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50 Cards in this Set

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Unhappy triad
Injury at lateral side

1. MCL
2. Medial meniscus
3. ACL

(+) Drawer sign : ACL tear
Rotator cuff muscles
1. Supraspinatus (MC injured) - deltoid --> abduct arm
2. Infraspinatus - laterally rotate arm
3. Teres minor - inferior to infraspinatus; adduct + laterally rotate arm
4. Subscapularis - medially rotate and adduct arm

Rotator cuff syndrome: can't lift arm above head
Axillary Nerve
C5-6; wraps around humerus

Fractured surgical neck of humerus, dislocation of humeral head

Can't abduct arm at shoulder

Sensory loss over deltoid muscle
Radial Nerve
C5-C8; lies in radial groove on humerus, the "great extensor" nerve - innervation to Brachioradialis, Extensors of wrist/fingers, Supinator, Triceps (BEST)

Fracture at midshaft of humerus
Saturday night palsy

Can't extend wrist, extend fingers @ MCP joints, supinate, extend or abduct thumb

Sensory loss: Posterior arm, dorsal hand, dorsal thumb

Sign: Wrist drop
Median Nerve
C6-8, T1
B/w brachial a. + biceps brachii + brachialis
B/w humeral + ulnar heads of pronator teres
B/w flexor digitorum superficialis + flexor digitorum profundus

Proximal lesion: Fracture of supracondylar humerus
- Loss of thumb opposition
- Loss of dorsal/palmar aspects of lateral 3 1/2 fingers, thenar eminence sensation
- Sign: Ape hand
Median Nerve cont.
Distal Lesion: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Dislocated lunate
- Loss of lateral finger flexion and wrist flexion
- Loss of dorsal and palmar aspects of lateral 3 1/2 fingers
- Sign: Pope's blessing, ulnar wrist deviation w/ wrist flexion
Ulnar Nerve
C8, T1

Proximal lesion: fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus or lesioned by repetitive minor trauma
- Loss of medial finger flexion and wrist flexion
- Loss of medial 1 1/2 fingers, hypothenar eminence
- Sign: radial deviation of wrist upon wrist flexion

Distal lesion: fracture of hook of Hamate (falling on outstretched hand)
- loss of abduction/adduction of fingers (interossei), adduction of thumb, 4th and 5th finger extension
- Sign: Ulnar claw hand (can't straighten fingers)
Musculocutaneous Nerve
B/w biceps brachii and coracobrachialis

Upper trunk compression

Loss of arm flexion at elbow (paralysis of biceps & brachialis)
Loss of lateral forearm sensation
Erb-Duchenne palsy
Tear of upper trunk of brachial plexus (C5-6 roots) - blow to shoulder or trauma during delivery

Paralysis of abductors - limb by side
Paralysis of lateral rotators - medially rotated
Pronated forearm - loss of biceps
Klumpke's palsy
Embryolog/childbirth defect
C8-T1 affected
Can also cause thoracic outlet syndrome

- atrophy of thenar/hypothenar eminences, interosseus muscles
- sensory loss on medial side of forearm/hand
- move head to opp side --> disapp of radial pulse
Lunate dislocation
Can also fracture scaphoid

Potential late sequelae : avascular necrosis & impingement on medial nerve
Long Thoracic Nerve Injury
Paralysis of serratus anterior muscle
1. Winged scapula
2. Failure to abduct arm higher than horizontal

Due to penetrating trauma or radical masectomies
Anatomical Snuff Box
Anteriorly: tendons of abd pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis

Posterior: tendon of extensor pollicis longus

Floor: scaphoid bone and radial artery
Obturator nerve
Only nerve that exits pelvis via obturator foramen

Injury: Anterior hip dislocation

Loss of thigh adduction

Loss of medial thigh sensation
Femoral Nerve
Exits abdomen posterior to inguinal ligament

Injury: pelvic fracture

Loss of thigh flexion and leg extension

Loss of anterior thigh and medial leg sensation
Common peroneal nerve
MC injured nerve in leg

Injury: trauma to lateral aspect of leg or fibula neck fracture
- loss of foot EVERSION & dorsiflexion, toe extension
- loss of anterolateral leg and dorsal aspect of foot
Tibial nerve
branch of sciatic nerve, descends thru popliteal fossa around neck of fibula
SIGN: can't stand on tiptoes

Injury: knee trauma
- loss of foot inversion & plantar flexion, toe flexion
- loff of sole of foot sensory
Superior Gluteal Nerve
SIGN: (+) Trendelenburg

Injury: Posterior hip dislocation or polio
- loss of thigh abduction
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Injury: posterior hip dislocation
- can't jump, climb stairs, or rise from seated position
Femoral triangle
Inguinal ligament (S)
Sartorius (lateral)
Adductor longus (medial)

Femoral nerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymph nodes
Muscle contraction
Dihydropyridine and ryanodine coupled receptors on SR

H & I band shortening
A band ALWAYS same length
Type 1 muscle fibers
SLOW twitch
Red fibers b/c inc mito and myoglobin (inc ox. phosphorylation)
Sustained contraction
Type 2 muscle fibers
Fast twitch
White fibers b/c dec mito and myoglobin (inc anaerobic glycolysis)
Weight training --> hypertrophied fast twitch fibers
Skel/Cardiac muscle contraction
Ca2+ binds to troponin C --> conf change --> tropomyosin moves out of the way --> facilitates actin/myosin cycling

Release ADP from myosin --> power stroke (displaced on actin)

ATP binds to myosin --> release actin filament
No ATP = rigor mortis
Smooth muscle contraction
Ca2+ binds to calmodulin --> activates MLCK --> myosinP + actin --> cross bridge formation --> MLCPhosphatase --> Myosin + actin --> relaxation
Marble Bone Dz
Genetic def of CAII and abn osteoclast fxn

Normal Ca, PO4, alkaline phosphatase
Dec marrow space --> anemia, thrombocytopenia, infection

Erlenmeyer flask bones
Osteitis deformans
Paget's Dz

Chalk stick fractures, mosaic bone
Inc blood flow from inc AV shunts --> high output CHF
Hearing loss is common (auditory foramen narrowing)

3 phases of dz:
1. Lytic
2. Mixed
3. Sclerotic burn out
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Bone replaced by fibroblasts, collagen, irreg bony trabeculae.

McCune Albright syndrome
Giant Cell tumor

epiphyseal end of long bones
charac double bubble/soap bubble XR appearance
spindle-shaped cells w/ multinuc giant cells
Avascular Necrosis
Assoc w sickle cell dz, steroid tx (glucocorticoids), SLE, alcoholism

Acute onset of pain exacerbated by weight bearing
NO swelling, erythema, or temp change

Dx w MRI - usu femoral head
Sjogren's syndrome
1. Xerophthalmia
2. Xerostomia
3. Arthritis

Parotid enlargement, inc B-cell lymphoma risk, dental cavities
SS-A (Ro) + SS-B (La) autoAbs to ribonucleoprotein Ags
Gout v Pseudogout
- parallel to light = yellow crystals
- perp to light = blue

- parallel to light = blue
- perp to light = yellow
F, 20-50y

Chronic widespread MSK pain exacerbated by exercise
Sx's: multiple symmetrically distrib tender spots on pt muscles, joints, tendons on scapula, lateral epicondyle, fat pad of knee

Req for dx: tenderness in 11/18 predet. joints
Ganglion cyst
Arises in CT of joint/capsule sheath

Extensor surfaces of hands/feet

Focal myxoid degen of CT --> cystic space
Rheum arthritis
ACE increase
Interstitial fibrosis
Noncaseating granulomas --> elevated VitD --> hypercalcemia
Poly: CD8+ T cell induced injury to myofibers!

In both: (+) ANA, anti-Jo-1
Mixed Connective Tissue Dz
Antibodies to U1RNP
Inc collagen deposition in tissues
CD4 accumulation in skin + tissues --> stim fibroblasts to produce collagen

2 types:
1. Diffuse - antiScl70 Ab (antiDNA topo I Ab)
2. CREST syndrome - Calcinosis, Raynaud's, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telengiectasia; assoc w/ pulm HTN; anticentricomereAb
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
MC type of post-irradiation soft tissue sarcoma
Derm lesions
1. Macule - flat <1cm discoloration

2. Patch - macule > 1 cm

3. Papule - elevated skin lesion <1cm

4. Plaque - papule >1cm
Derm lesions
Hyperkeratosis - inc. thickness of stratum corneum

Parakeratosis - hyperkeratosis with retention of nuclei in stratum corneum

Acantholysis - separation of epidermal cells
Seborrehic keratosis - looks "pasted on". BENIGN

Actinic keratosis - precursor to SqCC
Irreg areas of complete depigmentation caused by dec in melanocytes

Melasma - HYPERpigmentation assoc w/ PG
Blistering Disorders
Pemphigius vulgaris - IgG antibody against desmosome w/ + Nikolsky sign; oral mucosa affected

Bullous pemphigiod - IgG antibody against hemidesmisome; eosinophils; (-) Nikolsky sign; eosinophils
Lichen Planus
Pruritic Purple Polygonal Papules

Lymphocytic infiltrate at dermal-epidermal junction.
Assoc w/ HepC
Verruca Vulgaris
HPV warts
NOT malignant
Superficial fibromatosis
Dupuytren contracture

Lesions contain mature fibroblasts surrounded by dense collagen

Unlikely to be malignant
Arach Acid products
Lipoxygenase yields Leukotriennes

LTB4 = neutrophil chemotactic agent
"neutrophils arrive B4 others"

LCT4, D4, E4 = bronchoconstriction, vasoconstriction, smooth m contraction, inc vascular permeability

PGI2 inhibits platelet aggreg + prom vasodilation
Samters Triad
10% asthmatics treated w/ aspirin

1. Asthma
2. Aspirin hypersensitivity
3. Nasal polyps

All due to overproduction of leukotriennes when aspirin blocks COX pathways --> AA metabolites diverted into lipoxyg. pathways
Acute gouty arthritis
1st line tx: NSAIDS
2nd: Colchicine
3rd: Glucocorticoids