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22 Cards in this Set

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Karl von Clausewitz

Military theorist from Prussia, discussed absolute war, wrote the book On War

Confederate Offensive-Defensive Strategy

Strategy where the confederates placed conventional armies in an essentially defensive posture to protect as much territory as possible, and launching offensive movements when circumstances seemed promising. Caused a lot of Confederate losses in lives, due to the new lethality of weapons

US Sanitary Commission

Relief agency to support sick/wounded Union soldiers in the Civil War, inspired by British Sanitary Commission during Crimean War. Included women in many positions (which were 'fitting for women') like cooks, nurses, etc. Value of women was convinced due to the role of the woman as a 'caretaker'

Bounty and Furlough Act of 1862

Every soldier who was re-enlisted was given a bounty and furlough ($50 and 60 days) during the war, along with re-enlistment. Confederate tactic which was used to fight the manpower issue but was met with a lot of confusion
Strategy v. Tactics
Strategy is the overall plan and the methods for which it is achieved, where tactics are specific scenario-specific acts.
William T. Sherman

Union General in the Civil War, instituted total war against the Confederacy, did the 'march to the sea' where he implemented a scorched earth policy, where he burned Atlanta to the ground. First 'modern' general

Elmer Elseworth
First casualty in the Civil War, was the drillmaster who became a national hero with their fancy uniforms, died taking down a confederate flag from a hotel in Alexandria
Crimean War
War in Crimea where the United States had observers, took ideas from it like the Sanitary Commission and used it during their own wars.
Benjamin Butler
Soldier and mainly politician who authored laws which were major parts of the Reconstruction


Term used to refer to runaway slaves, called contraband to be allowed to keep them in Union Lines

Conciliatory Policy

Assumption/idea from the Union that they were waging war against an economic elite who are invested in the system of slavery and that civilians in the South were not involved

Emancipation Proclamation

Executive order by Lincoln that made all slaves free - which meant that any runaway slaves to the Union became legally free, as well as any territory the Union captured. Massively bolstered Union Forces.

Draft Riots

Happened across the country, mainly due to the fact that the poor were targeted indirectly for the draft because the rich could pay their way out of service with substitutes, in New York a lot of recently-immigrated people were drafted and they did not want to join in a war after fleeing Europe

Minié Ball

Rifle rounds made for muskets - replaced circular rounds, increased accuracy greatly of rifles, but tactics did not change, leading to mass casualties in the Civil War


3 battles:

Part 1: 8,000 dead by 10 am, Union won

Part 2: Union army killed Confederate commander almost instantly, eventually Union broke through

Part 3: Union army led by Burnside, massively outnumbered Confederates but had height disadvantage, confederate reinforcements fought off Burnside and nothing was gained

Lee lost 10,000 men (1/4th of confederate army)

Anaconda Plan

A Union strategy which blockaded Confederate ports and in general suffocated the South into submission, hence the Anaconda imagery.

Napoleonic strategy and tactics

Greatly influenced the Civil War, his teachings were heavily used at West Point which emphasized freedom of movement of troops to allow flanking maneuvers, as well as strong supply lines

Sherman's Marches

March from Georgia to Savannah, razed everything in his path, including Atlanta, foraged heavily and from these actions had many escaped slaves join his cause.

George McClellan

A general in the Union Army, infamous for being extremely conservative and wary in battle, overestimating his opponents even if he had a massive advantage.

Ulysses S. Grant

General in the Civil War, the most acclaimed general of the war, going head-to-head with Robert E. Lee many times, called a 'butcher' due to his use of attrition in war, knowing that the Union had a advantage in manpower

Robert E. Lee

General in the confederate Army, used tactics which were very aggressive that cost a lot of lives that the Confederacy could not spare. Surrendered to Appomattox after a series of defeats.

Total War

View all of the enemy populace as enemies, including the civilians - Sherman's strategies emulate this