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91 Cards in this Set

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What can cause skin conditions?

Both internal and external factors why are the acid mantle and barrier function not as healthy and dry skin

Why are the acid mantle and barrier function not as healthy and dry skin?

Lack of lipids

What beverage can cause dehydrated skin?


What skin type is indicated by larger visible follicles over most of the face?


What type of skin is characterized by fragile thin skin and redness?


What statement about Fitzpatrick type three skin is true?

hair and eye color vary

very common skin type

What Fitzpatrick skin type is common among people or Middle Eastern descendent.

Type V

What skin type on the glogau scale shows wrinkles at rest and is specific to people in their 40s and 50s

Type three lll

What skin type on the glogau scale shows wrinkles at rest and is specific to people in their 40s and 50s

Type three lll

What Rubin classification includes superficial pigment and changes in the epidermis?

Level one

What is not one of the most common skin conditions aesthetician see you today?


What are some of the common skin conditions aestheticians see you today?

Adult acne

problems from hormonal fluctuation

actinic aging

What condition is characterized by redness and distended capillaries caused by a weakening of the capillary walls?


What term refers to oiliness of the skin?


What is the main external cause of aging?

Sun damage

What term refers to the strength of intensity of sunlight exposure?


What statement about UVB radiation is true?

It has more energy than UVA radiation.

What SPF is recommended when selecting sunscreen?


What is not a recommended habit for maintaining healthy skin?

Eating foods containing preservatives.

What type of treatments are contraindicated for clients with epilepsy?

Electrotherapy and phototherapy

What document is a record of all of your notes from a Skin on analysis what you used in treatment and your home care recommendations?

Client chart

Sensitive skin is easily irritated by products and by exposure to heat and sun. True or faults


It is possible to over cleanse the skin and doing so can cause irritation. True or false


Darker skin types contain more melanin then later Caucasians skin types too. True or false


Black skin has a greater number of melanocytes then Caucasian skin.


Treatments generally have positive benefits beneath the surface of the clients skin even if the effects are not instantly visible.

True or false


This is Thick and lays on top of the skin to reduce transepidermal water loss.


Occlusive product

This is caused by sun damage rather than genetics.

Actinic aging

Excessive cell turnover and dead skin cells build up.


Skin that appears red with distended capillaries.

Couperose skin

Center area of the face corresponding to the shape formed by the four head nose and chin.

T zone

This along with lifestyle and attitude can contribute to the skins health.


Abnormal hypertropic scarring


Abnormal hypertropic scarring


I Skin that lacks water

Dehydrated skin

This evaluates photo damage based on wrinkling categorized by age

Glogau Scale

Factor that prohibits a treatment due to a condition


Factor that prohibits a treatment due to a condition


Dark areas on the skin

Age spots

This is used to measure your skin types ability to tolerate sun exposure

FitzPatrick scale

I Skin that lacks oil

Alipidic skin

Skin that lacks oxygen

Asphyxiated skin

This uses levels to classify photo damage by the depth of skin changes or damage

Rubens classification of the photo damage

Fitz Patrick skin type one

Appearance general characteristics

Very fair freckles red hair light eyes

Burns always never tans

Fitz Patrick skin type to appearance general characteristics

Light skin

light hair

light eyes

Burns easily difficulty with tanning

Fitz Patrick skin type three

Hair and I color very very common skin

Sometimes burns but gradually tans

Fitz Patrick skin type four the appearance / general characteristics

Mediterranean dark hair dark eyes or hazel

Barely burns tans

easily high risk of hyperpigmentation

high risk of scarring

moderate risk for vascular damage

Fitz Patrick skin type

Appearance general characteristics

Middle eastern dark her hair darker eyes rarely son sensitive

May never burn skin darkens high risk of hyperpigmentation low risk of solar pigmentation condition and actinic aging

Fitz Patrick skin type

Appearance general characteristics

Middle eastern dark her hair darker eyes rarely son sensitive

May never burn skin darkens high risk of hyperpigmentation low risk of solar pigmentation condition and actinic aging

Fitz Patrick skin type six appearance general characteristics

Black skin

black hair

dark eyes

Very high risk of hyperpigmentation very high risk of scarring from treatments tens easily may never burn

What is the Glogau Scale?

Evaluate photo damage (sun)based on wrinkle categorized by age.

Glogau scale

Type one is minimal to no wrinkles ; age 20 to 30 or younger

Type two shows wrinkles only visible while in motion when making facial expressions. Early to moderate photoaging light keratosis age 30 to 40s.

Type three shows wrinkles at rest advance photoaging hyperpigmentation telangiectasia is keratosis age 40 to 50

Type four for shows predominant wrinkles severe photoaging severe scarring may be noticeable ages are not specified

FitzPatrick scale type one

Very fair blonde or red hair like colored eyes freckles comment

always burns never tans high risk of skin cancer vascular damage

Fitz Patrick scale type two

Fair skin

light eyes

light hair

Burns easily tans with difficulty high risk for skin cancer. Vascular damage

Fitz Patrick scale type three

Very common skin type


eyes and hair color very

FitzPatrick scale type four


Caucasian skin

dark brown hair

medium to heavy pigmentation

Rarely burns

tans easily

high risk of hyper pigmentation and hypo pigmentation

high risk for scarring

moderate risk for vascular damage

FitzPatrick scale type five

Middle Eastern skin

dark and black hair

brown eyes rarely sun sensitive

skin darkens; may never burn. high risk of hyper/hypopigmentation. high risk of scarring from treatments and trauma

moderate risk for vascular damage. lower risk for solar pigmentation conditions and actinic aging (from sun exposure).

Fitz Patrick scale type six

Black skin, brown eyes;rarely sun sensitive

tans easily; may never burn. very high risk of hyper/ hypopigmentation.

very high risk for scarring from treatments and trauma. moderate risk for vascular damage.

lower risk for solar pigmentation conditions and actinic aging.

A rough area resurfacing from sun exposure sometimes with a layered scale or scab that sometimes falls off can be pre-cancerous.

Actinic keratosis

Acne breakouts from hormonal changes or other factors.

Adult acne

Smokers have Asphyxiates skin from lack of oxygen characterized by clog pores and wrinkles dull and lifeless looking can be yellowish or gray in color.


Open comedones are blackheads and clog pores caused by buildup of debris oil and dead skin cells in the follicles close, downs are not open to the air or oxygen they are trapped by dead skin cells and need to be exfoliated and extracted


Redness descended capillaries from weakening of the capillary walls internal or external causes

Couperose skin; telangiectasia

Fluid, infections, or other matter under the skin.


Lack of water (also caused by the environment medications topical agents aging or dehydrating drinks such as caffeine and alcohol.)


Large pores due to excess oil and Debris trapped in the follicles for expansion due to elasticity loss or trauma.

Enlarge pores

An excessive buildup of dead skin cells / keratinized cells


Redness caused by inflammation


Brown or dark pigmentation; discoloration from melanin production due to sun or other factors.


Brown or dark pigmentation; discoloration from melanin production due to sun or other factors.


White, color is area from lack of melanin production.


Brown or dark pigmentation; discoloration from melanin production due to sun or other factors.


White, color is area from lack of melanin production.


Usually redness or inflammation; from a variety of causes.


They build up of cells; a rough texture.

Keratosis Plural; keratoses

Hardened, pearl-like masses of oil and dead skin cells trapped beneath the surface of the skin. Milia are not exposed to oxygen and have to be lanced to open and remove them.


Raised lesions; also called Blemishes.


Raised lesions; also called Blemishes.


Sagging; loose skin from damage, son, and aging.

Poor elasticity

And infected popular with fluid inside.


A vascular disorder; chronic redness. Papules and pustules may be present.


Benign lesions seen in oilier areas of the face. described as looking like doughnut Holes. cannot be extracted.

Sebaceous hyperplasia

Oiliness of the skin.


Reactions from internal and external causes.


Large black kids usually around the eye due to sun exposure.

Solar, comedones

Large black kids usually around the eye due to sun exposure.

Solar, comedones

UV damage to the epidermis and dermis; primary effects are wrinkles, collagen and elastin breakdown, pigmentation, and cancer.

Sun damage

Lines and damage from internal or external causes.


External factors of the skin

Sun damage is the main external (extrinsic) cause of aging environmental exposure, pollutants, air quality, and humidity also affect the skins health.

Internal factors that affect the skin

Our body’s internal (intrinsic) health affects how we feel as well as how our body and skin looks. stress our lifestyle attitude can contribute to our skins health. free radicals in the body, dehydration, lack of water vitamin deficiency, proper nutrition, alcohol, caffeine, hormones and menopause all affect the skins well-being.

Contagious disease, skin disorders, medical conditions, medications, skin irritations can all contraindicate or prohibit a service
