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30 Cards in this Set

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effusion: definition and causes
increased joint fluid
-infection (>100K WBC)
-inflamation (translucent or opaque fl)
-crystals (gout)
-inc. blood flow near joint
-inc. joint friction
radiographic findings in OA
narrowing of joint space (focal)
subchondral sclerosis
osteophyte formation
subchondral cysts
radiographic findings in RA
subchondral osteopenia
uniform joint narrowing
bond resorbtion
marginal erosions
granulation tissue of RA
formed by fibroblasts
errodes bone
clinical findings in RA
morning stiffness
sys. manifest (CV, resp, ren, GI, neuro)
skin- rheum nodules
ocular conjunctivitis/scleritis
labs in RA
rheumatoid factor
Anemia of Chronic dz
increased ESR
+ test for ANA
symptoms in OA
pain w increasing activity (asymetrical)
usually in large weight bearing joints and distal fingers
articular cartilage findings in OA
decreased GAGs
chondrocyte loss
increased H2O content
gene associated with RA
treatment for RA
NSAIDS- initially
corticostaroids and DMRADS later

new: drugs that block tumor necrosis factor
organism in septic arthritis that resembles RA- accompanies 'fifth disease'
PE of a child yeilds:
fever, refusal to walk/move affect limb, irritability, loss of appetite
dx- Septic arthritis
WBC and PMNs in septic arthritis
STD presenting w fever, chills, rashes and bullous eruptions, polyarthralgias, tenosynovitis
gonococcal arthritis (neisseria gonorrhea)
erythema migrans-> neuro/CV manifestations-> late stage polyarthritis
lyme disease
Potts disease
extra pul TB infection of spine.
urate crystals, involvement of first metatarsal phalyngeal joint
think gout
pyrophosphate crystals, knees affected
think pseudogout
pathology of urate crystals in joints
chemotactic factors attract neutrophills; stimulate release of inflammatory mediators from neutrophills

swollen, erythematous joint; resembles cellulitis
insidious onset of low back pain, low back pain improving w exercise. eye/CV disease. HLA-B27 positive. Bamboo spine on radiograph
ankylosing spondylitis

spine- ossificaiton of annulus fibrosus and intervertebral ligaments
heel pain, 'sausage digits' for toes, and a positive HLA-B27

usually a reaction to chlamydia, yersinia, salmonella or shigella
reiter's syndrome
skin lesions (plaques), RA-like involvement of DIP and PIP joints
psoriatic arthritis
arthritis in knees or ankles associated with bowel disease (Chron's, ulcerative colitis)
enteropathic arthritis
treatment of seronegative arthritis
anti-TNF-alpha drugs

chlamydia- treat w doxycycline
types of arthritis affecting fingers
RA, OA, psoriatic
spine/SI joint involvement with 'sausage digits'. Spine-> kyphosis
XR: well defined, progressive erosions. progressive destruction
Renal stones
synovial fluid (septic)
usually >100k WBC

WBC diferential- >90%pmns
inflamatory synovial fluid
white cell diff
translucent or opaque
wbc 20k-50k or greater
PMNs 50-90%
normal synovial fluid
white cell diff
gross: transparent
wbc <2k
>50% pmns