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10 Cards in this Set

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Describe the following types of memory, and class them as either declarative or non-declarative:
- episodic
- semantic
- procedural
- working
- declarative; based on personal experiences
- "; general store of conceptual and factual information that is not linked specifically to an experience (e.g., the color of a banana)
- non-declarative
- "; shortest duration, involves temporary retention
What is Ribot's law re: memory & injuries?
states that memory of events nearest to the time o injury are the most vulnerable to loss.
Define anterograde amnesia & retrograde amnesia
- the inability to remember new things
- the inability to remember recently learned information
What is the most common clinical dz of semantic memory?
Alzheimer's Diz.
What are the three major prefrontal subdivisions?
- what are their functions re: behavior?
orbitofrontal region, dorsolateral convexity, and the medial region
- biologic control of inhibition, emotions, and drive states
- executive responsibitilies: formulating plans, attn, concentration, etc.
- mainly connected to BG and involved in motor activity.
Lesions of the LEFT prefrontal area are likely to result in what? RIGHT?

Decreased BILATERAL prefrontal cortical activity is associated with what?

elevated mood

Schizophrenia and OCD
What is the limbic system?
Loose collection of structures (including the hippocampus and the amygdala) that modulates activity between the cerebral cortex and the hyptothalamus.
--> specifically important for control of emotion, behavior, drive, and memory.
Anatomically speaking, what are the components of the hippocampal formation of the limbic sys?
hippocamus, dentate gyrus, subiculum
After bilateral destruction of the anterior temporal lobes, including the amygdaloid complexes, which syndrome results?
- characterize this syndrome
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
- docility, hyperorality, hypersexuality
Damage to the hippocampus results primarily in what?
inability to convert recent memories into long-term memories (i.e., problems with memory storage)