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89 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 characteristics of muscle tissues
Excitability, conductivity, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity
Neurotransmitters from nerves stimulate electrical changes in muscle cells' plasma membrane
Electrical impulses initiate cellular processes leading to muscle contraction
Muscle cells shorten and generates a pulling force
After contraction, muscles can be stretched by contraction of an opposing muscle
After stretching, muscles can recoild to their resting length
Skeletal muscles
Striated, multinucleated cells, voluntary movement, maintains posture, joint stabilization via muscle tone, and heat generation 
Cardiac muscles
Involuntary, striated, uninucleated cells separated by intercalated discs. Regulated by autonomic nervous system
Smooth muscles and where is it found
Involuntary, nonstriated, uninucleated, promotes peristalsis, responsible for vaso-dilation/constriction. Found in GI/Respiratory/Urogenital tracts and blood vessels
How do muscle tissues and nerves interact with each other?
Neurons signal muscle fibers to contract at the neuromuscular junction
What are the three layers of CT that surround skeletal muscles
Endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium
Surrounds individual muscle fibers (cells), binds the fibers together, and supports capillaries and nerve endings
Binds muscles fibers together into fascicles and supports the blood vessels & nerve fibers serving the fascicles
Covers the entire muscle
How are the three layers of CT that surround the skeletal muscles related to tendons
All three layers are continuous with the associated tendon
What are skeletal muscles composed of?
Many myofibrils, multinucleated, have many mitochondria, sarcoplasm, sarcolemma, transverse tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, terminal cisternae, and triad
What are myofibrils composed of?
Myofilaments of actin(thin), myosin(thick), and elastic filaments, & Sarcomeres
Describe the microscopic structure of a skeletal muscle cell
Whole muscle -> fasicle groups -> muscle fibers -> myofibrils -> myofilaments
Sarcomeres and list its components
Contractile unit in myofibrils, between Z lines. I/A bands, H zone, M line, Z discs
I bands
Light bands of actin only
A bands
Dark bands of myosin and actin
H zone
Central part of A band with myosin, no actin
M line
Center of H zone with rods that hold myosins together
Z discs
Protein discs where actin filaments attach. Distance between Z lines shortens during contraction
Plasma membrane. Surrounds each muscle cell
Transverse (T) tubules
Invagination of the sarcolemma. Carries electrical impulses into the cell
Sarcoplasmic reticulumn (SR)
Smooth ER that surrounds each myofibril within the sarcolemma. Contains Calcium ions needed for muscle contraction
Terminal cisternae
Sac-like portion of the SR on both sides of the T-tubules
Complex of a T-tubule between two terminal cisternae
Thick filaments
Golf club like myosin. Composed of 2 intertwining polypeptides forming the shaftlike tail & a double globular protein head projecting from the tail. Bundle of 200-500 myosin with heads outward
Thin filaments
Contains actin, tropomyosin, and tropnin proteins
Fibrous (F) actin
Two intertwined strands of protein beads called globular (g) actins
Globular (G) actins
Each protein bead has an active (myosin binding) site that can bind a myosin head
A fibrous protein that blocks the actin's myosin binding site when the muscle cell is relaxed
A small calcium-binding protein attached to the tropomyosin molecule at regular intervals
Elastic filaments
Springy titin proteins that connect the thick filament to the Z disc and keeps the thick and thin filaments aligned to resist muscle overstretching
Motor unit
A neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates
How does the number of motor units differ in muscles that require fine muscle control vs. those involved in muscle strength
Fine motor control (eg eye/finger muscles) have few muscle fibers per neuron (25/1). Strength involved (eg back/legs) have 1000/1
What are the components of a neuromuscular junction
Synaptic bulb, motor end plate, synaptic cleft, synaptic vesicles, ACh receptors, Acetylcholinesterase
How do neurons transmit nerve impulses to muscle cells
ACh, from the synaptic bulb, binds to receptor on muscle motor end plate which stimulates the muscle cells
What neurotransmitter used to initiate skeletal muscle contraction
What enzyme degrades the neurotransmitter after it has bound to receptors in the motor end plate
What is the sliding filament model
Describes how thin filaments slide over thick filaments to cause muscle contraction
Key components of sliding filament model
ATP, cross-bridges, power stroke, recovery
How is ATP used in the sliding filament model
Bound to myosin head. Hydrolyzed into ADP+Pi, cocking the heads into an extended high energy position
How are cross-bridges of the sliding filament model formed?
Energized myosin heads bind to exposed myosin-binding sites on actin
Describe the power stroke of the sliding filament model
Myosin heads release the ADP+Pi and flex into a bent, low energy position, pulling the thin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere
Describe the recovery stroke of the sliding filament model
ATO binds to myosin heads, which causes the myosin to detach from the actin
Muscle tones (Tonus)
Normal state of skeletal muscle, where the muscle rests in a state of partial contraction.
What is the purpose of muscle tones (tonus)
Keeps muscles ready for stimulus, helps maintain posture, aids return of blood to heart
Minimum voltage required to produce a muscle contraction. Lower voltages do not cause muscle contraction
One cycle of muscle contraction and relaxation
Latent period
Brief time between the simulus and the twitch (about 2 ms)
Refractory period
For a few millisec after contraction, the muscles cannot contract again, regardless of the amount of stimulus received
What are the two methods by which the contraction strength of a muscle twitch may be increased
Recruitment (activates more motor units) and high frequency stimulation
Staircase phenomenon. 10-20 stimuli/sec causes each twitch to develop more tension than the one before it
Temporal summation
Generating higher tension. 20-40 stimuli/sec allows twitches to piggyback on each other, produces an incomplete tentanus
Incomplete tetanus
Partially sustained contraction produced by 20-40 stimuli/sec
Complete tetanus
At 40-50 stimuli/sec, muscles do not relax between stimuli, so twitches blend into a smooth, prolonged contraction
Example of isometric contraction
Gripping something
Example of isotonic contraction
Lifting weights
Anaerobic fermentation
Occurs when cell metabolizes glucose without oxygen. Produces 2 ATP & Lactic acid (depletes glycogen in liver)
Aerobic respiration
Occurs mostly in the mitochondria in the presence of oxygen. Produces 36 ATP, CO2, & water.
Transfer Pi groups from one ADP to another forming ATP
Creatine kinase
Obtains Pi from creatine phosphate and donates it to ADP, forming ATP and creatine
What is ATP needed for in muscle contraction
Muscle relaxation. Actively transport calcium back to SR & detach myosin heads from actin after contraction
What are the sources of glucose used in aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Glucose from the blood and glycogen stored in muscles is used to produce ATP (anaerobically), Oxygen is then delivered to muscles for aerobic respiration
What is oxygen debt
Difference between the resting rate of oxygen consumption and the elevated rate following strenuous exercise
Why is extra oxygen needed after strenuous exercise
Replenish the body's oxygen reserves in myoglobin and hemoglobin. Oxidizes lactate to pyruvate, then to glucose, stored as glycogen in the liver
What is the cause of muscle fatigue
Glycogen & creatine phosphate reserves in muscles/liver & ATP synthesis declines. Lactate lowers pH inhibiting enzymes for contraction/ATP synthesis. Motor nerves deplete their ACh
What is the cause of muscle cramps
Lack of ATP
Red slow twitch (slow oxidative) fibers (dark meat)
Red due to abundant myoglobin. Many capillaries and mitochondria. Fibers contract slowly and resistant to fatigue as long as oxygen is present.
White fast-twitch (fast glycolytic) fibers (white meat)
Low myoglobin/mitochondra/capillaries. Twice the diameter of red fibers. More myofilaments/power(fatigues quickly). Many glycosomes (contains glycogen). Anaerobic
Intermediate fast-twitch (fast oxidative) fibers
Has diameter/power/fatigue resistance between red and white. Contracts quickly like white. Oxygen dependent like red so, Many myoglobin/capillaries
Where is Red Slow, White fast, Intermediate fast twich found? What activity is each suited for
Red (lower back, posture), white (upper limbs, lifting), intermediate (lower limbs, walking)
Intercalated discs
Complex junction where cardiac cells branch and join together
How do intercalated discs allow cardiac cells to contract in unison
Desmosomes & fascia adheran holds the cells together gap junctions which allow ions to pass from cell to cell to synchronize muscle contraction
Components of smooth muscles
Tropomyosin, calmodulin, dense bodies, noncontractile intermediate filaments, thin SR, no T-tubules, Ca comes from extracellular fluid through Ca channels
What are the two types of SmM and how are they different
Multiunit SmM and Single-unit (viseral) SmM. Multi- each unit contracts independently. Single contracts as one unit
How are smooth muscles and skeletal muscles similar in contraction and relaxation
Actin and mysosin interact by a sliding filament mechanism. Rise in Ca level triggers contraction. ATP energizes the sliding process
How does smooth muscle differ to skeletal muscles in contraction and relaxation
Ca can difusse through membrane to initiate contraction. Ca interacts with calmodulin and a kinase to activate myosin
Hypertrophy vs. Hyperplasia, which type of muscles experience which
HT (increase in size)(SkSmCa). HP (increase in cell number)(Sm during pregnancy & puberty).
Muscular dystrophy
Muscle destroying disease. Skeletal muscles degenerates and is gradually replaced by adipose and fibrous tissue
Duchene muscular dystrophy
Most serious. Sex-linked recessive. Rarely live past 20
Myotonic dystrophy and symptoms
Inherited. Can appear at any age. Symptoms: muscle spasms/weakness and abnormal heart rhythm
Myofascial pain syndrome and symptom
Affects 50% of all people 30-60yo. Pain due to tightened bands of muscle fibers that twich when the skin over them is touched
Cause and Treatment for Myofascial pain syndrome
Often associated with strained postural muscles. Treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, stretching, and massage
Fibromyalgia and symptoms
Chronic pain syndrome of unknown cause. Symptoms: severe musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep abnormalities, and headaches
How one is diagnosed and treated for Fibromyalgia
Pain must be present in at least 11-18 standardized points on the body. Treatment includes antidepressants, exercise, and pain killers