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179 Cards in this Set

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talosa-hunt syndrome
idiopathic inflammation in the apex of orbit. painful
Apert's syndrome
skull fuses too quickly, may have orbital deformities
Primary malignancy of orbit in children. males. rapid.
T/F cavernous hemangiomas are tumors in the cavernous sinus?
F - it is vascular, name is misleading
Duane's Retraction Syndrome cause?
CN 3 innervates CN 6
Mobius Syndrome
esotropia, can't look out. CN 6 and CN 7.
some causes of congenital nystagmus
CSNB, Albinism, Leber's, Congenital cataracts.
Arnold Chiari causes what kind of nystagmus?
Myotonic Dystrophy causes what eye signs?
Bilateral ptosis, miotic, cataracts.
(Chromosome 19, AD)
INO is caused by a lesion where?
MLF. no add ipsi and no abd contra.
1 and a half syndrome?
can't gaze ipsi and can't add contra
Vertical palsies most often are due to?
pineal tumors
Causes of Oculogyric crisis?
phenothiazines and parkinson's
(eyes are stuck in upgaze)
Paton's sign: Conj microaneurysms due to this disease:
Sickle cell
Paton's lines: retinal folds due to:
ONH edema
Shaefer's sign due to?
Retinal tears
(vitreous pigment, tobacco dust)
Seclusio pupillae
iris bombay
occlusio pupillae
membrane covers pupil
Hydroxyamphetamine test in Horners. If no dilation =?
postganglion lesion
pupil abnormalities: Miotic pupil
Horner's and argyll-robertson
Pseudoexfoliative syndrome is a disorder of what tissues? who are they found in? who are they not found in?
Basement membrane disorder. In Scandinavians, not Eskimos.
Homocystinuria AR causes?
lens subluxation down
Retinoschisis is in what layers of the retina?
INL and OPL in older
NFL splitting in kids.
Coat's disease aka Leber's military aneurysms
young males with fat coats join the military.
-get microaneurysms and lipid deposits.
What causes sea fan neo?
sickle cell and late leukemia
CSME definition (3)
1. thickening in 500 um
2. hard exudates in 500 um
3. 1DD of thickening 1 DD from macula
Severe NPDR definition
4-2-1 rule
4 quad MA
2 quad vitreal beads
1 quad IRMA
High risk PDR definition
1/3 disc has NVD
NVD + a heme
NVE of 1/2 disc + heme
P.O.R.N. related to what disease?
vitreal snowballs are signs of?
int uveitis
Pregnant with HTN, proteinuria, edema
Rubella has what effect on the retina
salt and pepper
Angiod streaks are defects where in eye?
Bruch's membrane
Peu d orange
angiod streaks
Causes of angiod streaks
PXE (1), paget's, sickle cell, thalassemia, Ehler's danlos.
Causes of Bull's eye on retina
Antimalarials, ARMD, Stargardt's/fundus flaviculamitis (sp?)
Telecanthus (eyes far apart) is due to?
Fetal alcohol syndrome

Waardenberg's syndrome
Scleritis is commonly associated with this
scleral icterus
yellow sclera from jaundice
Whorl keratopathy
Gout: eye sign
yellow crystals and band keratopathy

Podagra in gout.
Acute Endophthalmitis is often due to infection of what?
Acute: gram + 94%. Staph infection from surgery
One cause of bilateral uveitis
Glaucomatocyclitic crisis
Alport's disease is a BM disease that can cause this eye sign?
anterior lenticonus
Brushfield's spots on iris is associated with?
Down's syndrome

also have snowflake cataracts
Berlin nodules are found where on the eye?
in AC angle
Sunflower cataracts?
Wilson's disease
HLA defects are in chromosome 6. Name the diseases associated with this.
A29=birdshot choroidopathy
B5 = behcets
B8 = sjogren's
B12 = OCP
B27 = AK, Reiter's, IBD, psoriatic
other: VKH
Alexander's law
jerk nystagmus, worse in direction of the fast gaze.
Berlin's edema
commotio retinae. White retina from lifting of photoreceptors. commonly due to trauma
Bonnet's sign
AV crossing BRVO
Fleischer's ring vs Kayser-Fleisher's ring
Fleischer's = Keratoconus line
Kayser-fleischer's = in Wilson's disease
Herbert's pits
limbal follicles - trachoma
Hollenhorst plaques are found in?
the retina in BRAO and CRAO. digital massage! emergency!
trantas dots
limbal white dots in VKC. eosinophils.
hutchinson's pupil
dilation during coma CN3 lesion.
RP: sine pigmentosa
RP without the retinal signs, no bone spicules
RP is most often related to which syndrome?
usher's syndrome - neurological hearing loss from birth.
Leber's syndrome
in albinisim you lack?
melanin from tyrosinase
von Hipple Lindau
red growths
Sturge Weber
Tomatoes and wine
Tomato red retina. port wine stains. nevus flammeus.
(if in upper lid, look for Glc)
looks like octopus legs bvs

Mason, mouse, octopus
Tuberous sclerosis/Bourneville's disease
white leaf on skin, serizures, retardation, red rash
eye: mulberry lesion, astrocytic

Mulberry leaves in Bournesville
looks like a grape cluster
cavernous hemangioma
Optic neuritis common in this systemic disease
ONH Hypoplasia has what eye sign?
double ring sign.
Mom: had DM, dilantin, quinine, alcohol, LSD
Aminoglycosides have what toxicity?
Ototoxicity and Nephrotoxicity

Typhoid fever TX?
Sulfonamide MOA
PABA, folic acid blocker.
VIRAL TX: blocks absorption and penetration
amantidine and IDU
VIRAL TX: protein synthesis blockers
methisazone -small pox
Rifampin - TB
VIRAL TX: blocks RNA/DNA synthesis
Acyclovir, Cytarabine, Vidarabine

Interfereons - can cause anemia
lipid defects due to:
Aqueous defects due to:
Mucin defects due to:
lipid: meibomitis, Staph, blepharitis
Aqueous: lacrimal decrease, sjogren's, drugs
Mucin: OCP, SJS
AR corneal dystrophy.
Macular dystrophy
steady state dose?
4 half life's
what adrenergic drugs bronchodilate?

beta blockers bronchoconstrict. Alpha agonists bronchoconstrict. B1 acts on the heart.
Dopamine acts on? more dopamine causes? less causes?
more: schizophrenia
less: parkinson's
What adrenergic drugs is contraindicated in asthmatics?
beta blockers and alpha agonists and alpha blockers.
Atropine Side effects?
hot as a hare, mad as a hatter, dry as a bone, blind as a bat.
chloride sweat test is used for?
Cystic fibrosis
ganglionic cholinergic antagonists?
turbocuraraine, trimethaphan, succinylcholine
Irreversible Cholinergic agonists
Echothiophate, isothiophate
Drug for turbocurarine overdose?
used for?
ACE Inhibitors
angiotensin 2 competitor
Ergot alkaloids - Pergolide
decongestants - vasoconstriction
Proton pump inhibitors
prilosec, nexium
mucus protection
peptic ulcers - infection from?
H pylori
Parkinson's TX
L dopa, Bromocriptine, Pergolide, MAOI, COMT inhibitors. Amantidine
Carbamazepine MOA
blocks NE reuptake and Na.
valproic acid
GABA, anticonvulsant
anesthetic amides
long lasting: lidocaine, bupivacaine
anti - GH
anti-parathyroid hormone
hypothyroidism - goiter, cold, puffy face.
glucocorticoids 4 actions
decrease capillary permeability
move WBC to lymph
decrease lymphocyte and macrophage function
decrease Ab production
steroid side effects
adrenal insufficiency, decrease pituitary ACTH
Na retention, edema, HTN
decrease Ca abs
increase IOP
hyperglycemia (DM)
fat on face and back
peptic ulcer and change in behaviors.
analgesic toxicity TX
anxiety, sleep disorders, convulsions.
Isoniazid MOA
blocks mycolic acid in wall. (TB)
macrolides excreted in?
rifampin MOA
binds to RNA polymerase
DHF reductase.
anti-tapeworm MOA
praziquantel, niclosamide
calcium influx.
spironolactone is a?
potassium sparing diuretic.
aldosterone antagonist
alpha 2 agonists
methyldopa, clonidine, decrease CNS.
masks hypoglycemia
beta blockers.
angiotensin antagonists act where?
beta blockers can't make angiotensin 1. ACE Inhibitors (captopril) can't make angiotensin 2, Saralasin competes with angiotensin 2.
Na channel blockers
local anesthetics (caines)
anti arryhthmics.
Ca channel blocker
prinzmetal's angina
vasospastic angina

No Beta blockers!
HMG coA reductase.

lens opacities
anti aldosterone
gout TX
probenecid, anturane
T/F Beta blockers side effect is dry eye
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
lots of IgM. older pts.
tortuous bvs. roth spots
non-caseating granulomas: ONH, retina, candle wax periphlebitis. vitreal pearls.

bimodal age: young or really old.
bonnet's sign
av pinching in BRVO
HTN retinopathy eye signs:
macular star from edema, nicking bvs, CWS, hemes.
Hallmark: ONH swelling
men, older, internal carotid.
pain. dilated bvs, not tortuous.
viagra can cause this in eye:
NAION - disk at risk
cyanopsia - blue vision.
GCA tests:
ESR and C reactive protein.
ICE syndromes
Chandler's - more edema
Cogan-Reese - more iris
PIA - bad iris atrophy
Calcoflour white stain
acanthomoeba test
chalky white growth in kids. Leukocoria. AD Chromosome 13.
___ % of dry/non-exudative AMD goes to wet/exudative AMD?
wet/exudative AMD types:
classic - defined borders 13%
occult - poorly defined 87%
most common cause of Posterior uveitis?
Toxoplasmosis. protozoan
VF loss initially in RP pts
mid-peripheral loss first (where the rods are most dense).
then goes to tunnel vision.
dragged retina
ROP or myopic degeneration
Pigment epithelial detachment (PED) due to:
drusen under RPE.
1/3 get neo.
Stargardt's dystrophy eye signs:
beaten bronze macula. yellow pisciform flecks.

stable by 20s
Best's disease/ vitelliform dystrophy
lipofuscin: eye yolk macula --> scrambled egg. macular scarring.
sarcoid prognosis
1/3 get better
1/3 get worse
1/3 stay the same
situs inversus
tilted disc that shows the temporal bvs leaving to the nasal side first before turning to temporal.
top causes of disc edema
increased ICP, demylinating diseases.
Foster-Kennedy syndrome
frontal lobe tumor that causes optic atrophy ipsilateral and disc edema contralateral
high-arched palate
Marphans AD. (subluxation w/zonules intact)
Weill-Marchesani syndrome
AD, CT disorder. small fingers.
small lens.
Lowe's syndrome
X-linked, boys. AA metabolism error.
dwarfism, small lens and GLC.
myotonic dystrophy eye signs:
cataract. AD.
Galactokinase, can't metabolize galactose. Gives you this eye sign:
lamellar cataract
lichen planus
from Vit A deficiency
sugar in corneal stroma
Granular dystrophy (AR!)
Hereditary syndrome associated with Keratoconus?
Down's syndrome
Gono culture tests:
chocolate agar, blood agar, Thayer-Martin plate
Impetigo is due to infections from:
Staph or Strep
AIDS CD4 count
<200 CD4/uL

Normal: 500-1500/uL
catalase + for which bacteria?
Staph. (vs Strep)

coagulase + = Staph aureus
Name the Pyrimidines
Thymine, Cytosine, U

Py = Thy and Cy.
3' poly A tail =?
200 adenine. RNA degredation prevention.
DNA polymerase I vs III
I: lagging strand, removes primer and connects
III: main polymerase.
which vitamin is used in the Pentose Phosphate Pathway?
B1: thiamin

beriberi if low.
stain for mycobacteria?

no cell wall.
largest nucleus in the cerebellum
dentate nucleus
floccularnodular node controls...
equilibrium, balance, eye movements
Basal ganglia input
caudate nucleus and the putamen

output: globus pallidus
pH of the eye open and closed
cavernous sinus drains to the...
petrosal sinuses
Metabolic acidosis causes:
Diabetes, diamox (acetazolamide)
aminoglycosides have an eye side effect:
epithelial keratitis
Don't give pregnant women these drugs
Fluroquinolones - hurt the bones
MOA antimalarials
rupture of membrane, autodigestion
nodal point of the lens
posterior pole
Peridosis Fugax
episcleritis of entire globe
histo triad
peripapillary atrophy
macular scar
midperipheral scarring
biological motion is seen where in the brain?
Posterior superior temporal sulcas only.

Cones chromosomes
M and L cones: X chromosome
S - Chromosome 7

Rhodopsin Chromosome 3
cones peak sensitivities
S = 426
M = 530
L = 557 or 552