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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the subjects of study of microbiology?

1) viruses,

2) bacteria,

3) algae,

4) fungi,

5) protozoa (single-celled eukaryotes)

What are the 3 Domains of life?

1) Archaea (prokaryotic cells) > {not human pathogens};

2) Bacteria (prokaryotic cells) > {majority of pathogenic microorganisms};

3) Eukarya (eukaryotic cells) > {contain kingdoms: fungi, plants, animals, protists}

Differences between prokaryotes/eukaryotes

1) prokaryotic cells are not compartmentalised, but eukar. cells are.

> prokar. - no nuclear membranes, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, phagosomes, & lysosomes.

2) prokaryotes -> single circular chromosome (nucleoid) & no membrane-bound nucleus.

3) eukar. ribosomes are larger than prokar. (80S vs 70S).

4) bacterial (-> prokar.) membranes - no sterols (e.g. cholesterol)

Does a typical bacterium contain nucleus?

No. It contains a nucleoid - a nuclear region containing a single long (1mm) chromosome, but no nucleus.

What are the types of bacterial cell arrangement?

1) in 1 plane (Diplococci & Chain);

2) in 2 planes (Tetrad);

3) in 3 planes (Cluster).

Why is cell wall important for bacterial cells?

1. it confers structure, rigidity & shape;

2. it protects bacteria from osmotic lysis (bursting of cell because of excess fluid).

Why do many antibiotics target cell wall specifically?

Selective toxicity.

Cell walls are unique to prokaryotes, mammal cells do not synthesize them, and so, are immune to the toxic effect of targeted antibiotics.

What is Peptidoglycan?

It is a polymer which makes up the cell wall of bacteria.

# consists of 2 sugars (NAG & NAM [> unique to bacterial cell walls]) cross-linked by amino acid (peptide) bridges.

# the more peptide cross-linking there is, the more rigid cell wall is.

Gram stain - what is it?

A way to distinguish between the 2 large groups of bacteria with different structures of cell walls.

What is binary fission & the consequences of it?

Binary fission - bacterial cell division where 1 cell splits into 2.

Consequence: no genetic diversity

> it leads to: >

# bacteria cannot adapt to rapid environmental changes,

# antibiotics work

Where is the cromosomal replication initiated in bacteria & where does it start?

# initiated at the membrane,

# starts in the Origin of Replication.

What type of organisms can produce endospores?

only Gram +ve

What are capsules, and what do they allow pathogens to do?

Capsule - a form of bacterial structure. It is often an important determinant of virulence.


# protect a bacterium from drying, trap nutrients;

# enable some bacteria to resist phagocytic engulfment by white blood cells;

# allow to adhere to surfaces (eg. root hairs, teeth) & resist flushing.

>> essential, eg., for Streptococcus mutans/pneumoniae

What are pili & what do they allow bacteria to do?

Pili - protein tubes in the cytoplasmic membrane.


# adhere to glycolipid/glycoprotein receptors on host cells & colonise.

Where are pili found?

# virtually all gram -ve bacteria,

# few gram +ve bacteria.

What are flagella and what is their role in bacteria?

Flagella - bacterial organs of locomotion.

they allow:

# to find source of nutrition;

# to penetrate host mucus.

What is the cell wall structure of gram +ve bacteria?

- Peptidoglycan (outer layer)

- Plasma membrane

What is the cell wall structure of gram -ve bacteria?

- Outer membrane

- Peptidoglycan (layer is thinner than in gram +ve)

- Periplasmic space

- Plasma membrane

Colour of gram -ve stain?


Colour of gram +ve stain?
