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52 Cards in this Set

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Missouri becomes a state

August 10, 1821

Sixteenth section of every township

Reserved for building schools

Missouri constitution written


Seven people who are eligible to replace the governor if he is unable to perform duties of office

1. Lieutenant Governor; 2. President Pro Tempore of the Senate; 3. Speaker of the House of Representatives; 4. Secretary of State; 5. State Auditor; 6. State Treasurer; 7. Attorney General

Leader of the Supreme Court

Chief Justice

Leader of the executive branch


Leader of the House of Representatives

Speaker of the House

Leader of the Senate

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Four distinct parts of the Missouri judicial system

1. Supreme Court; 2. Court of Appeals; 3. Circuit Court; 4. Municipal Court

Highest court in the state of Missouri

Supreme Court

Types of cases where Supreme Court has exclusive appellate authority

Validity of treaties, validity of constitutional rules, all cases involving the death penalty

Minimum age requirement to become a judge in the supreme Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or Circuit Courts?

30 years old

Official keeper of the State seal

Secretary of State

Branch of the government with exclusive authority to levy fines and cause imprisonment

Judicial branch

Normal day for adjournment of General Assembly

May 30th

House of the General Assembly with the right to originate, amend, and reject bills

Both houses

Number of days either house of the legislature may adjourn before they need approval of the other house

No more than 10 days

Requirements to be elected to Missouri House of Representatives

24 years old, qualified voter for at least two years, resident of the district for which he or she is elected for at least one year

Requirements to be elected to the Missouri Senate

30 years old, qualified voter for at least three years, resident of the district for which he or she is elected for at least one year

Punishment for a person convicted of breaking the oath of office in the General Assembly

Person is removed from office and may never hold public office in the state of Missouri again

Three types of crimes that a member of the General Assembly can be arrested for while the General Assembly is in session

Treason, felony crimes, breach of peace

Official that delivers a bill to the Governor once it has been passed by the General Assembly

Secretary or chief clerk of the house where the bill originated must deliver bill to the Governor

When a bill must be delivered to the Governor

On the day that it is signed by the General Assembly

How long the Governor has to sign a bill

15 days

When the governor does not sign a bill within the allotted time

Automatically becomes law

Conditions under which the Governor can call out the state militia

To enforce laws, suppress insurrection, repel invasions

Where all political power in the state of Missouri originates

The people

Conditions under which a person can be imprisoned for debt

Only if a debt was incurred as part of a fine for a criminal act

Habeas corpus

Right of the accused to be provided a written explanation of the charges against him

Ex post facto law

Punishes a person for an act that was not a crime when it was committed; prohibited by the Missouri Constitution


Hiring a relative to fill a government vacancy

Double jeopardy

Prohibition against being tried for the same crime twice

Basic rights of accused criminals

Right to appear and defend, right to a lawyer, right to know the charges against them, right to confront the accuser face to face, right to a speedy and public trial, right to compel witnesses to appear on behalf of the accused

When bail can be denied

Committed a severe capital offense where there is abundant proof of guilt

Proportion of jurors needed for final verdict in civil cases

Two thirds

Proportion of jurors needed for final verdict in criminal cases


Branch of the government with exclusive power of impeachment

House of Representatives

Where most impeachment hearings are held

Supreme Court

Punishment for a person convicted of impeachment

Removed from office and may be subject to later criminal prosecution if the actions were illegal

Alternative name for first article of the Missouri Constitution

Bill of Rights

Name given to the legislative branch of the Missouri state government

The Legislature of the State of Missouri, also known as the Missouri General Assembly

Role of the State Treasurer in the Missouri Government

Keeper of state funds and funds received from federal government

Maximum number of four years terms of office a State Treasurer can serve

Two four-year terms

Number of different issues that can appear on a proposed amendment

One issue included on the amendment

Initiative process

Process of introducing new laws by gathering signatures and placing an issue on the ballot for people to approve or reject

Referendum process

Ability of the people to approve or reject by popular vote laws enacted by the Missouri General Assembly

Due process of law

The system of trial by jury and the right to appeal

Number of members in the state Senate


Number of members in the House of Representatives


Number of issues included on a bill

One issue included on the bill

Proportion of each house needed to override Governor's veto

Two thirds must agree to veto


Levying war against state or adhering to its enemies and providing them with aid and comfort