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27 Cards in this Set

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How many muscles can be found in the human body?


Define muscles

Fiberous tissues that have the ability to stretch and contract according to the demands of the body's movements

Name the three types of muscles found in the body


non striated


What type of muscle tissue is called involuntary, visceral or smooth muscle?

Non striated

Where in the body would you find another type of involuntary muscle?


what type of muscle tissue is called a voluntary muscle and is attached to the bones?


List the three parts of a muscle and describe each

Origin- immovable part of the muscle usually attache to the bone

Insertion- More movable part of the muscle

Belly- in the middle of the muscle

How do you determine the direction of a massage manipulation?

from insertion to origin

List seven methods which muscle can achieve stimulation

1. Massage

2. Electrical charge

3. Light rays

4. Heat rays

5. Moist heat

6. Chemicals

7. Nerve impulses

List the three muscles of the scalp and the tendon that connects two of them

Aponeurosis- tendon

Which scalp muscle covers the top of the skull and consists of two parts?


Name the three muscles of the ear

Auricularis Superior

Auricularis Anterior

Auricularis Posterior

What is the function of the ear muscles?

no function

What are the names of the two muscles of mastication?

Masseter and temporalis

List the two muscles of the neck

Platsysma and sterno-cleido-mastoid

Name the two muscles of the eyebrow

Corrugator and orbicularis occuli

What is the name of the muscle that covers the bridge of the nose, covers the eyebrows and causes traverse wrinkles across the top or bridge of the nose?


List the nine muscles of the mouth

1. Buccinator

2. Quadratus Labii Superioris aka Levator Labii Superioris

3. Caninus aka Levator angli oris

4. Quadatus labii inferioris aka Depressor labii Inferioris

5. Mentalis

6. Orbicularis oris

7. Risorius

8. Triangularis

9. Zygomaticus

Which muscle is known as the grinning muscle?


Which is the kissing muscle?
Orbicular Oris

Which muscle opens and closes the eye?

Orbicularis Oculi

Which muscle creates a frown using the eyebrows?


Which muscle causes the lower jaw to drop


Which muscle raises the brow and causes wrinkles across the forehead?


What is the name of the muscle located in the cheek area that controls chewing?


What is the name of the muscle that creates a pout expression with the lower lip?


What muscle is required for blowing your cheeks outward?