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29 Cards in this Set

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Rampant Caries caused by
high sugar diet and xerostomia
What is dental decay
cavity, ECC, older adults, communicable infection
Periodontal exam
probing, sulcus check, mobility check
preventive dentistry
educate ...help people have their teeth through their lives
What probe is used for perio exam?
periodontal probe
What is the most effective antimicrobial therapy...rinse for when you can't brush
Scale used for mobility test
0-3 mobility
What is the goal of preventive dentistry
help people of all ages to have the maximum oral health possible
What is the primary source of fluoride?
Natural teeth of the arch is..
another name for primary teeth
5 surfaces of tooth
occlusal, distal, mesial, lingual, facial
What is the best way to know your patient
Have a meeting before your patient arrives
What do you need for your checklist before the patient is seated
patient record, radiographs, and lab cases
What is the best way to relax the patient
initiate conversation, ask if they have any questions
What surfaces need to be cleaned more rigorusly than others
clinical surfaces
What is the sterilant used in dental clinics
EPA registered and hospital registered with TB
What is the common term for palate
roof of the mouth
purpose of tongue
swallow, taste, temp, pushes food, breathe,
Two small papillae are located on either side of the lingual frenum under the tongue that serve as openings for the ____________ .
Submandibular glands
What shoud you be able to see on a bitewing
Crown and interproximal areas of the maxillary and mandibular teeth, crestal bone
Shades of Grey between black and white on an image
What should be on the patient during xray
apron and collar
How many compression per minute
How to prevent a medical emergency?
update their medical history
What does CAB
Compressions, Airway, Breathing
What is the purpose of the matrix system
provide temp interproximal wall and create an external surface
A check of vital signs includes the taking and recording of:
respiratory rate
When taking a patient's pulse, place your_____________ on the patient's wrist between the radius and the tendon.
index and third fingers