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36 Cards in this Set

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Smooth muscle, general


slow and weak


wave-like contractions

Skeletal muscle, general


fast and strong


Cardiac muscle


intermediate speed and strength

wave-like contractions


Thin filaments basic structure

2 intertwined globular actin filaments that make a helix

Thick filaments basic structure

Myosin II with 4 light and 2 heavy chains

two globular heads - ATPase motors

myosin tails are anti-parallel so heads on opposite ends (opposite polarity)

Filament sliding

myosin head walks on actin which pulls thin filaments closer together

-this action is common amongst all muscle types

Organization of smooth muscle filament

actin randomly arranged

project from spherical points (attachment plaques & dense bodies)

Organization of striated (cardiac and skeletal) muscles

actin project from flat disc to create cylindrical filaments (thin) with thick filament in between

T or F, Calcium is the signal that triggers contraction in all three muscle types


but how it happens varies

Calcium signaling in striated muscles

Ca binds to troponin C (aided by troponin T and I)

Change in conformation pushes tropomysoin out exposing myosin binding site

overall fast rxn

Calcium signaling in smooth muscle

Ca binds to calmodulin

Myosin light chain Kinase (MLCK) activated which phosphorylates light chain

tails can assemble into bipolar filament

overall slow rxn

Histology of smooth muscle

cells are long and spindle shaped but contraction deforms nucleus into corkscrew shape

nuclei are centrally placed

Dense bodies are within cytoplasm

Attachment plaques beneath plasma membrane are sites for thin filaments

Connected via gap junctions (wave-contraction)

Desmin intermediate filaments and alpha-actin are actin-anchoring proteins; stabilize the dense bodies and attachment plaques

What is special about smooth muscle cells?

they are regenerative (act as stem cell)

Histology of skeletal muscles


myofiber= muscle cell, multi-nucleated on the periphery

Contraction: I band slides over A band (I & H band narrow causing sarcomere to shorten)


functional unit between two Z-discs

Dark bands (A)

Thick filaments at center of sarcomere

Light bands (I)

thin filaments on either side of sarcomere

H zones

light region in middle of A band


Where the thin filaments are attached; dark line separating sarcomeres

M Line

thin line in center of H zones (stabilizing proteins)

Why does the thickness of I band change but not A band?

the A band is solely measuring the length of the thick filament which doesn't change

However when you get contraction, the segment of only thin filament without thick filament decreases because you would get overlapping, thus I band thickness would decrease

What happens if you had a mutation in actin and/or myosin?

embryonic lethal

Where can you get mutations in muscles?

ancillary proteins

Ancillary proteins

Titin: regulates position of thick filaments

Nebulin: regulates length of thin filaments

Desmin: connect z-disc and keep myofibrils in register

Dystrophin/dystroglycan/sarcoglycan: transfers contractile force to ECM via laminin

T tubules

invaginations of the sarcolemma that dive deep to each myofibril

depolarization of membrane travels within to go to sarcoplasmic reticulum

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

like an ER

surrounds all myofibrils

Ca storage


surround individual muscle fibers


bundles muscle fibers into fasciles


bundles fasicles into muscle t

Fast twitch fibers

Type II

white fibers

powerful but incapable of anaerobic metabolism

fewer mitochondria and red colored oxygen-binding protein

fast version of myosin

Slow twitch fibers

Type I

red fibers

less powerful, endurance fiber

can do anaerobic metabolism

contain much more myoglobin and mitochondria

slower version of myosin

What can be modified with exercise?

mix of fast twitch and slow twitch fibers

Myoblast (satellite cells)

the muscle's stem cell; located in the endomesium

can fuse with one another and also their myofiber in order to grow the myofiber in diameter (adaptation: increase in muscle performance in response to need)

also mediate regeneration after injury

secrete myostatin to limit their own growth

How long does restoration of myofiber occur?

14 days

Cardiac muscle

mono or binucleated, branched, striated

nucleus in the center

intercalated discs: contains gap junctions (depolarizing), and also adherent junctions (desmosomes and adherens)

lots of mitochondria

Con of cardiac muscle

no regenerative capacity

-dead myocytes are replaced with connective tissue