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67 Cards in this Set

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What compound has the highest concentration in a cell
Water (h2o)
What is most of the dry weight of a microbial cell from
Organic compounds
The activation of a prophage is called
An important mineral ion that is a component of chloroplasts and stabilizer of membranes and ribosomes is known as
What are organisms called that feed on dead organisms for nutrients
The term photoheterotrophs refers to an organism that
Gets energy from sunlight
A bacteriophage transfers DNA of the previous host to the current host. This is an example of
Generalized transduction
Metabolic pathways that regenerate their starting point are called _______pathways
When the product of reaction A becomes the reactant of reaction B, the metabolic pathway is
In the cell, energy released by electrons is often used to phosphorylate
Each nucleotide is composed of
One phosphate, one nitrogenous base and one sugar
The duplication of a cell's DNA is called
Eukaryotic chromosomes differ from bacterial chromosomes because only eukaryotes have
elongated, not circular, chromosomes, histone proteins, chromosomes in a nucleus, several to many chromosomes
Which statement is correct regarding glycolysis
uses 2 ATP's, produces 4 ATP's without using oxygen
Which of the following does not indicate microbe involvement in energy and nutrient flow
Formation of oxygen by an oxygenic photosynthesis
What is incorrect about purines
Only found in DNA, not RNA
The movement of substances from lower to higher concentration across a semipermeable membrane that must have a specific protein carrier and cell expenditure of energy is called
Active transport
What is an example of aerobic respiration
A foreign molecule that causes a specific immune response is a (n)
Acquired specific immunity involves the responses of
B and T lymphocytes
The progeny cells of a B-cell clone are called
Plasma Cells
What do T cells do ?
Activate B cells and other T cells
What do plasma cells do ?
Secrete antibodies
Class 1 MHC gene code
All HLA antigens
MHC molecules are found on each of the following cells EXCEPT
Red Blood Cells
The molecular fragment on a antigen molecule that a lymphocyte recognizes and responds to is called a(n)
Antigen bonding site
Small foreign molecules that are too small by themselves to elicit an immune response are termed
Antigens that elicit allergic reactions are called
Antigen-presenting cells
Include dendritic cells , Include macrophages , Engulf and modify antigen to be more immunogenic , Hold and present processed antigen on their cell membrane surface
Which is mismatched
Hay fever - type IV hypersensitivity
Any heightened or inappropriate immune response resulting in tissue damage is called a(n)
Atopy and anaphylaxis are hyper-sensitivities in the category of
Type 1 only

Fungal spores and animal dander are considered to be which type of allergen
The initial encounter with an allergen is called the
Sensitizing dose
A second encounter with an allergen that causes a response is called the
Provocative dose
Which event is the process of releasing chemical mediators
Which of the following is not a possible symptom of type I hypersensitivity
Contact dermatitis
The chemical mediator that causes prolonged bronchospasm, a vascular permeability, and mucous secretion of asthmatic patients is
Allergic reactions to penicillins are considered a ________ hypersensitivity
A systemic, sometimes fatal reaction with airway obstruction and circulatory collapse is
Systemic anaphylactic
Allergic patients receive small controlled injections of specific allergens are undergoing
Which of the following is not a phenotypic method of identification
antibody response
Biochemical tests include all of the following except
presence of oxidase
specimen collection
must utilize aseptic technique
Each of the following are appropriate specimens for bacterial culture except
What sample is not typically collected by sterile needle application
urine and fecal specimens require
both incubation in differential media and incubation in selective media
Phage typing is useful in identifying

Which test is especially good for bacteria that are not readily cultivated in the lab
Direct fluorescence antibody (DFA) testing
Which of the following is involved in the in vitro diagnostic testing of serum
What does a serum titer involve
Determine the highest dilution of serum that produces a visible reaction
A positive serological test for tuberculosis indicates that
The patient has been exposed to tuberculosis
Titer is the amount of
antibody in the serum
Antibody testing requires
A known antigen

What type of test will detect whole antigens
How can syphilis be diagnosed
Rapid plasma reagin test
The integument includes all of the following
skin, hair, nails, sweat glands
Blood vessels are found in the
dermis and subcutaneous layer
Protective features of the skin include
keratinized surface, resident biota, antimicrobial peptides, lysozyme
What material in skin cells provides protection from abrasions, water damage, and microorganism entry
All species of Staphylococus
lack spores, are motile, have capsules, produce coagulase
The enzyme that coagulates plasma is
All Staphylococci can be differentiated from all Streptococci because Staphylococci produce the enzyme_____ that is easily detected in the lab
Which of the following is the most common form of microbe transmission is impetigo
Direct contact
MRSAs are Staphylococcus aureus strains that are
Resistant to penicillin derivatives
Streptococcus pyogenes causes all of the following except
scaled skin syndrome
Which of the following is not true of cellulitis
Lymphangitis may occur