 matching work types, realistic investigative social enterprising and conventional artistic
developmental approach to career
ginsberg longitudinal approaches
job clubs, behaviorist
MA/CA x 100, now use standard age score SAS
567 true false statements, personality
bender gestalt test of motor integration
test of organicity
parsons book
choosing a vocation, 1909
strongs inventory
hawthorne study
alton mayo
donald super
psychology of careers
psychodynamic career counseling
career maturity inventory
cognitive career
trait factor, actuarial, or matching
match worker to environment, psychological testing, one time decision, influenced by psychological testing movement, differential diagnosis, e.g.williamson, lists 4 different categories, no choice, uncertain choice, unwise choice discrepancies.

also associated with frank parsons from his 1909 book.

minnnesota viewpoint, williamson's approach
personality approach
anne roe, job serves to meet unconscious need, psychoanalytic, uses maslow's hierarchy, first pioneer to create two dimension classification: fields and levels

career choice serves to resolve unconscious conflict, psychoanalytic
psychoanalytic, sublimation is drive for job
john holland
modal orientation 6 modes riasec illustrated with hexagon, strong vocational inventory and self directed search both based on holland's modes.
based theory on murray's work, career is intended to satisfy needs
developmental career theories
Ginsburg refuted his theory that career choice was irreversible and decided career was a lifelong process
donald super
career development allows undividual to show self concept

growth 0-14
exploration 14-24
establishment 24-44
maintenance 44-64

super's task

specification 18-21
career rainbow
average person plays 9 life roles, super
tiedman and o'hara
anticipation stage- fantasy period


holistic, based on eriksen's stages

decision theories
process of decision making, value clarification exercises helpful,
expectancy x values
gelatt decision model
information the fuel tank
yerkes-dodson law
minimal level of anxiety necessary to complete task
cognitive dissonance
decision models, expectancy rheories
bergman, pitson-simmons, gelatt
free response
short answers, projective
recognition items
forced choice
liekert scales
measure attitudes on a scale
each item is separate, can compare to others
compare items , kudor occupational survey, cannot compare between people
maximum performance bs. typical
best possible performance, achievement test:
interest inventory typical
test battery
group of tests to same person
parallel forms
various versions measure same thing
criteri9n related validity
correlated with outside criterion, test compared to actual score on actual job, concurrent, also predictive, compared to something in future
test retest reliability
test same people same test twice
equivalent forms reliabilty
two forms same people
split half reliability
measure two halves and correlate
sujective exam reliability
inter rater reliability
reliability coefficient
1.0 perfect, most personality test .70 or above
intelligence unitary factor, like height or weight, intelligence product of herwdity, normal distribution
spearman 2 factor
g factor and s
fluid dependent on nervous system, crystallized ability to use facts