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81 Cards in this Set

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Rococo Period time frame?
Classical Period time frame?
(1750 -1827)
The size of the standard orchestra in the Classical Period had approximately how many musicians in it?
30-40 Players
Which movement in a symphony is usually a dance form?
Third Movement
What are the three main sections of the first movement of many sonatas, concerts and symphonies in the sonata-allegro form?
→ Exposition (A)
→ Development (B)
→ Recapitulation (A)
The “Coda” is at the:
(a) beginning,
(b) middle
(c) end
of a movement or piece of music?
End of the Exposition
Which composer is considered the “Father of the Symphony?
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). Good example of Patronage System (Esterhazy family in Hungary). Symphony No. 94, 2nd mvt. theme and variation
Which composer became deaf at the height of his composing career but still continued composing until his death in 1827?
Ludwig van Beethoven. Transitional composer whose music spans across the Classical and Romantic periods. His nine symphonies were written for the concert hall, not the aristocratic salons and palaces. 5th Symphony written in 1807 and 9th Symphony written in 1824.
Music performed by a small group of players is called?
Classical Chamber Music
Name two wars that changed political systems and social order that happened during the Classical Period?
American Revolution
French Revolution
What is “Chamber music?
Music for small ensemble (2-10 players); music to be performed in a small setting (room or “chamber”, not a large concert hall); most popular chamber group was the string quartet (2 violins, 1 viola and 1 cello); frequently included a harpsichord
Where is the term Rococo derived from?
From the French word Rocaille meaning a shell suggesting the decorative scroll and shellwork characteristic.
Which composer was a child prodigy as a composer and performer and died a pauper at the age of 35?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Played in European courts at age six, Wrote symphonies, concertos,etc. by age 13; died at age 35. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, first mvt. (1787) Symphony No. 40, First Mvt.
How many movements are typically found in a concerto form, such as the Haydn Trumpet Concerto that was played in class?
Three movements, Featured soloist and keyboard or small ensemble accompaniment
The serenade for strings entitled Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (“A Little Night Music”) was written by?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Who was the greatest composer of the French Keyboard School?
Francois Couperin (1668-1733)
True or False
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, George Washington, Franz Joseph Haydn and Benjamin Franklin lived during the Classical Period.
The Rococo Period was know as an age of __________?
→ Known as the Age of Sensibility, From French word 'rocaille' meaning "shell“; arts moved to more simplistic styles
The Rococo period was a reaction to the character from what period?
Rococo Period was a reaction to the elaborate, gaudy, grandiose character of the Baroque Period.
Social changes moved opera from the aristocracy to the?
Ballad opera became more popular than?
Opera Seria
The Classical Spirit - Classicism in the Arts
World events/people Timetable
American Revolution
French Revolution (1789-1799)Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Industrial Revolution
Who wrote Treatise on Harmony - 1722) which is still studied today
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Who's sonata style compositions influenced composers [Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven]
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
Who influenced major changes in opera
Christoph Gluck [1714-1778]
Melodic ideas are called what?
Thematic development - occurs through what?
The use of extension,
contraction and repetition
Motives are the shortest part of a what?
What is the term Leitmotiv?
(German term for motive)
What is the term Idee Fixe'
(French term for motive or "fixed idea")
What is the repetition of a motive or theme at a higher or lower level.
What is a short reapeated pattern?
The most important chamber music genre of the Classical Period was the?
String Quartet
True or False: The American Revolution and World War I occurred during the Classical Period.
True or False:
Ludwig van Beethoven wrote the opera "Carme"?
False His one opera was Fidelio that centered on wifely devotion.
True or False:
Opera Seria was abandoned after the Rococo Period?
True or False:The "Patronage System" was a system of government that punished
merchants who traded with foreign countries during the Rococo Period?
False: The Patronage System gave musicians an economic stability and opportunity to meet aristocracy and national leaders
True or False:
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach wrote the "Surprise" Symphony?
False: It was written by Joseph Haydn and was subtitled Suprise because of a sudden Fortissimo crashing chord in the slow movement (2nd) intended to startle a dozing audience.
The Classical Era is characterized by?
It is characterized by order, objectivity, and harmonious proportion. (1750-1827)
What is absolute music?
Absolute Music - no specific pictorial or literary program (music for the sake of music)
What is a cadenza?
An improvised solo
Example - Haydn: Trumpet Concerto
The Broadway music genre can be traced back to which opera form?
Ballad opera (continuation of Baroque “Masque”)- humorous English.
Which composer does not belong in the Rococo/ Classical Period?
a. George Frideric Handel
b. Francois Couperin
c. Christoph Gluck
d. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
George Frideric Handel
In the Exposition of the Sonata-Allegro form, theme 1 and theme 2 are?
A. Always in the key or tonal center.
B. Used only in choral music.
C. Played by the Ripieno and Concertino.
D. Usually contrasted by tonic/dominant relationship.
D. Usually contrasted by tonic/dominant relationship.
Franz Joseph Haydn worked for many years in the service of?
The Hungarian noble family Esterhazy.
A instrumental music that has literary or pictorial associations (visual images or ideas) is called?
Program Music
What are the Compositional “devices” for writing a fugue
• augmentation
• diminution
• inversion
• retrograde
Fuge Subject
♦ Subject: The theme of the fugue stated in the Tonic Key
Fuge Anwser
The theme is imitated in the Dominant key by another voice or instrument.
Fuge Countersubject
A continuation of the Subject by the first voice or instrument while the Answer is being sung or played
A highly contrapuntal form, based on a single theme or subject is called what?
Movements are linked by using material (themes) from an earlier movement. This is called?
Cyclical Structure
Theme and Variation Structure.
Theme stated at the beginning Variations of the theme follows, usually in small sections. Variations may include melodic, rhythmic and/or harmonic differences.
Performances began to move from the private, aristocratic palaces to the public concert halls for the common people. This was called?
Public concerts
Joseph Hayden the father of the Symphony was born in?
Austria (1732-1809)
Joseph Hayden best know symphony was?
Symphony NO. 94 know as the surprise symphony in G major.
Classical Concerto
Featured soloist and keyboard or small ensemble accompaniment. Three movments A-B-A Fast Slow Fast.
An improvised solo is called what?
The Classical Sonata?
Composed for either a solo instrument (piano) or for a duet (violin and piano).
What became an important genre for amateurs in the home, as well as for composers performing their own music at concerts?
The Classical Sonata.
Recitatives, arias, small ensembles, chorus, small orchestra or keyboard accompaniment is know as?
Who was a interm conducter on Hayden's Trumpet Concerto watched in class. Composed the music for ET and many movies.
John Williams
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik means?
A little night music.
What is Rocket theme from the Mannheim School?
The use of quick, aggressively rhythmic theme rising from low to high register
What is the Steamroller effect from the Mannheim School?
Use of drawn-out crescendos i.e growing louder.
What symphonic piece of music (that was played in class) is famous for its four-note motive?
Beethovens 5th symphony
From which earlier form(s) did the symphony evolve?
Iltalian Ovture ABA fast slow fast and or concerto grosso
True or False
Leitmotif and Idee fixe' are the same as a motive.
What is a repeated short pattern/s called?
Four-Movement Symphony Form 1st movement
First Movement - usually in a fast tempo and in Sonata-Allegro form.
Four-Movement Symphony Form 2nd movement
Second Movement - usually slow
Four-Movement Symphony Form 3rd movement
Third Mvt. - fast; usually in a triple meter; frequently a dance style, usually has two dances with the first dance being repeated resulting in an A-B-A form; uses the da capo (from the beginning) to repeat the A section
Four-Movement Symphony Form 4th movement
Fast and lively; often a Sonata-Allegro form (A-B-A) or Rondo form (A-B-A-C-A) if a third theme is introduced
What is Scherzo
Composition in A-B-A form usally in triple meter a standard movement of the baroque suite. Replaced the minuet and trio in the nineteenth century.
What is TRIO
An ensemble of three players
Viennese School
Title given to three prominent composers of the classical era: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.
Singspiel Opera
Comic German Drama with spoken dialouge.
Buffa Opera
Italian comic opera sung throughout
Opera Seria
Tragic Italian Opera
Classical symphony
Generally set in the four movement structure. Was on of the principal instruments of the classical era.
Minuet and trio
An A-B-A form in a moderate triple meter often the third movment of the classical multimovment.