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60 Cards in this Set

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Functions of skeletal muscle
skeletal movement
maintain body position
support soft tissue
guard openings
maintain body temperature
store nutrient reserves
Thin filaments
- directly attached to Z-line
- Made of 3 Proteins:
Actin, troponin, tropomyosin
Thick filaments
made of protein: myosin
connects myosin in thick filament to z-line
- keeps thick filaments centered within sarcomere
- depicted as a spring on a drawing since it is source of elasticity within muscle
I band
"isotropic band"
there thin filaments are (includes z-line)
A band
"an-iotropic band)
contains thick AND thin filaments
NO H-zone
no overlap of thick and thin filaments on sasrcomere
Thick filament 3D structure (myosin)
- head of myosin = ratchet
- long tail + two heads
- each myosin interacts with 6 actin (thin) filaments
- tail points center
- only ONE head can be bound to form cross-bridge
- each head has 2 binding sites: actin and ATP
Thin filaments 3D structure (actin)
- made of 3 proteins
- globular actin = pearl strand
- actin molecules covered by tropomyosin - boxs myosin binding site on actin
- troponin (T, C, I) attached to tropomyosin
attached to tropomyosin on thin filament
- has 3 subunits:
~ Troponin T - bound to tropmyosin
~ Troponin C - bound to Ca2+
~ Troponin I
Low cytosolic calcium
... is a relaxed muscle
tropomyosin blocks cross-bridge bind site on actin (the "pearl beads")
High cytosolic calcium
... activated muscle = contraction!

is when calcium binds to troponin. this moved tropomyosin away from cross-bridge binding site;
- this complex then pulls tropomyosin away from cross-bridge binding site to myosin bind with actin

Contraction = calcium binds to troponin; this complex
Sliding Filament Theory
Thin filaments slides towards CENTER of sarcomere
length does NOT change
Roles of ATP in skeletal muscle contraction
1. breaks bond between myosin and action
2. resets myosin head to go through another cross-bridge cycle
3. provides energy for "power stroke" = movement of myosin (ratchet)
Motor unit
... is the motor nerve PLUS ALL fibers it innervates

one motor nerve can innervate many muscular fibers
What is a neuromuscular junction?
the point of synaptic contact between axon terminal of a motor neuron and the muscle fiber it controls
SINGLE fiber Force production in skeletal muscle depends on...
(Tension of a single muscle fiber depends on...)
1. Number of cross-bridges at given time
2. Length -- resting length at time of stimulation; how long is the fiber
3. Frequency - how rapidly you stimulate that muscle fiber; how rapidly you cause it to fire AP
How can you increase WHOLE muscle force?
active MORE motor UNITS

-- force is directly proportional to cross-sectional area: larger CSA = more force produced
- more motor units = increased CSA
How does length affect force?
Thick and thin filament overlap, hence it affects the number of cross-bridges you can produce

sarcomere length-tension curve
unfused tetanus in skeletal muscle
stimulation as muscle is relaxing because you can see the relaxation on the graph

type of how frequency affects force production
Frequency effects on force production
if you stimulate muscle BEFORE it gets a chance to relax, more ca2+ will be released from SR, more cross-bridges will develop, thus MORE force because you're adding more Ca within cellular space
Fused tetanus
stimulus is so closed together that force will go up and then it will level off because ALL cross bridges that can form are going to be active
WHOLE muscle force production is affected by ...
1. Contraction type
2. Velocity
3. Muscle fiber type
4. Muscle architecture
4 Types of Muscle Contraction
1. Isotonic contraction
2. Isometric contraction
3. Eccentric contraction
4. Concentric contraction
Isotonic contraction
- only done in lab
- can't do it in moving joint because as you move you move in a range of motion to the forces change and "isotonic" means "same force" which isn't literally possible
- force remains same
- muscle contracting
Isometric contraction
- muscle contracts but for NOT shorten
- length does NOT change
---- so if weight is too heavy for muscle to lift, then force will go up and stay up but muscle isn't producing enough force that it will be able to lift weight, so it doesn't change in length
Eccentric Contraction
active WHILE lengthening
- is when muscles tend to be least stable - why muscles can injure
- ie: downward motion of bicep curl
Concentric Contraction
- muscle active AND shorten
(muscle shortening and movement at joint)
- ie: upward motion of bicep curl
How does Velocity Affect Force production?
Heavier something is = slower contraction
3 Types of skeletal muscle fibers
1. Fast Glycolytic (FG)
2. Slow Oxidative (SO)
3. Fast Oxidative Glycolytic (FOG)
Fast Glycolytic (FG)
- responds quickly AND responds to repetitive stimulation WITHOUT fatigue
- high force
- low mitochondria
- depends on glycolysis for ATP
Examples: walking muscles
Slow Oxidative (SO)
- responds well to repetitive stimulation without becoming fatigued
- Example: postural muscles
- dark-meat fibers
- low level force
- MANY mitochondria
- high blood supply
- depends on oxidative phosphorylation thus fatigue SLOWLY -- example: latissimus, traps
Fast Oxidative Glycolytic (FOG)
- used for quick bursts of strong activation
- Example: sprints and jumps
- more force than SO but less than FG
- fairly fatigue-resistant but not as much as SO
Slow Fibers
- smaller diameter
- dark in color due to myoglobin
- fatigue resistant
- "white" fibers
- more force produced since force is proportional to CSA so this fiber has a larger CSA
Fast Fibers
- Larger diameter
- paler color
- easily fatigue
- "red" fibers
Size Principle of Muscle Recruitment
when you want to produce more force you recruit fibers in a particular order:
smaller first (SO) --> FO --> FOG
Muscle Hypertrophy
- muscle growth from heavy training
- increases DIAMETER of fibers
- increases MYOFIBRILS
- increases # mitochondia and glycogen
- CANT increase # muscle fibers
Muscle Atrophy
- lack of muscle activity
- reduce muscle size and tone
- decrease power to be produced
Physical Conditioning
Improves both power and endurance, but it can shift fiber type distribution
Anaerobic activities
- use more fast fibers that easily fatigue
- FOG fibers
Example: 50-meter dash, weight-lifting
Aerobic activities
- prolonged activity
- fast oxidative/glycolytic (FO/FG) fibers
How can you change CSA?
by changing fiber type, thus activating more motor unit
Muscle Architecture
1. Parallel
2. Fusiform
3. Convergent
4. Unipennate
5. Bipennate
6. Multipennate
-long muscle made up on in-series, parallel fibers
- designed for muscles that undergo shortening contractions that produce work
- muscles that that usually contract over long distances
- Example: Sartorius
- 2 distinct origin/insertions and a single muscle belly
- Example: Biceps brachii
- muscle fibers converge on a single insertion
- broad origin
- narrow insertion
- increases CSA while still allowing for intermediate length change while still staying stable on the length-tension curve
Example: Pectoralis major
single muscle fiber coming in on a tendon
Example: extensor digitorum longus
2 groups of fibers coming into a single tendon
example: Rectus femoris
MORE than 2 groups of fibers coming into a tendon
Example: Deltoid
- designed to have large CSA
- designed to produce force
- three types: uni, bi, multi
- is when muscles come in onto a tendon: have short murcles coming in at an angle, which increases CSA, which increases force i can produce (ie: deltoid)
Ways to Name skeletal Muscle
1. Location in Body
2. Origin / Insertion
3. Fascicle organization
4. Relative position
5. structural characteristics
6. Action
Action naming
1. Movements - flexors, extensors, adductors, abductors
2. Occupations of habit - risers (laughter muscle)
Example: Masseter - involved in mastication
Location in the body
-IDs body region
Example: temporalis muscle
Origin & insertion
- first part of name indicates origin
- second part indicates insertion
Example: Supra/infraspinatus; subscapularis; sternoclavomastoid
Fascicle Organization
- describes fascicle orientation within muscle
Example: obliques - come in at an angle; transverse abdominis - come in transversely
Relative Position
1. Externus (superficialis) - relative to oblique
2. Internus (profundus) - relative to oblique
3. Extrinsic - muscle outside organ
4. Intrinsic - muscle inside organ
Structural characteristics
1. Number of tendons
2. Shape - trapezius; deltoid; rhomboid
3. Size
Descriptive Terms for Muscle Size
Longus, longissimus, teres, brevis - means short; magnus, major, maximus, minor - small, minimus - smallest
What do T-Tubules do?
They conduct electrical depolarization of the sarcolemma into the muscle cell interior
What is "latent period"?
time needed to release Ca2+ from SR, move tropomyosin and cycle the cross-bridges