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70 Cards in this Set

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A french movement developed by painters who tried to capture their "first impression" of a subject through varied treatments of light and color was know as?
The literary response to Impressionism was _______ in which writings are suggestive of images and ideas rether than literally discriptive.
The most important French Composer was?
Claude Dubussy
The prelude to "Afternoon of a Faun" was whos orchestral work?
Claude Debussy
Who was highly influnced by new sounds of non-western and traditional music styles heard at the Paris World Exhibition of 1889?
Claude Dubussy along with other late Romantic composers.
Music that is characterized by exotic scales (chomatic, whole tone), unresolved dissonances, parallel chords, rich orchestral color, and free rhythm, all generally cast in small scale programmatic forms is know as what?
Impressionism in music.
The poem for Afternoon of a Faun was written by whom?
Stephane Mallarme
Afternoon of a Faun was in what GENRE?
Symphonic Poem
Artists of this Impressionism period included?
Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Auguste Renoir
Who was the most important French composer of the early 20th century?
Claude Debussy: entered the Paris Conservatory at age 11 died during World War I in the bombing of Paris.
Who was an important piano composer and created a new style of writing for the piano?
Claude Debussy: Helped establish the French song(chanson) as a national art form independent of the German Lied.
Who's music is Impressionistic in its inspiration and Neoclassical in its structure?
Maurice Ravel
Who entered the conservatory at age 14; his music is characterized by rhythmic drive, dissonant harmony and brilliant orchestration set in ‘classical forms died from operation attempting to cure rare brain disease;
Maurice Ravel
Two important movements took place at the turn of the twentieth century?
Impressionism in France and Expressionism in Germany.
Aaron Copland composed?
Ballets - Billy The Kid, Rodeo and Appalachian Spring;
What was the German response against French Impressionism?
Composers such as Schoenberg and Webern explored new harmonic systems and?
The extreme registers of instruments. Pushed beyond the boundaries of the major-minor scale system.
What rejected the nineteenth century music styles and returned the Eighteenth century styles of Baroque Period (“back to Bach”)
What abandoned program music and returned to absolute music?
What were the New Elements of Musical Style?
Composers revitalized rhythm by increasing its complexity using polymeter, changing meter or irregular meters. Melody was no longer the focus of a composition new concepts of harmony moved music beyond traditional systems of tonality polychords, polytonality, atonality
German composer ____ ____devised the twelve-tone method.
Arnold Schoenberg
Linear movement replaced vertical, chordal conception and?
Extreme dissonance became normal.
The early 20th century orchestra was smaller or larger than the nineteenth century?
Composers integrated influences from?
Ragtime, jazz and other popular styles.
Nineteenth century melodies were?
Vocal in character in that they were ‘linear’ and ‘sing-able.
Twentieth century melodies had?
Wide leaps, dissonant intervals and frequently were not a primary element of the composition
Playing two or more tonal centers (“keys”) at the same time but generally settling into one tonal center at the end of the composition is called?
The method of composing with twelve tones” – giving all twelve chromatic tones equal importance; no tonal center or “key”;
Twelve-tone method (serial), twelve equal tones of the chromatic scale used in a serial or tone row.
A particular arrangement of the twelve chromatic scale tones; what serves as the unifying basis for the composition?
Tone Row (Melody)
Greek Word for twelve-tone?
Russian composer ____ ____ experimented with rhythm and new instrument combinations.
Igor Stravinsky
Stravinsky’s ____ ____first performed in 1913, was considered ‘scandalous’ and touched off a near riot by the theater-attendees.
“Rite of Spring”,
Stravinsky and family moved to_____at the beginning of WW 1 (1914), then moved to France and finally located in the US.
After a lecture series at Harvard who settled in California and became a U.S. citizen?
Igor Stravinsky
Who lived in the transitional time from Romantic/post-Romantic into 20th Century music.
Arnold Schoenberg
Who's twelve-tone (serial) method revolutionized 20th century composition?
Arnold Schoenberg
Rite of Spring was in what Genre?
Who composed The Rite of Spring
Igor Stravinsky
The Rite of Spring had huge orchestral forces, with constantly changing timbral colors and?
Violent rhythmic conflicts(changing meters, shifting accents).
The First Viennese School was Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven the second Viennese School was?
Schoenberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern
In Arnold Schoenberg composition “Pierrot Lunaire” and “A Survivor from Warsaw” Schoenberg joined music and text through?
The vocal technique of Sprechstimme (spoken voice)
Like Stravinsky, Schoenberg immigrated to the?
US (1933 – rise of power of Hitler).
Who taught on faculties of Univ. of Cal. and UCLA.
Arnold Schoenberg, became U.S. citizen in 1940
Who was (1900-1990) Born in Brooklyn; studied music in Paris; wrote music for orchestra, ballet, jazz, movies, piano, and chamber music; won an Academy Award for music in movie “The Heiress”;?
Aaron Copland
Aaron Copland’s major works include?
Ballets “Billy the Kid”, “Rodeo” and “Appalachian Spring and wrote Three symphonies.
Aaron Copland wrote the film scores for?
The City”, “Of Mice and Men”, “Our Town”, “The Red Pony” and “The Heiress”.
Billy the Kid was in what Genre?
Orchestral suite from Ballet.
What was Billy the Kid about?
Story of a outlaw dramatic and dissonant climax at the end (death of billy mother).
Harmonies in the Classical Period used discreet dissonances to?
Seek consonance and resolution.
20th Century composers used dissonance as a?
Value in itself, freeing it from the need to resolve.
The full sonority of the Romantic orchestra was replaced with?
A veiled blending of timbres.
The simultaneous use of several rhythms is called?
Who was the German composer who developed new harmonic systems; used extreme registers of instruments; pushed beyond the boundaries of the major-minor scale system?
Arnold Schoenberg
The use of dissonant intervals to set musical lines apart is called?
Dissonant counterpoint
The use of two or more keys together is called?
Music based on the twelve-tone method is called?
Serial Music
What was rejected the nineteenth century music?
The rejection of any key or tonality is called?
A particular arrangement of the twelve chromatic tones is called?
Tone Row
Artists exploited the world of dreams was called?
What returned the Eighteenth century styles of Baroque Period (“back to Bach”)?
What composer used Impressionism in its inspiration and Neoclassical in its structure and died from operation attempting to cure a rare brain disease?
Maurice Ravel
True or False
In twentieth-century music, dissonances do not always resolve to consonance or have a feeling of the tonic or "home" key.
True or False
Twentieth-century melodies are generally more difficult to sing than Classical or Romantic period melodies.
True or False
The term "dodecaphonic" represents a genre of music that uses two orchestras.
Gustav Mahler served as: conductor of the Vienna opera, conductor of the New York Philharmonic Society Orchestra and follows the symphonic writing style of?
Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms and Bruckner.
Two important movements took place at the turn of the twentieth century were?
Impressionism in France and Expressionism in Germany.
Who was was born in Brooklyn, studied music in Paris, wrote music for orchestra, ballet, jazz, movies, piano, chamber music and won an Academy Award for music in movie “The Heiress”?
Aaron Copland
What was the famous monument built for the Paris World Exhibition of 1889?
Eiffel Tower
Debussy’s best-known orchestral composition, “Afternoon of a Faun”, was based on a poem by?
Stephane Mallarme – about a faun (a mythological creature of the forest).