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27 Cards in this Set

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Ghost Dance

A religious revitalization campaign reminiscent of the pan-indian movements led by earlier prophets.

Social Darwinism

Application of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to society; used the concept of the "survival of the fittest" to justify class distinctions and to explain poverty.

Haymarket Affair

Violence during an anarchist protest at Haymarket square in Chicago on May 4, 1886, the deaths of eight, including seven policemen, led to the trial of eight anarchist leaders for conspiracy to commit murder.

Populist Party Platform

spoke for all "producing classes" and embarked a remarkable effort of community organization and education.

Open door policy

in hopes of protecting the Chinese market for U.S. exports, secretary of state John Hay demanded in 1899 that Chinese trade be open to all nations.

Sixteenth Ammendment

1913- Legalized the federal income tax

Panama Canal

Ten mile wide strip of land on which was built a canal; it's construction drastically reduced the time it took for commercial and naval vessels to sale from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean.

Roosevelt Corollary


An addendum to the Monroe Doctrine that held that the United States could intervene military to prevent interference from European powers in the western hemisphere.

Fourteen Points

President Woodrow Wilson's 1918 plan for peace after world war 1; at the versailes peace conference, however, he failed to incorporate all of the points into the treaty.

Great Migration

Large scale migration of southern blacks during and after world war 1 to the North, where jobs had become available during the labor shortage of the war years.

Red Scare

(1919-1920) fear among many Americans after world war 1 of communists in particular and non citizens in general, a reaction to the Russian Revolution mail bombs, strikes, and riots.

Second KKK

A revival of the organization in the 1910's and the 1920's that stressed white, Anglo-Saxon, fundamentalist protestant supremacy.

New Negro

The term "New Negro" associated in politics with pan-africanism and the militancy of the Garvey movement. In art, it meant the rejection of established stereotypes and a search for black values to put in their place. This quest led the writers of what came to be called the Harlem renaissance to the roots of the black experience. Africa, the rural south's fold traditions, and the life of the urban ghetto.

Bank Holiday

By 1933, banking had been suspended in a majority of the states- that is, people could not gain access to money in their bank accounts. Roosevelt declared a "bank holiday", temporarily halting all bank operations.


Industrial workers of the world. In 1905, a group of unionists who rejected the AFL'S exclusionary policies formed this group. Part trade union part advocate of a workers revolution that would seize the means of production and abolish the state, the IWW made solidarity its guiding principle.

William Graham Sumner

*The most influential social Darwinist and yale professor.

*freedom required frank acceptance of inequality.

Henry George

Progress & Poverty became his best seller, its success testified to what he called " a widespread consciousness... that there is something radically wrong in the present social organization."

*the problem = expansion of poverty and material progress

*the solution = "single tax" would replace other taxes with a levy on increases in the value of real estate.

Edward Bellamy

Freedom was a social condition, resting on interdependence, not autonomy.

Frances E Willard

founded the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) grew to become the era's largest female organization.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

devised plans for communal nurseries, cafeterias, and laundries to help free married women from "house services"

John A Ryan

"All persons had a natural right not simply to subsistence but to a "living wage", which would enable them to share in the fruits of modern technology.

Margaret Sanger

By controlling birth, women may lift motherhood to the plane of a voluntary, intelligent function, and remark the world.

Carrie Chapman catt

by taking part in the war effort, women would finally win the right to vote.

Marcus Garvey

Black's should enjoy the same internationally recognized identity enjoyed by other people

Franklin D Roosevelt

defended New Deal reforms and spending programs and invoking the patriotic struggle for independence in the 1770's.

Herbert Hoover

reflected how wide the gap between the parties had become a "holy crusade" for liberty" that would "determine the future" of freedom in the united states.

Norman Cousins


* wanted to reduce or eliminate the women's presence in the workforce & the various arguments economic and moral that lay behind it.