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92 Cards in this Set

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Psoas Major
Action: Flexes the thigh at the hip
Bone of orgin: Lumbar Vertebrae
Bone of Insertion: Femur
Action: Flexes the thigh at the hip
Bone of orgin: Illium
Bone of Insertion: Femur
Adductor Brevis
Action: Adducts the thigh at hip
Bone of Orgin: Pubis
Bone of Insertion:Femur
Adductor Longus
Action: Adducts the thigh at hip
Bone of orgin: Pubis
Bone of insertion: Femur
Adductor Magnus
Action: Adducts the thigh at hip
Bone of Insertion: Ischium & Pubis
Bone of Insertion: Femur
Action: Adducts at the thigh
Bone of Orgin: Pubis
Bone of Insertion: Femur
Gluteus Maximus
Action: Extends the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh laterally
Bone of orgin: Illium, sacrum, coccyx
Bone of insertion: Femur
Gluteus Medius
Action: Abducts the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh medially
Bone of Orgin: Illium
Bone of Insertion: Femur
Biceps Femoris
Action: Extends the thigh at the hip & also flexes the leg at the knee
Bone of insertion: Femur & ishium
Bone on insertion: Tibia
Action: Extends the thigh at the hip also flexes the leg at the knee
Bone of orgin: Ischium
Bone of insertion: Tibia
Action: Extends the thigh at the hip also flexes the leg at the knee
Bone of Orgin: Ischium
Bone of insertion: Tibia
Action: Flexes the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh laterally also flexes the leg at the knee
Bone of orgin: Illium
Bone of insertion: Tibia
Rectus Femoris
Action: Flexes the thigh at the hip also extends the leg at the knee
Bone of orgin: Illium
Bone of insertion: Tibia
Action: Flexes the leg at the knee also flexes and rotates the thigh at the hip
Bone of orgin: Illium
Bone of insertion: Tibia
Muscles that move the lower leg
Quadriceps femoris
-Rectus femoris
Action: Extends the leg at the knee also flexes the thigh at the hip
Bone of orgin: illium
bone of insertion: tibia
Quadriceps femoris
-vastus lateralis
Action: extends leg at the knee
bone of orgin: femur
bone of insertion: tibia
Quadriceps femoris
-vastus medialis
Action: extends at the knee
bone of orgin: femur
bone of insertion: tibia
Quadriceps femoris
-vastus intermedius
Action: extends at the knee
bone of orgin: femur
bone of insertion: tibia
Biceps femoris
Action: flexes the leg at the knee also extends the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: ishium & femur
bone of insertion: tibia
Action: flexes the leg at the knee also extends the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: ishium
bone of insertion: tibia
Action: flexes the leg at the knee also extends the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: ishium
bone of insertion: tibia
Action: flexes the leg at the knee also plantarflexes the foot at the ankle
bone of orgin: femur
bone of insertion:calcanous
Tibialis Anterior
Action: dorsilfexes the foot at the ankle and inverts the foot
bone of origin: tibia
bone of insertion: metatarsal & tarsal
Muscles that move the foot and toes
Extensor digitorum longus
Action: Extends the toes
bone of orgin: tibia & fibula
bone of insertion: digits
Muscle that move the foot and toes
Peroneus longus
Action: Plantarflexes the foot at the ankle and everts the foot
bone of orgin: tibia & fibula
bone of insertion: metatarsal & tarsal
muscles that move the foot and toes
Action: Plantarflexes the foot at the ankle also flexes the leg at the knee
bone of orgin: femur
bone of insertion: calcanous
muscles that move the foot and toes
Action: Plantarflexes the foot at the ankle
bone of orgin: tibia & fibula
bone of insertion: calcanous
Muscles that move the foot and toes
Flexor digitorum longus
Action: flexes the toes
Bone of orgin: tibia
bone of insertion: digits
muscles that move the foot and toes
Palmaris longus
Action: flexes the hand at the wrist
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: palmer aponeurosis
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Action: flexes and adducts the hand at the wrist
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: carpal & metacarpals
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Action: Flexes the fingers
Bone of orgin: humerous, radius & ulna
bone of insertion: digits
Extensor carpi radialis
Action: extends and abducts the hand at the wrist
bone of orgin: humerous
bone of insertion: metacarpals
Extensor digitorum
Action: extends the fingers
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: digits
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Action: extends and adducts the hand at the wrist
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: metacarpals
Psoas major
action: flexes the thigh at the hip also flexes the vertebral column
bone of orgin: lumbar vertebrae
bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the thigh
action: flexes the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: illium
Bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the thigh
Adductor brevis
Action: Adducts the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: pubis
bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the thigh
Adductor longus
Action: adducts the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: pubis
bone of insertion: femur
muslces that move the thigh
Adductor magnus
Action: adducts the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: ischium & pubis
bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the thigh
Action: adducts the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: pubis
bone of insertion:femur
muscles that move the thigh
Gluteus maximus
action: extends the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh laterally
bone of orgin: illium, sacrum & coccyx
bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the thigh
Gluteus maximus
action: extends the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh laterally
bone of orgin: illium, sacrum & coccyx
bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the thigh
Gluteus medius
action: abducts the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh medially
bone of orgin: illium
bone of insertion:femur
muscles that move the thigh
Biceps femoris
action extends thigh at the hip also flexes the leg at the knee
bone of orgin: femur & ishium
bone of insertion: tibia
muscles that moves the thigh
action: extends the thigh at the hip also flexes the leg at the knee
bone of orgin: ischium
bone of insertion: tibia
muscle that move the thigh
Action: Extends the thigh at the hip also flexes the leg at the knee
bone of orgin: ischium
bone of insertion: tibia
muscles that move the thigh
Action: flexes the thigh at the hip and rotates the thigh laterally also flexes the leg at the knee
bone of orgin: illium
bone of insertion: tibia
muscles that move the thigh
Rectus femoris
Action: flexes the thigh at the hip also extends the leg at the knee
bone of orgin: illium
bone of insertion :tibia
muscles that move the thigh
action: flexes the leg at the knee also flexes and rotates the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: illium
bone of insertion: tibia
Muscles that move the lower leg
Action: increases thoracic volume by pulling downward
bone of orgin: sternum, ribs, & lumbar vertebrae
bone of insertion: central tendon
Action: elevates the ribs also flexes and rotates the neck
bone of orgin: sternum & clavicle
bone of insertion: mastoid process
Pectoralis minor
Action: moves the scapula anterior and inferior also elevates the ribs
bone of orgin: ribs
bone of insertion: scapula
muscles that move the scapula
Serratus anterior
action: moves and fixes the scapula anteriorly
bone of orgin: ribs
bone of insertion: scarpula
muscles that move the scapula
Action elevates, retracts, depresses and rotates the scapula also extends the neck
bone of orgin: occipital bone, thoracic vertebrae
bone of insertion: scapula
muscle that move the scapula
Levator scapulae
Action elevates and adducts the scapula
bone of orgin: cervical vertebrae
bone of insertion: scapula
muscles that move the scapula
Rhomboid (major/minor)
action: elevates and adducts the scapula
bone of orgin: cervical and thoracic vertebrae
bone of insertion; scapula
muscles that move the scapula
Pectoralis major
Action: Flexes, adducts and medially rotates the arm at the shoulder
bone of orgin: sternum & clavicle
bone of insertion: humerus
muscles that move the arm
Latissimus dorsi
Action: Extends, adducts and medially rotates the arm at the shoulder
bone of orgin: thoracic & lumbar, vertebrae & ribs
bone of insertion: humerus
muscles that move the arm
Action : Abducts the arm at the shoulder also anterir fibers flex and posterior fibers extend the arm at the shoulder
bone of orgin: clavicle & scapula
bone of insertion: humerus
muscles that move the arm
Action: Flexes and adducts the arm at the shoulder
bone of orgin: scapula
bone of insertion: humerus
muscles that move the arm
Rotators cuff muscles
action: laterally rotates the shoulder
bone of orgin: scapula
bone of insertion: humerus
Rotators cuff muscles
action: abducts the shoulder
bone of orgin: scapula
bone of insertion: humerus
muscles of the arm
Rotators cuff muscles
Action: medially rotates the shoulder
bone orgin: scapula
bone of insertion: humerus
Rotator cuff muscles
-teres minor
action: laterally rotates the shoulder
bone of orgin: scapula
bone of insertion: humerus
Biceps brachii
action: flexes the arm at the elbow
bone of orgin: scapula
bone of insertion: radius
muscles that move the forearm
Action: flexes the arm at the elbow
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: ulna
muscles that move the forearm
Triceps brachii
Action: extends the arm at the elbow
bone of orgin: humerus & scapula
bone of insertion: ulna
muscles that move the forearm
Pronator teres
Action: pronates the forearm
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: radius
muscles that move the forearm
Action: supinates the forearm
bone of orgin: humerus & ulna
bone of insertion: radius
muscles that move the forearm
Action: flexes the arm at the elbow
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: radius
muscles that move the forearm
Flexor carpi radialis
Action: flexes and abducts the hand at the wrist
bone of orgin: humerus
bone of insertion: metacarpals
muscles that move the hand and fingers
Action: Raises eyebrows amd wrinkles forehead
bone of orgin: frontal bone
bone of insertion: skin of the brow
muscles of the facial expression and mastification
Orbicularis oris
Action: closes mouth
bone of orgin: maxillae & mandible
bone of insertion: lips
muscles of facial expression and mastification
Zygomaticus (major/minor)
Action: draws angle of mouth up and out
bone of orgin: zygomatic bone
bone of insertion: skin at angle of mouth, orbicularis, oris & upper lip
muscles of facial expression & mastification
Orbicularis oculi
Action: closes eyes
bone of orgin: margin of orbit
bone of insertion: eyelid
mucsles of facial expression & mastification
Action: elevates the mandible
bone of orgin: Zygomatic arch
bone of insertion: mandible
muscles of facial expression and mastification
Action: elevates mandible
bone of orgin: temporal bone
bone of insertion: mandible
muscle of facial expression and mastification
Action: presses the cheek inward
bone of orgin: maxillae & mandible
bone of insertion: orbicularis oris
muscles of facial expression and mastification
Pterygoids (medial/lateral)
Actions: moves mandible side-to-side
bone of orgin: pterygoid process
bone of insertion: mandible
muscles of facial expression and mastification
Action: flexes and rotates the neck also elevates ribs
bone of orgin: sternum & clavicle
bone of insertion: mastoid process
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
Action: flexes the neck also elevates the ribs
bone of orgin: cervical vertebrae
bone of insertion: ribs 1 & 2
Muscles that move the head, vertebral column and abdominal wall
Rectus abdominus
Action: flexes the vertebral column and compresses the abdomen
bone of orgin: pubis
bone of insertion: lower ribs & xyphoid
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
External oblique
Action: flexes and rotates the vertebral column and also compresses the abdomen
bone of orgin: lower ribs
bone of insertion: linea alba & illium
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
Internal oblique
Action: Flexes and rotates the vertebral column and also compresses the abdomen
bone of orgin: lumbar vertebrae & illium
bone of insertion: lower ribs & linea alba
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
Transverse abdominus
Action: compresses the abdomen
bone of orgin: lower ribs, illium & lumbar vertebrae
bone of insertion: linea alba, xyphoid process, pubis
muscles that move the head, vertebral column and abdominal wall
Erector spinae group
Action: extends the vertebral column
bone of orgin: ribs, vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) illac crest
bone of insertion: skull, ribs, vertebrae, cervical, thoracic, lumbar
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
Levator scapulae
Action: Extends the neck, also the scapula
bone of orgin: cervical vertebrae
bone of insertion: scapula
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
Psoas Major
Action: Flexes the vertebral column also flexes the thigh at the hip
bone of orgin: lumbar vertebrae
bone of insertion: femur
muscles that move the head, vertebral column, and abdominal wall
Action: elevates the ribs also flexes the neck
bone of orgin: cervical vertebrae
bone of insertion: ribs 1 & 2
Muscles that act on the rib thoracic cage
Pectoralis minor
Action: elevates the ribs also moves the scapula anterior and inferior
bone of orgin: ribs
bone of insertion: scapula
muscles that act on the rib thoracic cage
External intercostals
Action: elevates the ribs
bone of orgin: superior ribs
bone of insertion: inferior rib
muscles that act on the rib thoracic cage
Internal Intercostals
Action: depresses the ribs
bone of orgin: inferior rib
bone of insertion: superior rib
muscles that act on the rib thoracic cage