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90 Cards in this Set

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1. The scientific study of the hair, its diseases, and its care is called:
c) trichology
2. The two main divisions of the hair are the hair root and the:
a) hair shaft
3. The three main structures associated with the hair root are the follicle, the bulb, and the:
d) dermal papilla
4. The hair root is contained in a tube-like depression, or pocket, in the skin known as the:
c) follicle
5. The club-shaped structure that forms the lower part of the hair root is the:
d) hair bulb
6. The blood and nerve supply that provides nutrients needed for hair growth are contained in the:
b) dermal papilla
7. The tiny involuntary muscle in the skin that contracts and causes "goose bumps" is the:
d) arrector pili
8. The oily substance called sebum is secreted by the:
c) sebaceous glands
A figure of speech which assigns human qualities to inanimate objects or concepts. These are the lips of the lake, on which no beard grows. It licks its chops from time to time.
(Henry David Thoreau, Walden)
10. The layer of the hair shaft that protects it from penetration and damage is the:
c) cuticle
11. Generally, only think, coarse hair contains a:
d) medulla
12. About 90% of the total weight of hair comes from the:
d) cortex
13. Liquids can penetrate the hair only when the __ is raised.
c) cuticle
14. In order to penetrate the cuticle layer and reach the cortex, oxidation haircolours, perm solutions, and chemical relaxers must have:
b) an alkaline pH
15. the changes that take place in the hair during permanent waving, chemical relaxing, and oxidation haircolouring occur in the:
d) cortex
16. As living cells of the hair mature, they fill up with a protein called:
b) keratin
17. The elements that make up the amino acids in the hair are carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen,:
c) oxygen and sulfur
18. Of the five elements in human hair, the element that makes up the highest percentage is:
d) carbon
19. the chemical bonds that join amino acids to each other are called:
a) peptide bonds
20. The bonds that account for the strength and elasticity of hair are the:
a) side bonds
21. There are three different types of side bonds in the cortex:
c) hydrogen, salt, and disulfide bonds
22. The strongest side bonds in the cortex are the:
d) disulfide bonds
23. A disulfide bond joins the __ atoms of two neighbouring cysteine amino acids to create cystine.
d) sulfur
24. Disulfide bonds can be broken by:
c) perms and relaxers
25. A hydrogen bond is a physical side bond that is easily broken by:
c) water and heat
26. All natural hair colour is based on the ratio of:
b) eumelanin to pheomelanin
27. The pigment that provides natural hair colours from red and ginger to yellow/blonde is:
d) pheomelanin
28. All natural hair colour is the result of the pigment located within the:
c) cortex
29. The amount of movement in the hair strand is referred to as its:
a) wave pattern
30. A cross-section of a wavy hair strand is usually:
a) oval
31. Extremely curly hair that forms coils usually:
d) has a fine texture
32. The four most important factors to consider in a hair analysis include all the following except:
c) length
33. Hair texture is defined as the hair's:
d) diameter
34. The hair's ability to absorb moisture is its:
a) porosity
35. __ hair has the largest diameter.
b) coarse
36. The hair texture that is most susceptible to damage from chemical services is:
a) fine
37. The number of individual hair strands on 1 square inch of scalp is referred to as:
a) density
38. The number of hairs on the head generally varies with the:
c) colour of the hair
39. The thickest hair (highest density) is generally found among people with:
b) blonde hair
40. Hair with low porosity is considered:
c) resistant
41. Hair with high porosity is generally the result of:
c) overprocessing
42. Wet hair with normal elasticity will stretch up to __ of its original length and return to that same length without breaking.
c) 50%
43. Hair flowing in the same direction is called a:
b) hair stream
44. Dry hair and scalp are caused by:
d) inactive sebaceous glands
45. All the following characteristics apply to vellus hair except:

a) more abundant on men
b) found on infants
c) lacking a medulla
d) not pigmented
a) more abundant on men
46. Hormonal changes during puberty cause some areas of vellus hair to be replaced with:
b) terminal hair
47. The three phases of hair growth are anagen, catagen, and:
d) telogen
48. The growth phase of the hair growth cycle is known as:
a) anagen
49. The follicle canal shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla during
c) catagen phase
50. About __ of scalp hair is growing in the anagen phase at any one time.
a) 90%
51. The phase of hair growth that lasts the shortest time is the:
b) catagen phase
52. The resting phase of the hair growth cycle is known as:
c) telogen
53. About __ of the hair is in the resting phase at any one time.
d) 10%
54. One common hair myth is:
b) scalp massage increase hair growth
55. Gray hair is exactly the same as pigmented hair except that it:
a) lacks melanin
56. A loss of 35 to 40 hairs a day is considered:
b) normal
57. Abnormal hair loss is called:
c) alopecia
58. A client's hair must be __ before any service.
c) analyzed
59. By age 35, almost __ percentage of men and women show some degree of hair loss.
a) 40
60. In men, a horseshoe-shaped fringe of hair is referred to as:
d) male pattern baldness
61. A miniaturization of terminal hair contributes to:
b) androgenic alopecia
62. A type of alopecia characterized by the sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness in sports is called:
b) alopecia areata
63. In women, androgenic alopecia shows up as:
a) general thinning of crown hair
64. Hair loss at the conclusion of a pregnancy is called:
b) postpartum alopecia
65. A topical medication applied to the scalp that has been proven to stimulate hair growth is:
d) minoxidil
66. Of the two products proven to stimulate hair growth, the oral prescription drug is called:
d) finasteride
67. Finasteride is not prescribed for women because of strong potential for:
a) birth defects
68. Among the various treatments for hair loss, hair plugs are the:
b) surgical treatment
69. Hair plugs may be transplanted by:
c) surgeons
70. The technical term for gray hair is:
c) canities
71. The type of canities that exists at or before birth is known as:
c) congenital canities
72. The type of canities that develops with age and is the result of genetics is called:
c) acquired canities
73. Ringed hair is a variety of:
b) canities
74. The technical term for beaded hair is:
d) monilethrix
75. The technical term for split ends is:
a) trichoptilosis
76. Abnormal growth of hair is called:
d) hypertrichosis
77. A condition characterized by brittleness and nodular swellings along the hair shaft is:
d) trichorrhexis nodosa
78. Wax hair removed, tweezing, shaving, and electrolysis are among the treatments for:
c) hypertrichosis
79. The condition in which the hairs may split at any part of their length is called:
d) fragilitas crinium
80. Dry dandruff, thin scales, and an itchy scalp are typical of:
b) pityriasis capitis simplex
81. Pityriasis steatoides is a scalp inflammation marked by:
b) greasy or waxy dandruff
82. Clients with tinea capitis should be:
a) referred to a physician
83. Tinea, or ringworm, is caused by:
b) vegetable parasites
84. Ringworm of the scalp is also known by the technical term:
b) tinea capitis
85. Dry, sulfur-yellow, cuplike crusts on the scalp, called scutula, are characteristic of:
b) tinea favosa
86. The contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite burrowing under the skin is known as:
b) scabies
87. Pediculosis capitis is the infestation of the hair and scalp with:
c) head lice
88. A boil is also known as:
c) a furuncle
89. An inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci is called:
d) a carbuncle
90. Preventing the spread of tinea, pityriasis, and staphylococci infections involves proper:
a) sanitation and disinfection