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54 Cards in this Set

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What is meant by tissue excitability?
The potential ability of a cell or a tissue to receive and to respond to stimuli.
Contraction is defined as the ability of a tissue to.....
forcefully shorten.
Regarding fatigue, how does cardiac muscle differ from skeletal and smooth?
It is the most fatigue resistant of muscle cells.
Differentiate between muscle cell and muscle fiber.
They are the same.
Explain why striations are visible in both cardiac and skeletal muscle.
This is due to the myofibrils which are neatly aligned.
How does skeletal muscle control blood pressure?
It doesn't. Smooth muscle controls blood pressure.
What is the name of the connective tissue membrane found within a skeletal muscle that surrounds each fascicle?
What structure does the epimysium surround?
It is a dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds an entire skeletal muscle.
`When a muscle attaches directly to a bone, instead of a tendon which is attached to a bone, the ________________ of the muscle fuses with the_______________ of the bone.
This is considered the smallest contractile unit of skeletal muscle.
Sarcomere. It extends from one Z disc to the next Z disc.
Actin and myosin are considered two types of.........
What is another name for a thin myofilament?
What is another name for myosin?
Thick myofilament.
Why are skeletal muscle fibers multinucleated?
Aside from the high metabolic requirement of this tissue, skeletalmuscle fibers are formed when several stem cells merge.
Why are skeletal muscle fibers often called syncytiums/
Because they are formed by the fusion of several cells.
What is the function of myoglobin?
Myoglobin is found in muscle cells. It is similar to hemoglobin and its function is to store oxygen for the muscle cell.
Can muscle cells store carbohydrates?
Yes. They store CHO for use as a fuel in the form of glycogen(glycosomes).
What is Sarcoplasm?
It is the cytoplasm of a muscle cell.
In between the sarcomeres, these structures often form channels that run transversely through the skeletal muscle cell. What are they?
T tubules.
What exactly is a triad?
This is represented by the terminal cisternae of two proximal sarcomeres, and the T tubules that separate them.
A bands are dark striations. Where are they formed?
They are formed where actin and myosin overlap.
Dark striations called I bands are formed where only myosin is present. Is this a true statement?
No. The statement should read:
Light striations called I bands are formed where only actin is present.
Is there a functional relationship between actin, myosin and Z discs?
Yes. Both Actin and Myosin need some structure to pull against. Actin at each end of a sarcomere is attached to a structure referred to as a Z disc,
Action potentials that are carried deep into the cell by______________: signal the sarcoplasmic reticulum to________________.
T tubules; release calcium
The signal for a skeletal muscle to contract is calcium. This in turn binds to troponin causing what to happen?
This will cause tropomyosin, to move out of myosin's way.
Within the skeletal muscle fiber, after tropomyosin changes or shifts in its response to calcium, what substance binds to actin?
As actin and myosin slide past each other, what is released from the myosin?
ADP and inorganic phosphate.
All fibers in a motor unit contract simultaneously. is this a true statement?
Yes. It is true.
After a nerve releases the chemical signal, the receptors on the muscle fiber, at the NMJ open to admit what?
Sodium ions.
What process must occur to fully restore ion balance?
To restore ion balance, the sodium -potassium pump, must utilize energy to bring potassium into the cell, and push the sodium out.
During the period of contraction, _________________ crossbridges form and the muscle fiber shortens.
Actin myosin crossbridges.
With respect to calcium, why is it that a motor unit cannot partially contract?
Since calcium is either released by the SR within the innervated cells , or it is not, it is for this reason that a motor unit does not partially contract.
Define tetanus.
Tetanus refers to a single, elongated constant muscle contraction.
What is the name of the process , in which an ever increasing quantity of motor units are stimulated to create a combined force?
This is called recruitment.
What is meant by maximal stimulus for a muscle?
The maximal stimulus for a muscle is when it causes all motor units to reach and achieve tetanus.
What is an isometric contraction?
Regarding muscle length, the distance between the origin of the muscle and insertion does not really change.
In an isotonic contraction, the force muscular generation does not change. True/False
What is the following process referring to?
When a small amount of the energy in glucose is captured, rather quickly, in ATP, the remainder is taken up in lactic acid.
Anaerobic respiration. It is also called glycolysis.
What causes muscle fatigue?
When the ATP production in a muscle does not, or cannot parallel with ATP usage, the result is muscle fatigue.
What exactly is rigor mortis?
When the supply of ATP in a muscle becomes rather scarce or limited, there will be muscle contracture. This muscle is unable to decontract or relax. rigor mortis is when this happens after death.
What is another cause of muscle fatigue?
When levels of potassium or calcium are too low in a muscle, or conversely if sodium is too high, the result is muscle fatigue.
What is Oxygen debt?
The need or requirement of oxygen to restore the body to its original resting state, after muscle activity has been terminated.
if the quantity of muscle cells in each fascicle is high, the force that is exerted by the fiber will also be high. Is this a true statement?
No. The question as posed is not logical.
It should read:
If the quantity of myofilaments in each fiber is high, the force exerted by the fiber will be high.
What must a muscle contain for its contractions to be rapid?
When the muscle contains primarily glycolytic muscle fibers, its contractions will be rapid.
The duration of muscular effort is usually increased if the majority of fibers rely on what for the generation of ATP?
Aerobic respiration.
These particular fibers can contract continuously for a very long time(100 mile bicycle race).
Slow oxidative fibers
What type of fibers are more usually employed for a 100 yard dash race?
Fast oxidative fibers.
Why are oxidative fibers generally red in color?
They are red due to the presence of myoglobin, which contains a small quantity of reserve oxygen.
In smooth muscle where is calcium stored?
It is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, as well as outside the cell.
What are dense bodies?
Myofilaments in smooth muscle, pull gainst dense bodies, instead of Z discs as is the case with skeletal muscle.
Only smooth muscle fibers are able to divide. True/False
Regarding smooth muscle, action potentials may be transferred from cell to cell through________________ permitting the entire sheets of cells to contract in response to a single unit.
Gap junctions.
Does calcium in smooth muscle interact with troponin?
No. Calcium in smooth muscle does not interact with troponin, but may indirectly trigger the phosphorylation of myosin.
In aging and with continued disuse of muscle, muscle fibers will be replaced with........
Connective tissue