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57 Cards in this Set

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1) A contest in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope until one drags the other over a central line.
2) A situation in which two evenly matched people or factions are striving to keep or obtain the same thing.

tug of war

To manage to survive a difficult experience.

keep one's head above water

To contact someone.

drop... a line

[of a thought or idea] about to be said or almost remembered. (*Typically: be ~; have something ~.)

on the tip of one's tongue

Risk everything in one big effort.

go for broke

To double one's wager; to double or significantly increase a risk, investment, or other commitment.

double down

Finish up; finally be or do something; end up.

wind up

To diminish gradually in energy, intensity, or scope.
wind down
The highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time.

state of the art

Immediately; without any delay.

right off the bat

(Done) while something or someone is operating or moving.

on the fly

Steer a vehicle to the side of the road.

pull over

If a writer could infuse a "human interest and a semblance of truth" into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgment concerning the implausibility of the narrative.

suspension of disbelief

Where a character tells the whole story or explains the action, like what some older crime dramas have the crime buster do at the end of the story. They sum up how the bad guy was caught.

forced exposition

A risky/unreliable assumption.

dodgy premise

To remember to consider someone or something.

take... into account

(For a problem or dilemma) to come from an unexpected place.

come out of left field

Being under the influence of a substance that is extremely altering your mental and/or spiritual state.

tripping balls

To make someone laugh very hard; to make someone break out laughing.

crack... up

A few days ago.

the other day

Not intended seriously; jocular or humorous.
"Take what I am saying with a grain of salt."

tongue in cheek

An introduction to a statement that will be brief, usually because it is already known or obvious.

suffice it to say


The best or most desirable among some selection.

the cream of the crop

Used to introduce the underlying implementation of a product (hardware, software, or idea). Implies that the implementation is not intuitively obvious from the appearance, but the speaker is about to enable the listener to grok it.

under the hood

When one becomes rich and successful.

when one's ship comes in

To tease someone; to encourage someone's romantic or sexual interest without sincerity.

lead... on

Unpleasant feelings or animosity between people.

bad blood between...

Suffice or be adequate for a while or to a certain extent.
If you say that someone will __, you mean that they will be successful.

go a long way

In water that is deeper than one is tall.
Too deeply involved with someone or something, beyond what one can deal with.
in over one's head
Beyond one's comprehension.

over one's head

That which is conspicuously different in most important respects.

polar opposite

To move beyond the limit of what has usually been done or was the accepted standard.

push the envelope

To decide firmly an arbitrary boundary between two things. To decide firmly the limit of what one will tolerate or participate in.

draw the line

To have a special fear or dislike of someone or something. To have a craving for someone or something.

have a thing about...

To allow someone to do something that is not usually allowed, or to treat someone less severely than is usual.

cut... some slack


To understand in a general way what someone is telling you.

catch one's drift


An early start on something, [before someone else starts]. (Typically: get _; have _; give someone _.)

a head start on...

Unfair play in a game or sport. Unlawful or dishonest behavior, in particular violent crime resulting in another's death.

a foul play


To work very hard, to put in a lot of effort.

bust one's ass

Used to say that you do not think that something is very difficult to do or to understand.

not rocket science

To chat casually; to gossip.

shoot the sh_t

To discover the exact reason why a situation is the way it is, especially when something is wrong (often negative).

put one's finger on...


To wear trousers with no underpants.

go commando

To be serious about achieving something, even if other people disagree with you.

mean business


A completely different situation, often one which is difficult or which you know very little about.

a totally different ball game

A situation where something very unpleasant or dangerous nearly happened.

a close call


Starting with nothing.

from the ground up

A person who is interesting or amusing. A difficult person. A person who has one or more extreme (and usually negative) characteristics.

a real piece of work

Removed from the surrounding context of theevent, thereby misrepresenting the intent of the utterance or report.

taken out of context


In one direction and then the other repeatedly; from one place to another repeatedly.

back and forth


Formed, arranged, or done for a particular purpose only.

ad hoc

/ˈad ˈhäk/


To reveal something about something; to clarify something.

To help people understand a situation.

shed a light on...


Not one's choice or preference.

not one's cup of tea


It's really strange. I do not understand this. Just try to figure it out.

go figure


It is a signal to say something which will contrast or disagree with what was said a moment ago.

having said that


= that being said

A general term for deaths, injuries, or other damage inflicted on an unintended target.

collateral damage


People who are ​considered ​old enough, and ​therefore​responsible enough, to ​decide if they ​want ​sex and who they ​want to have ​sex with.

consenting adults
